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What's your favorite Drink ?

A bramble if I'm in a cocktail bar or a cider if I'm in a pub.

I don't think it's healthy to drink at home so I just take copious amounts of class As instead. With lemonade.
How is having drinks at a bar any different from drinking at home?
Alcohol: Vodka, with fresh lime juice
Non alcohol: Water from our own well, its spring water and so fresh and good natural water.
How is having drinks at a bar any different from drinking at home?
Fundamentally not at all, I mix a mean Bramble, but I don't earn enough to have a drinking problem without drinking at home so it's an effective way of keeping myself in check.
Fundamentally not at all, I mix a mean Bramble, but I don't earn enough to have a drinking problem without drinking at home so it's an effective way of keeping myself in check.
I wish I could drink like a normal person.
I can't and I have cirrhosis of the liver and am allergic to alcohol now.
Yeah drinking at bars, clubs or pubs can get expensive if you want to stay a while and drink a lot. I am probably a lot older than you but when I was in college in the 90's it was dirt cheap drink pitchers of beer. They would also have wings dirt cheap also. They would also have great deals on other bar food and drinks. But I was not good at moderation and it screwed me up. All the competition was great for the customers but led me, or I should say I led myself astray with all those great deals.
I wish I could drink like a normal person.
I can't and I have cirrhosis of the liver and am allergic to alcohol now.
Yeah drinking at bars, clubs or pubs can get expensive if you want to stay a while and drink a lot. I am probably a lot older than you but when I was in college in the 90's it was dirt cheap drink pitchers of beer. They would also have wings dirt cheap also. They would also have great deals on other bar food and drinks. But I was not good at moderation and it screwed me up. All the competition was great for the customers but led me, or I should say I led myself astray with all those great deals.
I am a bit younger than you, probably a decade give or take. Similar pipeline though. I started drinking as often as I could around the end of secondary (high) school. After that instead of college I got into the hospitality industry, mainly hotel bars and events and as you can probably imagine getting wasted during and after the closedown every day was almost part or the job. I hopped between similar gigs for the next decade or so repeating the same routine until the end of my twenties. Eventually I accepted that for over a decade my life had revolved around dragging myself through 16 hour shifts in a job I hated because it was 'social' and slotted in nicely with my pisshead lifestyle. So I stopped, went back to school and did my degree, partially to get me away from the job and partially as a distraction to figure out what to do next. At the same time I got back on my ADHD meds which helped a lot with not feeling like I had to be intoxicated to not be bored all the time. I didn't drink for 3 years after that and more recently I limit it to when I'm visiting friends out of town a few times a year (because my friends still all drink like fish!). I'm not sure drinking like a normal person is anything to write home about anyway. Society has a weird relationship with alcohol (especially in the UK, I think) and there are much better ways to get fucked up without the hangover.

Like class-As and lemonade ;)

Thanks for sharing your story.
What is a class A? I am an American.
Also it is great to hear that you moved on, and got a degree and weren't an alcoholic and got your life together and did something with it.
What is a class A?
Schedule 1 equivalent. Most controlled drugs are categorised from class A to C.

From Wikipedia:
The Act sets out four separate categories: Class A, Class B, Class C and temporary class drugs. Substances may be removed and added to different parts of the schedule by statutory instrument, provided a report of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has been commissioned and has reached a conclusion, although the Secretary of State is not bound by the council's findings. Class A includes cocaine, heroin, morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, MDMA ("ecstasy"), methamphetamine, LSD, DMT, mescaline extract,[a] and psilocybin (magic mushrooms). Class B includes cannabis, ketamine, amphetamine, codeine, methcathinone, barbiturates, mephedrone, methaqualone and methylphenidate. Any class B drug that is prepared for injections becomes a class A substance. Class C includes benzodiazepines, pregabalin, and most other non-barbiturate tranquillisers; GHB; tramadol; cathinone; and anabolic steroids. All other psychoactive drugs except alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco (or other nicotine preparations) are controlled under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 and Medicines Act 1968.
That bit at the bottom means that anything psychoactive that isn't explicitly granted an excemption is treated as a class-B drug by default. Killed the RC market overnight.
got your life together and did something with it.
Nah I just don't drink is all 😂
Any mix with rum and cola or rum and fruit. So, from plain rum cola to Cuba Libre, Mojito and the various batidas, my favourites being lime, coconut or passion fruit. In Germany a popular summer drink is (or used to be) Batida de Coco mixed half & half with pure cherry juice, on ice. Delicious.

Apart from that I like my beer rather too much. Generally go for the xtra strong Carlsberg. If we're talking genuinely drinking beer for the taste and not the alc %, I absolutely love Berliner Weisse. It's a lactic beer, which gives it a slightly sour, almost citrussy taste, and is super refreshing in hot weather. It's very low in alcohol, only about 2.5 - 3 % but like I said that's not the point of drinking this. It's either served straight or, traditionally, with a shot of either woodruff or raspberry flavoured syrup. My favourite is to have it with woodruff. I also enjoy sipping on a nice copper or dark ale. And in winter I make myself some mulled wine now and again.

PS honourable mention to absinthe.
Natural Ice or Milwaukee's worst ice( only the best cheap piss water for me).
I can't drink anymore, but Steel Reserve malt liquor 8.1% was my favorite 40. At bars Budweiser, the king of mid priced American pilsner style beers. Clean, crisp, refreshing and beechwood aged.
Beer or whisky depending on the time of day, usually beer in the day and whisky at night….
Almost always beer of some type (Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is my go-to, though I really got into Guinness recently.)
But for hard liquor I like gin and tonic, cosmopolitans, a good fresh piña colada. I recently had a drink in Chinatown called a Chinese Mai-Tai: really good!
whiskey,vodka.....wine-white preffer......wish i could be an alcoholic man....legal.....cheap even for me......25 years with hepC.......no chance even to be a regulary drunkard anymore......liver hurts
Non alcoholic mango juice. I don't drink soft drinks only juice almond milk and water