What's your favorite cycle ?


Jul 29, 2009
Let's do it two ways:

1) Bulk

2) Cut

* mine would be almost identical since it's diet and we know that - that being said, running drol pre contest while it's been done, is not something I've heard a lot of *
BULK: Test/EQ/Tren/Dbol

CUT: Test/Tren/Mast/Deca

Yeah...I like tren. :)

I have the gun, straight fina pellets morning / lunch / dinner bro ;)

btw your bulk is my next cycle minus dbol + winstrol or finish up the var I have. I love winstrol, don't like feeling 90 years old.
I've been in a bit of a rut lately
Tren, winny, and test= My Fave combo for sure
Sometimes, I'll throw EQ in place of winstrol.
Sometimes I'll throw d-bol in there for a short while.
Although I'm one of those weirdos that uses d-bol as part of my PCT
Although I'm one of those weirdos that uses d-bol as part of my PCT

Not wise as it's a widely known fact that Dianabol significantly impacts HPTA.


1: Contraception. 1977 Feb;15(2):151-62.

Effects of an anabolic steroid (metandienone) (aka: Dianabol) on spermatogenesis.

Holma PK.

PIP: The effect of the oral administration of metandienone (15 mg/day), an anabolic steroid, on spermatogenesis was studied in 15 male athletes. The sperm density per ml decreased 46% after 1 month of use and 73% after 2 months: the latter value being highly pathologic. 3 subjects became azoospermic, 1 of whom had only 1 million sperms/ml. The percentage of motile sperms decreased to about 30% after 2 months of use. The percentage of normally configured sperms decreased from 73 to 65% after 1 month and to 42% after 2 months.

There was about a 100% increase in the percentage of sperms with amorphous heads after 2 months of use. There were also marked increases in the frequency of other sperm abnormalities. After 2 months of use, semen acid phosphatase activity was markedly reduced, while semen fructose concentrations were markedly changed after 1 month. The observed changes were reversed after discontinuation of use.

PMID: 837689 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Studies and empirical evidence have shown Dianabol to be beneficial to keep Cortisol in check and provide some intermediate relief from the symptoms of low testosterone via an increase of dopamine, IGF-1, and Central Nervous System stimulation. The heightened dopamine will combat Prolactin and help raise the levels of endogenous Human Growth Hormone. Other studies point to a lack of LH suppression when taken first thing in the morning. It shall be noted that only a low dose upon rising is recommended in order to avoid further disruption of the HPTA
Week 1-6: 10mg dbol am, ed
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keep it on point if we can guys, sorry to be selfish but I'll make a PCT thread (legit) - I want to hear what you guys like to run... surprised that no1 has mentioned HGH / slin yet.
Sorry Art of war
Maybe I can get this moved to your PCT thread.
Thanks for making one for me brother.
surprised that no1 has mentioned HGH / slin yet.

HGH/slin isn't really an AAS combo (cut/bulk program for me), IMHO. Yes, insulin is highly anabolic and I run both HGH and slin together year round (breaks w/slin) along with some IGF-1. Always in conjunction with test when on cycle, with T3 when off cycle. So I use it during both bulking and cutting.

^ yer, I guess I would've take a double if somebody said there favorite cycle is SARMs ... point learned brother ;) lol. Got a T3 / DNP question - check your PM if you can vic.
I admit it//I'm terrified of slin and dnp...and not a whole lot scares me in this game
Don't really have knowledge of AAS, but do steriods help with cutting?? Along with a solid diet of course, but would using any of the above combos mentioned help with dropping to single digit bodyfat, a lot faster then just diet+execise?? Any help would be much appreciated.
^If you know what you are doing and your body is ready for it, yes, it's very possible to hit single bf% digits using AAS along with a few other things. For novice users, a test only cycle is usually the best path to follow.

ime tren has direct fat burning/metabolism raising abilities. i can lose bodyfat while eating over maintenece cals on tren. other than that, its all about diet