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what's with doctors and fucking with your meds for no reason?


Apr 29, 2018
I've had a very stressful few weeks so apologies in advance for the rant.
so 4 months ago my doctor decided my anti-depressant (which has worked perfectly for the last nine years) needs "a change-up" and switches me from sertraline to amitriptyline. I beg him not to. He ignores me. 2 weeks later and I'm crying in bed cutting my limbs and contemplating whether to hang myself. I haven't washed or changed clothes in 12 days. I cannot remember what sleep is or when I last ate. I wash down a bottle of ativan with a bottle of vodka.
I wake up in the ICU where they put me back on sertraline and within a week I am back to my normal self. You'd think this would teach them to leave well enough alone, right? Nope.
Next my neurologist wants me to take Keppra instead of Phenobarbital. Now while on phenobarbital I have had ZERO seizures and am not having any side effects. I ask him why and he tells me: "we prefer to try other meds before prescribing phenobarbital". I tell him I've been on it 13 months and it works like a dream. He insists anyway. I tell him the horror story about my anti-depressants. He promises me nothing like that will happen this time.
So I switch to Keppra. I have 5 seizures over the next three days. The fifth seizure I actually had while in the emergency room. It lasted over 6 minutes and they had to put me into a medically induced coma (ironically, with phenobarbital) to make it stop. I broke 4 ribs, fractured my orbital socket, dislocated my shoulder and fractured my spine because it was so violent. The specialist tells me if I had not already been in a hospital when the seizure struck I would have died.
I tell them about how my seizure meds had been changed (pointing out that the med I wanted to be back on was also what they had had to give me anyway, to save me life no less).
They say okay, we'll try you on this new med, Lamotrigine. I may have flipped out a little (can you blame me?). They inform me that "throwing a tantrum" will not change their minds and that they know what is best.
So I'm a good little boy and take the lamotrigine. I've been on it 6 weeks now and have experienced sweating, vomiting, migraines, tachycardia and anxiety and seem to have developed an essential tremor. Last week it got so bad I HAD to stop taking it. I've spent all week in and out of hospitals and doctors offices trying to get a) the Phenobarbital reinstated or b) a new med prescribed. I'M STILL WAITING.
So now I'm left to risk fitting with no medication. I don't have typical epilepsy, this is caused by brain damage and every seizure is status epilepticus so I am at a very high risk of severe hypoxia or death.

Sorry, I'm just so stressed and angry, I had to get that off my chest.

I mean, am I being unreasonable in thinking the way I've been treat is terrible?
Yeah that sounds crazy! A similar thing happened to me.. I was put on Mirtazapine for clinical depression 3 years ago and over the past 3 months my depression has returned but with psychotic features so they immediately removed the Mirtazapine and put me on Quetiapine which is an antipsychotic. I mean the Quetiapine works great but they should of tapered me off the Mirtazapine cos I was on it for 3 years. It could of been a lot worse if Mirtazapine had a bad withdrawal profile, but it doesnt so I guess im lucky. U ok now? I think the real reason they want u off the Pheno is because its a barbiturate and they're rarely prescribed these days cos of benzos. But if it keeps you stable then they should keep u on it. In your case the benefits certainly out weigh the risks of taking barbiturates.
Sounds like you've had a truly awful time ☹Sadly, what you're experiencing isn't as unusual as you might think. In my experience the problem is typically caused by a combination of largely unchallenged dogma coming up against changes to prescribing guidelines and then clashing through the auspices of multiple different prescribers all with their own take on how to treat things. It becomes even more challenging when the mediocrity of some of those doctors goes hand-in-hand with the Dunning-Kruger effect and an overdeveloped ego, making them extremely resistant to anyone else's views or, oftentimes, basic common sense.
I've had a very stressful few weeks so apologies in advance for the rant.
so 4 months ago my doctor decided my anti-depressant (which has worked perfectly for the last nine years) needs "a change-up" and switches me from sertraline to amitriptyline. I beg him not to. He ignores me. 2 weeks later and I'm crying in bed cutting my limbs and contemplating whether to hang myself. I haven't washed or changed clothes in 12 days. I cannot remember what sleep is or when I last ate. I wash down a bottle of ativan with a bottle of vodka.
I wake up in the ICU where they put me back on sertraline and within a week I am back to my normal self. You'd think this would teach them to leave well enough alone, right? Nope.
Next my neurologist wants me to take Keppra instead of Phenobarbital. Now while on phenobarbital I have had ZERO seizures and am not having any side effects. I ask him why and he tells me: "we prefer to try other meds before prescribing phenobarbital". I tell him I've been on it 13 months and it works like a dream. He insists anyway. I tell him the horror story about my anti-depressants. He promises me nothing like that will happen this time.
So I switch to Keppra. I have 5 seizures over the next three days. The fifth seizure I actually had while in the emergency room. It lasted over 6 minutes and they had to put me into a medically induced coma (ironically, with phenobarbital) to make it stop. I broke 4 ribs, fractured my orbital socket, dislocated my shoulder and fractured my spine because it was so violent. The specialist tells me if I had not already been in a hospital when the seizure struck I would have died.
I tell them about how my seizure meds had been changed (pointing out that the med I wanted to be back on was also what they had had to give me anyway, to save me life no less).
They say okay, we'll try you on this new med, Lamotrigine. I may have flipped out a little (can you blame me?). They inform me that "throwing a tantrum" will not change their minds and that they know what is best.
So I'm a good little boy and take the lamotrigine. I've been on it 6 weeks now and have experienced sweating, vomiting, migraines, tachycardia and anxiety and seem to have developed an essential tremor. Last week it got so bad I HAD to stop taking it. I've spent all week in and out of hospitals and doctors offices trying to get a) the Phenobarbital reinstated or b) a new med prescribed. I'M STILL WAITING.
So now I'm left to risk fitting with no medication. I don't have typical epilepsy, this is caused by brain damage and every seizure is status epilepticus so I am at a very high risk of severe hypoxia or death.

Sorry, I'm just so stressed and angry, I had to get that off my chest.

I mean, am I being unreasonable in thinking the way I've been treat is terrible?
I would word my query carefully and get a secone opinion if i was you mate dont worry im sure it will sort out as long as your persistant atleast you got some oxys to chill with
I've had a very stressful few weeks so apologies in advance for the rant.
so 4 months ago my doctor decided my anti-depressant (which has worked perfectly for the last nine years) needs "a change-up" and switches me from sertraline to amitriptyline. I beg him not to. He ignores me. 2 weeks later and I'm crying in bed cutting my limbs and contemplating whether to hang myself. I haven't washed or changed clothes in 12 days. I cannot remember what sleep is or when I last ate. I wash down a bottle of ativan with a bottle of vodka.
I wake up in the ICU where they put me back on sertraline and within a week I am back to my normal self. You'd think this would teach them to leave well enough alone, right? Nope.
Next my neurologist wants me to take Keppra instead of Phenobarbital. Now while on phenobarbital I have had ZERO seizures and am not having any side effects. I ask him why and he tells me: "we prefer to try other meds before prescribing phenobarbital". I tell him I've been on it 13 months and it works like a dream. He insists anyway. I tell him the horror story about my anti-depressants. He promises me nothing like that will happen this time.
So I switch to Keppra. I have 5 seizures over the next three days. The fifth seizure I actually had while in the emergency room. It lasted over 6 minutes and they had to put me into a medically induced coma (ironically, with phenobarbital) to make it stop. I broke 4 ribs, fractured my orbital socket, dislocated my shoulder and fractured my spine because it was so violent. The specialist tells me if I had not already been in a hospital when the seizure struck I would have died.
I tell them about how my seizure meds had been changed (pointing out that the med I wanted to be back on was also what they had had to give me anyway, to save me life no less).
They say okay, we'll try you on this new med, Lamotrigine. I may have flipped out a little (can you blame me?). They inform me that "throwing a tantrum" will not change their minds and that they know what is best.
So I'm a good little boy and take the lamotrigine. I've been on it 6 weeks now and have experienced sweating, vomiting, migraines, tachycardia and anxiety and seem to have developed an essential tremor. Last week it got so bad I HAD to stop taking it. I've spent all week in and out of hospitals and doctors offices trying to get a) the Phenobarbital reinstated or b) a new med prescribed. I'M STILL WAITING.
So now I'm left to risk fitting with no medication. I don't have typical epilepsy, this is caused by brain damage and every seizure is status epilepticus so I am at a very high risk of severe hypoxia or death.

Sorry, I'm just so stressed and angry, I had to get that off my chest.

I mean, am I being unreasonable in thinking the way I've been treat is terrible?
think about it this way unless your at the hospital or doctors theirs nothint you can do so no point letting it worry you and sap your vibe bro all you can do is go in with the right attitutude and i guarantee you will find the help/medication your looking for
Thanks for the replies, you guys :)
I'm feeling better now but just because I managed to get my hands on some oxy. Still worried about a seizure, though.
I tried asking nicely several times and it didn't work. In the end I just told the doctor that if anything happens to my because of this "I will sue. I will not sue the NHS, I will not sue this hospital, I will sue YOU".
My dads going to make me an appointment with a private doctor on Monday to get a genuine second opinion, so fingers crossed for that!
Thanks for the replies, you guys :)
I'm feeling better now but just because I managed to get my hands on some oxy. Still worried about a seizure, though.
I tried asking nicely several times and it didn't work. In the end I just told the doctor that if anything happens to my because of this "I will sue. I will not sue the NHS, I will not sue this hospital, I will sue YOU".
My dads going to make me an appointment with a private doctor on Monday to get a genuine second opinion, so fingers crossed for that!

How many oxys did they give u? And are they effective for u?
Yeah that sounds crazy! A similar thing happened to me.. I was put on Mirtazapine for clinical depression 3 years ago and over the past 3 months my depression has returned but with psychotic features so they immediately removed the Mirtazapine and put me on Quetiapine which is an antipsychotic. I mean the Quetiapine works great but they should of tapered me off the Mirtazapine cos I was on it for 3 years. It could of been a lot worse if Mirtazapine had a bad withdrawal profile, but it doesnt so I guess im lucky. U ok now? I think the real reason they want u off the Pheno is because its a barbiturate and they're rarely prescribed these days cos of benzos. But if it keeps you stable then they should keep u on it. In your case the benefits certainly out weigh the risks of taking barbiturates.
Dont you find quientipin i probs fuckdd the spelling to knock you the fuck out tho???? Idk i took 1 200mg one n the nxt day i was fucking slurring lol
Thanks for the replies, you guys :)
I'm feeling better now but just because I managed to get my hands on some oxy. Still worried about a seizure, though.
I tried asking nicely several times and it didn't work. In the end I just told the doctor that if anything happens to my because of this "I will sue. I will not sue the NHS, I will not sue this hospital, I will sue YOU".
My dads going to make me an appointment with a private doctor on Monday to get a genuine second opinion, so fingers crossed for that!

Benzos can be effective for avoiding seizures。look into that
Thanks for the replies, you guys :)
I'm feeling better now but just because I managed to get my hands on some oxy. Still worried about a seizure, though.
I tried asking nicely several times and it didn't work. In the end I just told the doctor that if anything happens to my because of this "I will sue. I will not sue the NHS, I will not sue this hospital, I will sue YOU".
My dads going to make me an appointment with a private doctor on Monday to get a genuine second opinion, so fingers crossed for that!
sorry cant underatand i keep nodding out of conciousness
Benzos can be effective for avoiding seizures。look into that

They refuse to prescribe benzo's here because they are "too addictive". If I have to be hospitalized after a seizure or seizures they'll give me lorazepam while I'm in there but that's about it.
Dont you find quientipin i probs fuckdd the spelling to knock you the fuck out tho???? Idk i took 1 200mg one n the nxt day i was fucking slurring lol

Yeah its sedating, I take it at bedtime. In the UK its very unlikely they will prescribe a benzo
Yeah its sedating, I take it at bedtime. In the UK its very unlikely they will prescribe a benzo
Sedating?! Mind if i ask what mg you take? Cause man i can eat 300-400 mg of morphine and i WILL NOT touch quints ever again lol that bad for me
Whooo just 'closed my eyes' for 10 mins now im feeling it a lot!
No, no. I got the oxy's off my Uncle (he has kidney stokes). They would have zero effect on seizures, though.

Be careful with the Oxy's if ur not used to opioids. Plus they're extremely addictive.

I'm prescribed Oxycodone for my Neuropathy, and if I run out the withdrawals are hellish!!
Sedating?! Mind if i ask what mg you take? Cause man i can eat 300-400 mg of morphine and i WILL NOT touch quints ever again lol that bad for me
id you want sedation gst promethazine if you want to get rid of excess sides certizine is all you need ;)
id you want sedation gst promethazine if you want to get rid of excess sides certizine is all you need ;)

Ah nah im a poly drug user/ heavy coke user etc etc, my doc takes very fucking good care of me and im so lucky to have one like him, if i lose him i just dont know

And this is despite what he knows i do, but im 125% honest an he knows that