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What's The Longest Drug Binge You've Been On?

4 months. From September 2011 to January 2012, I blew through $50,000. 250 grams of K, 20mg Klonopin a day, Xanax mini binges, 4 ounces of coke, 2 ounces of mephedrone, an ounce of MDMA, 10 sheets of acid, many sleeves of dope, hotel parties, raves, loft parties... All a huge fucking waste. But I can't deny I had a blast. Until the money and drugs ran out. Then came the withdrawals, regret, depression, suicidal thoughts... a living hell. I've had similar binges over the last decade, but not as severe. Drugs r bad, mmmkay?
about 3 years of pretty much daily heroin usage. but that's for dependence, I don't consider it a binge.

10 days or so of various stims and psychedelics (bad combination: psychosis+hallucinogens don't mix well).
1 month of kratom followed by 2 months of mxe;
3-6 doses a day, all roa, 30-60mg each

Minor withdrawal after...too easy
Longest Meth Binge: 9 months daily usage.
Longest Marijuana Binge: 10 years daily usage (with a couple days breaks once or twice a year. The breaks are getting more frequent and longer lasting..)
Opiates: In nine years I've managed to go 5 weeks tops w/o
about a year of daily crystal or base

at least 5 years of daily bongs

im slowly growing up
Last year I had a pretty damn good weed binge for about six months, maybe more. All day, every day, non-stop. Every hour or two I'd be blazing. Occasionally I'll binge on a variety of things for a few days up to a week, but living with family makes hiding stuff tough.
not sure what were gonna define a binge as

but the OP just said longest time you've continuosly been fucked up on drugs

so if a daily opiate addiction counts then id say ~4-5years + a few more years of daily MJ n benzo abuse n were counting things like that

if were talkin like no sleep constantly 'high' id say 2-3 days max

but if you're gonna count using benzos to get 2-3 hours of crappy comedown "sleep" (if you'd even call it sleep), then id say about 4-5days
I had a string of about 4 years of always being on something. As far as serious drug binges go I would have to go with 2 months of daily mephedrone use follows closely by 4 1/2 months of constant MDPV use with a good amount of phenazepam sprinkled in. Still paying the price on that shit 2 years later.
9 months of daily crystal meth use, peppered with marijuana and ecstasy.

Not sure if it counts, but 9 years on Opiates, longest break being 5 weeks, longest run w/o discontinuation being just under 3 years.

I'd stake my life on the fact that the first binge did more damage to my body than the 9 year opiate binge. Something to think about.
96 hours with only 3 hours of sleep, went through .2g mdma, .3g 6-mapb, 1.5g amt, .2g bk-2c-b, .1g 4-ho-mipt, booze, etizolam

edit : not counting daily weed smoking for 7+ years and daily drinking for months at a time
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Depends what you consider a binge, technically I've been on some sort of drug daily for almost the past decade lol. As far as what I would consider a legit binge, longest I've gone was on a 3 day psychedelic and empathogen binge, with disgustingly high doses. I used to pull 48 hour binges regularly, shit caught up to me real quick though... I developed mild valvular issues as a result of this type of shit.
consumed 105mg D-MPH, 270mg MPH, 12.5mg Alprazolam and 48 10.4 proof beers on a within 5 days.

closest i ever came to death or i just took too much cuz i had no tolerance to any of them. My doses were consistent during each day with the MPH and alprazolam but i went over board with the D-MPH in the nights... a lotta stroke symptoms One day I stayed up for 23 hrs on MPH and crashed for 8.

I still get heavyness in my left arm and chest pains from time to time.
Without sleeping i don't think i've gone past a day (maybe 2), i need my sleep haha.
If we're talking about getting high on the same drug for multiple days in a row:
- Cannabis: 3 years of daily use (multiple times a day), with a few breaks while traveling mostly, the last and longer one was just under a month.
- Kratom: around 2 weeks of daily use
- Alcohol: 5 days of binge drinking (with some sleep but drinking non stop all day)
- Tobacco: not a heavy smoker but probably smoked for about a month+ everyday at most.

So yeah i don't really binge, with stimulants i normally do 2-3 doses during the day or at night then chill and go to sleep.
I think my 11 day binge/breakdown was plastered over this board enough. Details are there if anyone fancies watching my descent post by post.
15+ years abusing opiates and 7 years on Methadone.
I am sober now, still having withdraws though..8(