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Whats the funniest thing you've ever heard ppl say is in MDMA pills (or molly)


May 23, 2013
Some random girl last night I ran into started talking about how she went to a music fest and did molly that contained

and LSD

LOL, I've heard similar things before about pills with heroin in them etc. But this one took the cake, what are some of the most absurd ones you've heard come out of ppls mouth?
There's the classic one that Ecstasy is a combination of every illegal drug in a cocktail pill... I cringe whenever I read that.

Two people have told me that, and I quote individually for them, 'I smash like 3-4 grams of mandy in a night'... I'm sitting there like 'Great, you're really cool, I only take 200mg'

I've had people straight out argue with me that MDMA, Molly & Ecstasy are different drugs. I try to carefully explain that ecstasy and molly should be MDMA, but often it isn't, but anything that isn't MDMA shouldn't be called Ecstasy/molly. But of course, they're persistent with their ignorance and I'm wrong.

People have told me that I should always look for brown MDMA, because it's the best quality. I always die a little inside when I hear that.

Ooohhh, a good one from a dealer. Context: I brought a 'street gram' of mandy from him, and it only weighed 630mg. So I told him and he said next time he'll give me 1.1g's to compensate. So, the next time I buy stuff from him, it weighs up as 1 gram, but tests to be methylone on the marquis. So I tell him, and he looks up methylone, and claims that it's the same thing because it's called bk-MDMA... So fastforward like a month or so, and he spots me at a bar. He grabs my attention and tells me he's got a new batch of mandy which is '10x more potent than normal stuff'. Needless to say I declined his spectacular offer of super potent MDMA, despite the fact that I could've got the usual MDMA effects from 10-12mg of his product - obviously.

Those are the best I can think of right now.
The "based" comments come to mind. Its really fuckin hilarious. "I heard that was a meth based pill"

Like, wtf? BASED? LOL. Your pill should be mdma and mdma only.
i once had a methylone (molly) dealer think all along he was really rolling. I gave him a real pill for free one day and he was shocked to learn what rolling really was. he couldn't believe that he had been fooled by methylone for years thinking that that was mdma
Rat poison (because it amplifies the high)
Glass shards mixed with MDMA crystals *sigh*
Anti-depressants & speed mixed to emulate MDMA (actually saw someone make pills like this once because he heard it was possible and wanted to try to sell them as MDMA)

Cocaine: Strangely enough I really encountered this at one time, a pill adulturated with cocaine. A mate of mine took some pills for his birthday and was stopped by police the next day. Not only did he test positive for amphetamines/MDMA, but for cocaine also while he doesn't do blow and the last time he was around it was months before that. Very strange that one, because cocaine is so much more expensive than MDMA, so why adulterate a pill with it?

And ofcourse the same old people that claim ecstasy (name commonly used for pill-form MDMA over here) and Emma (name for crystal-form MDMA over here, I know that's a name for MDA normally but whatever) are two different drugs and that I am ignorant for not noticing the difference in effects. MDMA is ofcourse more speedy, shorter lasting, less loved-up and more addictive than ecstasy. Ecstasy is a different drug but from the same family and it is the real love-drug, having wildly different effects than MDMA. I had my roll ruined once because some fuckwit wouldn't let this go. I usually have pill-form MDMA as those are much much less dirty than crystal-form over here. But that one night I had some very good crystals and he kept blabbering on the entire night about how I should feel different this time when compared to last time (when I took pill-form) and that I was stupid for not noticing this
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It's amazing how many people think that E pills are cut with H and coke lol. Then I gotta explain to them that its not economically feasible to cut MDxx with something that cost as much as H and coke.

Lol iv also heard the one that E pills are a concoction of every drug mixed together lol. I have to admit though sometimes MDxx does kinda make me feel like I'm on multiple different drugs.
It's amazing how many people think that E pills are cut with H and coke lol. Then I gotta explain to them that its not economically feasible to cut MDxx with something that cost as much as H and coke.

Lol iv also heard the one that E pills are a concoction of every drug mixed together lol. I have to admit though sometimes MDxx does kinda make me feel like I'm on multiple different drugs.

H is indeed bullshit (only 2 known pills with H in them on ecstasydata I believe), but for some reason I have come across pills adulturated with coke as I mentioned above. And if you look on ecstasydate there are quite a bit of pills that contained cocaine in the system...
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MDMA enthusiasts seem to be the least intelligent of all the "types" of drug users, hence all these asinine stories.

I've heard people talk about heroin pills and how they're usually red because heroin is red (that made me lul) and cocaine pills being more common than shitty amp pills. I've heard people say that specks make the pill better, if its crumbly then its better (generally the opposite...) and all sorts of stupidity about what makes one pill better than another.

Brown MDMA is definitely not better, but its not a sign its bad either. I've had extremely good MDMA and MDA that was brown.
Brown MDMA is definitely not better, but its not a sign its bad either. I've had extremely good MDMA and MDA that was brown

I'm sure you have. I've had good MDMA in every colour. In fact, it rarely makes a difference. MDMA is MDMA.
It's amazing how many people think that E pills are cut with H and coke lol. Then I gotta explain to them that its not economically feasible to cut MDxx with something that cost as much as H and coke.

Yet sadly true :/

Green Ladies - with added 'Coke'

Circles - with added Heroin

I've modded Pillreports for a few years now and heard pretty much every combination you can think of - Funniest... Alien 'dust' from Area 51 or something :D (story behind the tablets was so random - found on a boat etc [If I could find the report I would post it as I couldn't make it up if I tried])

Glass is a classic - (it cuts your throat and stomach meaning the MDMA will work better 8()

Rat poison - (makes your blood thinner meaning the MDMA will work better 8()

Mescaline (because we all know what 10mg of mescaline will do 8()

Mods If I may add a Scariest mix to the thread then this fucker! If this may turn into a lets make a scarier one thread - please remove :)
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"a friend took E for the first time and she said that it felt like drinking 3 red bulls"

me: .....
Rat poison (because it amplifies the high)
Glass shards mixed with MDMA crystals *sigh*

I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but consider - I have no reason to lie, I rarely even post in nearly 10 years of being a member here.

I once crushed up a pill, had a really crappy press; crumbly and shitty looking design. It honestly had bits of broken glass in it. I have no idea what the truth of the origins were, but my best guess is that myth finally became self-fulfilling. Some idiot pressing pills in their garage heard from a mate that a bit of glass would help MDMA absorption. Who fucking knows. But I swear, I crush a pill that contained broken glass.

I've also had some asshole sell me crushed glass as meth, I mean seriously - imagine being completely fucked already and not noticing and snorting that shit.. If you're going to rip someone off, surely you don't have to try and harm them as well, already got their fucking money.
Mods If I may add a Scariest mix to the thread then this fucker! If this may turn into a lets make a scarier one thread - please remove :)

I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but consider - I have no reason to lie, I rarely even post in nearly 10 years of being a member here.

I once crushed up a pill, had a really crappy press; crumbly and shitty looking design. It honestly had bits of broken glass in it. I have no idea what the truth of the origins were, but my best guess is that myth finally became self-fulfilling. Some idiot pressing pills in their garage heard from a mate that a bit of glass would help MDMA absorption. Who fucking knows. But I swear, I crush a pill that contained broken glass.

I've also had some asshole sell me crushed glass as meth, I mean seriously - imagine being completely fucked already and not noticing and snorting that shit.. If you're going to rip someone off, surely you don't have to try and harm them as well, already got their fucking money.
Why would you be flamed? That's really fucked up. What kind of sick person would do such a thing 8o indeed if you are going to rip someone off because you are an arsehole, do it with inactive harmless fillers you know... Luckily I don't run into stuff like that over here...
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