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Opioids What's the best way to take a pressed fentanyl pill if i don't wanna inject it?


Mar 22, 2020
They're supposedly 30mg/mcg. How would that compare in strength to oxy or morphine? A grasp of the equivalency would be helpful. I've worn fentanyl and eaten patches before, but i'm new to the pressed pills. Also, I know wearing a patch means the effects will last a few days. Are the pills much shorter-lived than wearing a patch?
They're supposedly 30mg/mcg. How would that compare in strength to oxy or morphine? A grasp of the equivalency would be helpful. I've worn fentanyl and eaten patches before, but i'm new to the pressed pills. Also, I know wearing a patch means the effects will last a few days. Are the pills much shorter-lived than wearing a patch?
yes, they can be smoked and insufflated, i did alot , some pills were mild, then one from same batch i OD`d on, the strength was nothing euphoria wise, but yeah big time dirt nap potential for me, oxy was decent and morphine made me vomit in hospital and not very strong, fent sucks!, please be careful, but there is no careful with me and fent, and it seemed to last just hours, and WD potential quickly, but im sure you know all this
It is absolutely not 30mcg of fentanyl. I think they average somewhere in the 1.2-1.6mg territory of fentanyl equivalent (they often contain a variety of fentanyl analogs), so that is 1,200- 1,600mcg.

So that is maybe 100mg of morphine. Some samples have contained over 10mg of fentanyl which would be instant overdose for many.
And the pills are much shorter acting. Some of the analogs are longer lasting than fentanyl proper.

The quality control is bad so hot spots occur and can be fatal. Safest way to consume them is by smoking. Or dissolve in propylene glycol and administer volumetrically.

I've never had pressed fentanyl pills. But ive shot many fentanyl patches back when it was the only drug that would pierce the veil of all the methadone i was on. I would inject an entire 100mcg/hr patch in a big shot 3cc shot, for around 16.8mg of fentanyl (though i probably only wound up getting 15mg of fentanyl into my system). I stuck one of these used patches i had IVed on a guitar as a sticker of sorts and years later I licked the back (no tolerance) and my eyes were pinned from the residue.

Anyway becareful, not sure I'd be alive now if dirty 30s were prevalent a decade ago
I snort them. I don't know what you're tolerance is like but start low. Like 1/4th pill.

I had a buddy that was falling down high from snorting a half of one. (I usually do a half at a time, but my tolerance should be really low since I never use more than one session per month.
They're supposedly 30mg/mcg. How would that compare in strength to oxy or morphine? A grasp of the equivalency would be helpful. I've worn fentanyl and eaten patches before, but i'm new to the pressed pills. Also, I know wearing a patch means the effects will last a few days. Are the pills much shorter-lived than wearing a patch?
The best way to take it is DONT. I worry about current opiate users SO much! I’m a former oxy then heroin IV user, opiate free for going on 4 years. I had a fent overdose. I know everything today has fent in it & that scares me for everyone still using opies.
If you MUST take it and I agree with SoCal ftr.....I guess my answer would be with somebody you trust alot who has narcan and a needle and your safety in mind. Probably snort it. Fent injections are cold and almost rushless anyway. (ok im talkin it down a small bit) like SoCal I was I user, prolly for about 10 years who cares...quit relapsed once and fount out all the dope is cut with fet by OD'ing. ON $5 WORTH STREET VALUE, WHILE ON A 1/2 SUB THAT DAY. so I made that my peaceful passing kit as the world is umm doing great.
These pills are extremely dangerous. The average dose in them (1.2 to 1.6mg as described above) is nearly in the lethal overdose range for non-tolerant users (and could be lethal for some nontolerant users). That's just one pill. Also as mentioned, they are not consistently dosed at all and some have been found to be many times the lethal overdose range (again, in a single pill). And that's when eaten.

I would eat it if you must take it at all. It will last longer that way, and peak plasma will be reached in a longer time which reduces the risk of withdrawal. That said, a single dose of fentanyl (unlike the patch which gives you constant doses for 3 days) is very short, even eaten. Quite a bit shorter than oxy.

Actually, scratch that. If you eat the whole thing you might just overdose. if you snort little bits of it, or smoke little bits of it, you can titrate your dose more effectively, since you will come up quickly and you can then judge if you need more. Start with a small bit crushed from the pill and work your way up. Consider that each individual pill might be very different in strength.

Fentanyl is so dangerous, largely because of how inaccurately it's dosed. There are hot spots even within individual pills/bags, from being unevenly mixed. Pharmaceutical pills are made professionally and you ca be sure they are evenly dosed due to the presence of effective binders, but black market fentanyl has no such guarantee. If you could be sure of just how much you were taking, we'd have a LOT less overdose deaths.
If you MUST take it and I agree with SoCal ftr.....I guess my answer would be with somebody you trust alot who has narcan and a needle and your safety in mind. Probably snort it. Fent injections are cold and almost rushless anyway. (ok im talkin it down a small bit) like SoCal I was I user, prolly for about 10 years who cares...quit relapsed once and fount out all the dope is cut with fet by OD'ing. ON $5 WORTH STREET VALUE, WHILE ON A 1/2 SUB THAT DAY. so I made that my peaceful passing kit as the world is umm doing great.

Sounds like we have pretty similar history. Im 29, I was an IV heroin user from 18 to about 25. I was on methadone & 3 years clean when I got into a car crash where I almost died. Broke my entire back & had to have spinal reconstruction surgery. I was given zero pain meds when released from hospital. My doctors were horrible. I was in so much pain that I ended up seeking out opiates again. All I could find was fent. I’d never done it before. This was also my first & only relapse. As a heavy IV user in the past I thought I’d be completely fine just chasing the dragon. I literally chased 2 little trails off the foil & OD’d within no more than like 20 mins after smoking. Thank god the person I was with had narcan!! They had to administer 2 doses of the nasal spray & one final dose of the injectable narcan. It scared me enough not to ever relapse again, and I’ve also been off methadone successfully for 9 months now. The shame of having a relapse after being clean for so long kept me from relapsing again too. Not sure if the methadone I was on added to the risk when I OD’d, probably did. But I definitely wish more people were educated on just how fucking strong this shit is. Fent is a different animal for sure.
I feel like if we ever want real H again we better make that statement clear to the cartels.
That will never happen because you don't have to grow poppies to make Fentanyl of course, hence, it is ridiculously cheap and easy to make and transport. And in the end, the drug trade is all about the money. Kind of like Meth has overtaken Cocaine in terms of the global stimulant market, so the world is awash in Meth, as it is in Fentanyl. Much to the chagrin of many people, Heroin will never return as it once once. And of course, we all know that many opiate addicts would much rather use Fentanyl than use nothing at all, which is what you are seeing whether the people using it know they are or not. And again...if someone has an opiate habit, they will take Fentanyl whether they like it or not in order to avoid withdrawals. Sad but true.
I understand the logic and economics. It was more of an if only everyone using tested for fet and just never went back to that spot if it was positive. I get it, that is not the way things are trending or going at all; no new info there. Just saying if everyone could keep there head up demand still controls supply. If they couldnt sell that shit more than one pack per customer it would be real bad for them. Instead it seems to be almost blind eyed by users. but again this was an I wish type thing. more all they care about is profit and as long as "we" buy it they will sell it. hard fact.
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I snort them. I don't know what you're tolerance is like but start low. Like 1/4th pill.

I had a buddy that was falling down high from snorting a half of one. (I usually do a half at a time, but my tolerance should be really low since I never use more than one session per month.
Yeah, I was thinking starting with 1/4th of a pill. You might be able to take more if you start small, but you can't take less if you go for broke. Honestly, the only reason why I'm even considering it is because my oxy (OP) hookup is running late (still). Gonna get some this weekend if its still out. The fentanyl pills are always available from what I was told, but the oxy is only available once a month and they sell out quick.
stacking those millions away and securing their spawns future, they dont give a fuck, its the NOW for them, but sure doesnt make sense killing off all your customers, but its brutally brilliant in other ways
Yeah, I was thinking starting with 1/4th of a pill. You might be able to take more if you start small, but you can't take less if you go for broke. Honestly, the only reason why I'm even considering it is because my oxy (OP) hookup is running late (still). Gonna get some this weekend if its still out. The fentanyl pills are always available from what I was told, but the oxy is only available once a month and they sell out quick.

If you have a mg scale I'd pop it on first and weigh it whole, then crush it into a well mixed powder. Say the whole pill

When i think of how fentanyl feels i think of this color

Comforting but also cold, a little chilly. Instead of a warm sun like feel from say heroin, fentanyl is like being under a bright fluorescent light.

I'd smoke it if i were you. Not only is it a bit safer that way, it's more euphoric than snorting it (at least I would imagine, I've never snorted fentanyl, only IV, smoked, transdermal and orally).