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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

Ive never done any legal highs which were good, they were all terrible but then again, I have only done like 5 or 6 different brands.
I got this plant food one time and it said not for human consumption, but i accidentally consumed some...and it was fucking terrific.
mephedrone was most likely the most fun of my life. MDPV is way more fun than illegal stimulants, but very fiendy. Umm dxm is an amazing fucking drug, and nitrous with it is more euphoric than smoking mephedrone or mdpv.
I have only done 3 legal drugs not counting booze, so I guess in the order best to worst,
2c-e: So awesome, this stuff blows my mind. But some trips are more fun then others. Depending on the mindset of the trip it can either be extremely euphoric or extremely neutral, but I would give it a 5/5. Its the only psychedelic I have done so far though.
DXM: Used to use it alot but it had a negative impact on my life so I stopped. I still miss the days when it had all its magic and I could listen to entire albums one after another in complete euphoria. When I first started it was a 5/5 but when it lost the magic it was 2/5.
DPH: What the fuck. I don't even know why I did this one. -2/5 8(
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San pedro/ bridgesi cacti for their mescaline content, poppy pod tea for the opium! Not sure how to rate them and I love both dearly, and they are such different drugs.... never tried rcs, except methylone, and I was a bit disappointed by it, although at lower doses, its ok. Also like low dose stimulant effects of kratom.
On Oct 21, 2011, the DEA emergency scheduled MDPV, 4-Methylmethcathinone, and Methylone. At the end of 12 months, the DEA will very likely permanently add them to Schedule I. See Federal Register Volume 76, Number 204 and DEA Background Data and Analysis for Emergency Scheduling of MDPV, 4-MethylMethcathinone, and Methylone.
2nd trip to detox was detoxed with roxies, that wasnt bad either(Although dose was never over 25mg at once, orally -_-)

Wait they gave u 25mg roxies at DETOX??

For me if you don't count when you get Rx'ed opiates then I'd say kratom. It may not be the most intense high, but I enjoy it the most
4-AcO-DMT 9,5/10 - Deep, trancelike, meditative, fantastic visuals. First I had some issues with its very sedating nature, now I've learned to love it. It sweps you in a dreamy state of consciousness but your mind is still clear. The warmth and euphoria combined with the deep and mystic side makes this one of the best psychedelics I've ever used. Very gentle to the body too.

4-HO-DPT / 4-AcO-DPT 9,5/10 - Very unique and one of the most, if not the most introspective psychedelic I've used. Very different from other 4-subs and the psilocin analogues. It has a dissociative edge to it and has some resemblance to DPT while still being very different from it. This is a compound that challenges your mind, makes you think about yourself and the world from a very unique and sometimes strange perspective, while still being very "logic". One of the best psychedelics for experiencing out of body experiences and ego death with higher doses. Not recreational, but very deep and thought provoking. Visually very unique.

MXE 9/10 - Unfortunately not legal here anymore but it was legal when I first tried it and used it several times while still legal (I still use it). Has extremely many sides to it, the experience changes quite markedly with different doses. Sometimes very sedating, sometimes very energetic. A compound I've used and abused maybe too much since it came out, but I still love it. Truly unique and can be both fun and very deep, very social or very introspective. It seems I always learn new things about it, although I sometimes think I know everything about its effects.

25C-NBOMe - 8,5/19 - Moderately deep, euphoric and quite gentle, not too energetic while still being stimulating. A great compound to go out and experience and watch things on, can be visually astonishing.
Pre ban mephedrone - 8/10. come down is fucking nasty. but mindblowing none the less, amazing stuff. love it

MXE - 9/10 - depending on batch. life changing, beautiful. if treated right

alcohol 8/10 - nasty but love it.
1.MDPV- there seem to be a lot of mixed opinions on this RC, but when it was legal in NY, this was my favorite, as it had a similar rush to cocaine when smoked and injected, and worked well as a study aide in a way similar to Dextroamphetamine. That is, until you're on the tenth day of you're bingE and you start seeing and hearing things that arent there.

This was also a great stimulant, and I have to say that I wish I had an opportunity to mix MDPV with 4-mcc, because I think it would have been a nice combo, as long as it was balanced right. Unfortunately I've only injected Mephedrone, so the duration never lasted that long, but I thought what Mephedrone lacked in its rush, when compared to PV, it made up for with it's highl I felt really happy on Mephedrone, and really friendly, which is not normal with me and stimulants. I usually am deadly serious and stay in my room all day and night drawing and writing. But Mephedrone was pretty cool, kind of trippy even. Went great with heroin.

I learned with this drug that it's best roa is oral IMO. I tried pluggin and injecting, and the duration was too short, and the rush was nothing to write home about. But orally I liked this a lot. It was a very subtle high, almost calming, not like most stimulants. IMO it sort of felt like MDMA but not as intense. It just put me in a nice, cheerful mood, and I felt understanding and tolerant of things that would normally bug me, or straight up freak me out if I was on say, MDPV.

This shit was garbage IMO, though I also only used it IV (I went through a phase last year where I didn't bother even testing these things out orally, I would just get them in the mail, and into the cooker they would go. This made for some nasty experiences.) when I injected this drug, I got the most bizarre drug rush, ever. My eyes twitched uncontrollably, so that I felt like my field of vision was a stop-motion animated panorama. My heart beat erratically, and after the initial rush, I got really tired and ended up blacking out for a few hours. I tried it two more times with similar results. IMO
4-MEC is crap, at least when used,or maybey I should say abused, in this way.
1.MDPV- there seem to be a lot of mixed opinions on this RC, but when it was legal in NY, this was my favorite, as it had a similar rush to cocaine when smoked and injected, and worked well as a study aide in a way similar to Dextroamphetamine. That is, until you're on the tenth day of you're bingE and you start seeing and hearing things that arent there.

This was also a great stimulant, and I have to say that I wish I had an opportunity to mix MDPV with 4-mcc, because I think it would have been a nice combo, as long as it was balanced right. Unfortunately I've only injected Mephedrone, so the duration never lasted that long, but I thought what Mephedrone lacked in its rush, when compared to PV, it made up for with it's highl I felt really happy on Mephedrone, and really friendly, which is not normal with me and stimulants. I usually am deadly serious and stay in my room all day and night drawing and writing. But Mephedrone was pretty cool, kind of trippy even. Went great with heroin.

I learned with this drug that it's best roa is oral IMO. I tried pluggin and injecting, and the duration was too short, and the rush was nothing to write home about. But orally I liked this a lot. It was a very subtle high, almost calming, not like most stimulants. IMO it sort of felt like MDMA but not as intense. It just put me in a nice, cheerful mood, and I felt understanding and tolerant of things that would normally bug me, or straight up freak me out if I was on say, MDPV.

This shit was garbage IMO, though I also only used it IV (I went through a phase last year where I didn't bother even testing these things out orally, I would just get them in the mail, and into the cooker they would go. This made for some nasty experiences.) when I injected this drug, I got the most bizarre drug rush, ever. My eyes twitched uncontrollably, so that I felt like my field of vision was a stop-motion animated panorama. My heart beat erratically, and after the initial rush, I got really tired and ended up blacking out for a few hours. I tried it two more times with similar results. IMO
4-MEC is crap, at least when used,or maybey I should say abused, in this way.

You got fake or heavily impure 4-MEC. I've never heard of such results. I've tried some pure 4-MEC via IV and there's no rush for me at all. I always IV my mephedrone, and that has the ultimate rush for me, surpasses cocaine or heroin... well, I guess hydromorphone has a better rush than mephedrone, but it has to be a high dose of hydro to match a 200mg shot of meph.
Really? I mean mephedrones rush is pretty good in my opinion, but it's not as intense as cocaine or MDPV. I think the biggest shot I did was something like 150mg,, so I do t know.

And yeah, that's weird about the 4-MEC, though I've heard others reporting similar experiences, which probably has to do with the vendor which was pretty reputable at the time, and never sold me anything else that was bunk
Look I think it's a shame when you try to get real "Kanna" and all you get is dried herb, not tradionally fermented.
People who get this herb online are trying to better themselves. The Kanna being sold is just dust; I am ready to give up on looking for the authentic product. What is the big secret? I am not asking for a source. I find it sad, that's all.