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  • NSADD Moderators: deficiT | Jen

What's so great about New Jersey?

When i was workin in a deli (well a couple times actually, shit) it was always acronyms like that...."I need a BEC, S no PK" I remember just thinkin of orders in terms of BEC, SEC, and T.h.EC.........Thats some classic jersey language right there

BUt shame on you for "PEC" ...Everyone knows its only pork roll in south jersey, up here its taylor ham;)
I live in central jersey, born here, lived here most of my life except for 6 years in Rochester NY, 3 in Silver Spring MD and 8 in Brooklyn (which I loved, and still miss. Silver Spring was nice too, but Rochester is referred to as the Icy Wasteland by me. Because it IS. I went to RIT for college and one time I was in the building on campus from 8 AM to 8 PM for classes and homework, came out and there was an INCH OF ICE coating my car. I couldn't get the door open! Had to find a branch and bang all that ice off for nearly an hour before I could drive.)

I don't find Jersey dangerous, especially compared to NYC, where you have to secure all your belonging tightly held close to you on the subway. But I was mugged in Camden once - FOR MY DRUGS THAT I HAD JUST BOUGHT. Fuckers. Ended up in the hospital too. Camden is a real armpit but unfortunately it's the only place I know to cop. Ain't got a nice delivery service like in NYC. Sucks ?