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Benzos What's safe benzo and regimen for anxiety?


Jan 21, 2023
I have social anxiety (clinical SAD, not diagnosed), have no friends, nothing. I want to go out and talk to people, so planning to maybe hang out on some meetups of my interest/hobbies. Benzos are only thing that works for me tbh. I tried Propranolol low-dose for long time but I only ever use it for physical symptoms. But sometimes I feel like I need that benzos to certain situations. So I'm asking for some insights. I can pretty much any pharma stuff, so no pressed crap nothing. What particular benzo do you guys recommend for this situation? Alprazolam (tried and works), Clonazepam (never tried), Diazepam (never tried), Lorazepam (tried and works).

And next, I'm particularly interested in knowing how many days break I should take in between to not get drug dependence or worst WDs, while at the same time also get benefits of this drug. I never had issues with addiction to substance in my life so addiction liability is not an issue. Like if I have a social situation today and taking it in the evening, how many days later can I take? Any insight would be helpful. Thank you!
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Strongly recommend against using benzos. Any anxiety relief you get will eventually be paid back, with interest

Benzos work extremely well but have a price tag. Try some CBT, or perhaps 3 grams of taurine and some ashwaganda

Any friends you make on benzos arent your friends. Those friends below to the version of yourself on benzos, which is a different person than you. And maintaining that person results in disaster.

Benzos are phenomenal at reducing social anxiety, but ive never experienced a drug that shifted my personality as much as benzos. Ive also never been same after using benzos. I use to have some anxiety beforehand, but I never had any significant social anxiety. But now I do suffer from social anxiety due to benzo induced damage to my GABA-A receptor function. I'm permanently more anxious. Even occasional use will do this in a subtle, vague that you might not realize.

Don't go down that road. Try a different approach. Again, you won't friends, the benzo'd version of you will.
Strongly recommend against using benzos. Any anxiety relief you get will eventually be paid back, with interest

Benzos work extremely well but have a price tag. Try some CBT, or perhaps 3 grams of taurine and some ashwaganda

Any friends you make on benzos arent your friends. Those friends below to the version of yourself on benzos, which is a different person than you. And maintaining that person results in disaster.

Benzos are phenomenal at reducing social anxiety, but ive never experienced a drug that shifted my personality as much as benzos. Ive also never been same after using benzos. I use to have some anxiety beforehand, but I never had any significant social anxiety. But now I do suffer from social anxiety due to benzo induced damage to my GABA-A receptor function. I'm permanently more anxious. Even occasional use will do this in a subtle, vague that you might not realize.

Don't go down that road. Try a different approach. Again, you won't friends, the benzo'd version of you will.
Thank you for the advice! I agree with you...

You mentioned CBT, do you mean CBD the Cannabidiol? (because CBT is a therapy for anxiety disorders, etc. so I'm kinda confused). I will also look into taurine and ashwaganda.
Thank you for the advice! I agree with you...

You mentioned CBT, do you mean CBD the Cannabidiol? (because CBT is a therapy for anxiety disorders, etc. so I'm kinda confused). I will also look into taurine and ashwaganda.

I meant CBT as in cognitive behavioral therapy.

Benzos should be used for rare freak out situations, death of a family member, accidental consumption of 800mcg's of LSD etc.

Essentially have most benefit in reducing the severity of highly traumatic events. Might even reduce the risk of PTSD if taken immediately after the traumatic event.
There's a lot of good reasons why someone might take benzos. But unless your social anxiety is the result of complex trauma (something no CBT or other psychotherapy in the world will be able to treat) you should find other ways to overcome your anxiety.

Like asking yourself what exactly it is you are afraid of, and thinking how to overcome that fear (which is basically CBT). Then go out and start a conversation with someone, about whatever (which be exposure) and be be patient with yourself if the first person you talk to doesn't become your friend.

Real friends are valuable, and you don't just "find" them. I even believe that many outgoing and apparently popular people don't have a single real friend.
Passion Flower tincture health suppliment has a MOA very similar to Benzodiazepines. Both are GABA-A receptor Agonists / PAM’s at GABA-A

Passion Flower
Hopps & California Poppy
Cannabis Indica THC/CBD 50/50 oil under tongue or jel caps

Clonidine 0.1mg tablets - Amazing anxiolytic & sedative properties
Pregabalin / Gabapentin / Phenibut / Baclofen

Etizolam 0.5mg / 1mg (reduced liability to develop tolerance & dependence) - Benzo analog
Diclazepam 1mg > Delorazepam >> Lorazepam (Ativan) - Very long acting benzodiazepine, longer than Diazepam