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    Australian & Asian
    Drug Discussion

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What's on your 'to do' list?

sky diving again (solo)
Bungee jumping, the big one in NZ takes my fancy
try acid, mushrooms, coke, ketamine, nitrous
get a motorbike
get a motorbike license
travel overseas
live overseas for a while
more piercings/tattoo
Laser eye surgery to get my fucked up eyes fixed
finish uni :p
umm probably more but thats what springs to mind
For Today
*Finish Uni Assignments
*Fold 500 flyers for the agency im working at
*Tell my boyfriend that i love him and he will do well in his uni exams
*Decide where to go out for dinner

For the future
*Travel the world (isnt this on everyones list?)
*Go to I love techno & Tresor
*Go skydiving (no bluelight peer pressure i swear!)
*Get a tattoo
*Direct a big hollywood blockbuster movie (optimism gets you everywhere!)

*Keep Being happy :)
* find a job that I like, or am at least happy to go to where you aren't treated bad
* possibly need a second degree as my current one isnt that great and isnt leading many places Im interested in going
* travel; Egypt, America, Europe (France, Italy, Greece among others), little tropical islands
* find that perfect group of friends that you are 100% comfortable with, can talk about anything with, who like you for who you are and will stand by you through everything and anything
* be more open with people and trust them more
* own a modern townhouse close to the city with a cozy backyard that is big enough for me to have a maltese cross dog. Decorate with colours and wrought iron furtinture and make it a place I like being.
* buy a car
* go for weekends away occassionally
* find a guy that I enjoy being with and love each other unconditionally
* Get out and have more fun, instead of hibernating at home waiting for life to get better
* try acid and GHB, maybe ketamine, mushrooms, - or just try everything at least once :)
* have a decent trust fund for my brother by the time he's 18. First step; set it up and start depositing.
* learn how to get along with my mother
* maybe get my eyes done with laser treatment one day to finally ditch glasses. Short term: new glasses and maybe try contacts
* not be limited by what everyone wants me to do or be
* keep my open mind and use it to experience lots of new things
* but ultimately, be happy with my life and have nothing that I'd want to change

- to wake up my boyfriend (he went to slinky last night....so it may take a while)

- to finish homework....pffft yeah right!


- and for the future....um....oh yeah, lose a bit of weight and try to tone up

- continue to save for a car
short term:
-finish essay that's due tomorrow (ain't happening, obviously)
-finish two other essays
-clean the house
-type up my resume so i can find a fucking job :|

long term:
-learn to dj properly
-get paid to write
-finish honours with good marks
-travel through europe, america, canada, japan...
-read the enormous pile of unread books that i have
-learn french, and hopefully other languages
I really should make a list...

- Spend less money on crap
- Spend more money on Ecstasy when i have time off
- Get a new job
- Get a new car
- Find a better house to live in, maybe move back with Ol' folks
- Write music properly instead of just stuffing around
- Excersice more
- Quit smoking without having a few no the weekend
- Get into university by 2005 semester 1

could add more, these are achievable, i should have accomplished more by now, but at least i know what i need to do.
Try Acid
Try Mushrooms
Try Coke
get K-holed
Get a tattoo
Smoke 5 cones out of a revolver
Maintain a steady relationship
Go to Ibiza
See Dyewitness Play live
See Eminem Live
stop raving by the time Im 21
Visit one of my best mates In serbia
drag race in a proper 1/4 mile
Have a 3some
Watch the sunset with my best friends in the mediteranean
Own my house
Have a Kid
Go Bungee Jumping
hmm tomorrow is a big one
  • Training - Relationship Selling - 9am - 12.30pm try to get out of this one and get anther trainer to do it
  • Training new recruitment staff on disc 1pm - 2ish
  • study
  • study
  • call uni for extension
  • study
  • study
  • deal with some work stuff so the day isn't a total loss
  • sometime in there i'll play around on bluelight
  • finish work and come home to more study
  • pass out probably at desk still studying
vaccuum my car
finish cleaning my room
organise my files
clean all the surfaces in my room and
do the washing for mum

all after vaccuuming my room and the whole staircase
ive been a busy one today



Now I don't mean those pesky lists that you make every day on scraps of paper and promptly put down and do other things. I'm talking what's on your 'to do' list for life? What are the things that your dying to experience? The places you'd love to go? Dreams you want to achieve?

Mine's a bit of a mixed bag of irresponsibility and ambition ;)

  • Skydiving (again), 140m bungee jump in NZ, hang gliding (this has been on the list for years).
  • Substances to try - LSD, mushies, cocaine, GHB, absinthe.
  • Get another tattoo.
  • Have a threesome ;)
  • Learn to surf.
  • Learn to play the cello and guitar.
  • Do my First Aid and Advanced Resuscitation certificates.
  • Random talents I'd like to have: be able to juggle and pole dance ;)
  • Learn at least one language other than English. At the top of the list are Russian and French.
  • Learn sign language.
  • Buy an SLR camera and develop my photography skills.
  • Travel: Australia, Thailand, Japan, NZ, Nth + Sth America, Canada, Africa Russia, Europe in general - I really can't think of anywhere I wouldn't like to go.
  • Live & work in another country.
  • Do some volunteer or aid work overseas.
  • Write a book.
  • Go to uni and study something that interests me as opposed to being there just for the sake of it.
  • Own a house before I'm 30.
  • Read all the books on the BBC Top 100 Books List
  • Do a massage course.
  • Run in at least one City to Surf
  • Finally, I'd love to go on some crazy adventure like climbing Everest or sailing around the world (anyone read Lionheart - Jesse Martin?). I'm just not sure yet what it will be :)

So, I wrote this nearly a year ago and I've crossed off the list mushrooms and lsd... marvellous!

I have started uni this year. I'm not really sure where I'm going with it, but for the most part I'm enjoying it.

Right now, the one thing I'd like to do really soon, is buy a one-way ticket to Cairns and make my way back down the East coast in my own time!

Anyone want to update, or add their 'life to do' list :)
this is just some random medium-to-long term ambitions of mine:

·Finish my HSC … work in my families nursery and save….

·do a 10 day mediation retreat before earthcore…

·move to melbourne and go to earthcore, rainbow serpaint, tribeadelic (smoke DMT on new years morning at tribeadelic) and many other doofs in-between taking pictures with my digital camera and documenting each experience … (and after years of doing this… maybe getting it pusblished)

·move back up north and work, save (contine documenting doofing experience and other psychonautical adventures around the nimbin area)… travel next year to India and live with my friend and his family …. Then go where the wind takes me!

·Visit Europe eventually and go to some psy festivals… boom, voov, full-moon, ect … continue to document these experiences with my photo’s and writings

·Do ATLEAST a year volunteer work somewhere, someplace

·2006 … if all goes to plan .. I’ll be in turkey! (eclipse)
·2012 …. Where-ever I end up .. I want to come back to australia for 2012… I have a feeling there will be a KILLA doof on in cairns (eclipse!)

·but most of all, I do NOT want to settle down and get a job !!! I’m up for anything that will make this world a better place … I think travelling will lead me into this path … I just need to keep my mind open and not end up like my parents … !!!!

·where ever I go … it would be lovely to find a beautiful girl with a pssion for life to join me on my adventures !!!

this is basically where I want to head in life ! ! ! ! ! !

oh yes, it’s always been a dream to indulge in various psychedelic drugs … and hook myself up with a minidisk, playing lots of psychedelic trance… and dance naked in the forest near my house … hopefully I will knock that one of soon !!

on the note of dancing naked ... its been a goal of mine since the first few days of this year ... to get everyone at a doof dancing naked ... a big one like earthcore ... not sure if this is possible .. but would be lovely to cause some kind of chain reaction ... ending in a mass 3-day totally naked collective experience
1) get my license
2) get a car
3) save 2000 bucks so i can move interstate comfortably
4) get my CCNA, MCP and A+
5) rewrite resume
6) practice guitar a lot more
mr_p said:
this is just some random medium-to-long term ambitions of mine:

·do a 10 day mediation retreat before earthcore…

mr_p have you looked at the following by any chance ?

Vipassana Meditation

The 10 day course from what I've been reading from people who have done it say it's somewhat tought but worth it in the end.
- Finish my degree's
-Start getting paid a decent living as a journalist.
-Travel more, SE Asia (starting in Indonesia and working up around and down through India) then South America, then Eastern Europe.
-At some stage, lock myself away for a year and write a novel. Then another, and another.
- In about ten years, spawn some children.
and so on and so forth.......
i've sorta led the life where i have done almost everything and i'm only 25 :( looks like it's time to put in some more serious kinds of wishes...

  • conquer my fear of heights
  • secure my self confidence (that bastard always keeps running away from me)
  • buy another house
  • chase down that elusive threesome (damn un-cooperative girlfriends ;) )
  • travel europe
  • get my MBA
  • get off drugs
  • raise a family
  • earn a lot of money
  • make one special girl the happiest person in the world
my list
1. hie off to the goddamn shower and get clean
2. find decent grub clothes to wear to the gym (the gym?! yes, you heard me.)
3. Get Dressed.
4. Call my tennis trainer to set appt for tommorow am.
5. Ponder the possiblity of going to the beauty salon for a much needed haircut.
6. make my shopping list.i have no more deodorant! talc! soap! conditoner for the brillo head! AGH!
7. Buy lighters you moron.Youve been using matches the past two days.
8. Go spinning at 7 pm. sharp.
9. Pass out and ask god to forgive me for my sins (not in that order)
Here's what I wrote last year, it has changed a bit. Maybe I wanted pets then because I was lonely. ?? I dont anymore, altho eggs on tap would still be nice.
belisimo said:
heres what i want to do when i grow up -

-own 5 chickens (mmm eggs on tap)

-own a big dog (that doesnt eat chickens)

-own a terrace house in the city with a big backyard (PFFT!)

-travel australia with some cool people
Anyway here is my revised edition -

-get a job next year as a graphic designer
-make some $$ to possibly buy a flat in newcastle
(i lived in a terracehouse last year, and it wasnt all i dreamed of. I think a flat will do for starters)
-go to nz in july
-i still want to travel around australia.
katmeow said:
Right now, the one thing I'd like to do really soon, is buy a one-way ticket to Cairns and make my way back down the East coast in my own time!
-thinking about doing this to kat! at the end of the year, and probably in a camper van. :)
slientbob said:
mr_p have you looked at the following by any chance ?

Vipassana Meditation

The 10 day course from what I've been reading from people who have done it say it's somewhat tought but worth it in the end.

thats the one i'm going to do !!! thanks anyway silentbob