What's Good About Life...

I noticed on a comedown the other day that the smell of the air during a rain shower is just f00kin wonderful.
i'm sitting at home, sleepless and wondering exactly that?
what is good about life?
friends. suddenly a lot more than i can ever remember. family and finally, after all these years i can look you in the eye and say, i miss them and i love them.
but my number one best thing about life; emotions. understanding what it means to emote. i'm not talking about pain and anger, fustration or irritation. but i am talking about love and sincerity, hope and sentimentality. all the good stuff, all the really hard stuff.
and as hard as it's been to finally recognise their worth, it's amazing. so to me, that's what's good about life. :)
For me it's living in the moment. This sounds so Zen-like but there is only one moment of existence that has any relevance whatsoever, which is now. There's nothing else. If we carry any future or past burden into that moment then we are removing ourselves from any true expression. I regard all human emotions as theatre. I don't believe in the emotional world. Which doesn't mean I don't have them. For me they are purely reaction and no reaction is real. They exist because of an utter barrenness. They are an expression of the worlds barrenness.
ps I like cooking for people, it's one of the nicest things human beings can do for each other.
^^^^ i agree! cooking for people is great.
also, i think that conquering those downs in life is the greatest challenge of them all. The ups are worth it, definately.
hot chocolate, wet dog noses, the ever changing phases of the moon, self expression, music, art, you can always change.
I really dig what astrayalien is saying. But I can't say that living in the moment is always good or that it is the only thing good. A lot of times anticipation (waiting for certain future outcomes) feels good, and keeps you alive.
But I really don't know what makes life good. First, what is "good?" Things can't seem to be good if there is no bad to compare it to. So, what makes the things in life good, in a way, is the things in life that we perceive as bad, or eliciting negative emotions.
So I guess the answer is "the bad or lack of things that make you feel happy" And so because of this contrast, we are able to feel happy in comparison. And the good parts of life may be those moments of happiness, and for some, they may even want to add things that make them feel--because at least they feel alive with emotions even if they aren't of the most desirable types.
I guess what makes life good is that, whether or not there is a predetermined plan for the world, we do not know what the plan is and what the future holds-- so its a freedom/ignorance that allows us to keep up hope in all situations. And in addition to hope, we have other people with whom we can relate and have a sense of comfort and belongingness.
PS: I've cooked several times for others and enjoy it, but the thing I don't like about it is that sometimes I can't get honest feedback because the eaters perceive that any particular meal represents myself as a cook which in turn represents my ego and think that saying "it's a little too salty" would shatter it and destroy my existence-- you get the point. I think doing something nice for someone at an unexpected time beats that.
watch them.
listen to them (even the crappy teenage ones that are your own)
thunder, perfect sunshine, having a really hard day at work... and getting through it.
flirting with someone when that is all it is.
touching, kissing, laughing, your bed at the end of a long day........
"these are a few of my favorite things" :)
Hey, you asked!!!!
Accadia---into the dawn
shut you eyes, turn it the fuck up
just one of many reasons life is worth living...discover trance, discover yourself, discover life :)
Listening to a song you've heard a hundred times and still getting goose bumps.
Meeting somone that is just like you, even if the only reason they are just like you is cause you're both fucked up and have seen the same movies.
Tons more
about the cats they are ok but how about watchin chickens doing there thing for an hour or so great theatrical performance and the conversations and social interaction these birds have. fantastisch elastisch.
facts like helpin someone you closely know checkin in his new house. then realising that by helpin him you are creatin a bond with his new house. so in the future you feel just like home because the walls contain your sweat and the doors you painted are smilin at you. that kind of filosifal awakenings about life love em.
in no particular order...
um yeah, stuff like that
Originally posted by twiddlebug:
in no particular order...
um yeah, stuff like that

i posted here but me post is gone.. i bet *YOU* stole it...argh
sleeping in and cuddling up in soft warm sheets on a saturday morning when it's freezing cold outside
sitting in an open field and watching giant, low clouds rolling by as fast as you can walk
the first nice day of the year, when you can finally go outside in shorts and a tshirt
making snowmen
fresh peaches
cuddling with someone you love, and getting as much surface area to touch each other as possible
finding a new music group/dj/artist that you really really like
fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and a huge glass of milk
lying on the grass and letting the sun warm your back
long drives on twisty roads in the country
hot tubs
a new haircut
pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice
really fast rollercoasters
watching underworld live :)
You can have too much of a good thing, ive had too much haribo and its all gone sour.
As for other good things, after you do drugs things are never as good as they were before drugs, im still working out how this can be changed but self destructive behaviour is slowing any progress.
they were for the first 2years but then when problems arose and they were countered with drugs- things fucked up bigtime. but at least i realised it now!!
um, this is offtopic- isnt it? sorry..