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What would happen if someone without ADHD Ritalin?


Jul 29, 2010
Lol basically some boy at my school dared me to take one of his ritalin pills during school, all of my friends see it as an experiment to find out:

a) whether it will increase my concentration levels, therefore helping me absorb more information.
b) if i will feel 'Buzzed' and what generally what would I feel.

I am very much willing but scared i will get all hyper in class and stuff and cause suspicion .

What do you think?
You're 15, right? You shouldn't be messing around with stimulants, or any drugs for that matter, unless you are taking drugs as prescribed by a doctor. Wait until you're an adult, and feel that you can support your own decisions. When you're financially reliant on your parents, and when you lack the ability to make legal decisions (like dropping out of school, getting a full-time job, etc) you should not alter your consciousness. Not only is it questionably legal to tell you how something will get you high, it is somewhat immoral. Your age does not allow you the benefit of perspective.
All well and good saying that, but I'm sure most of us at that age experimented with stimulants (and more). There is no harm reduction in telling someone to "just say no!". It is that type of attitude that pushes children towards taking drugs.

Irmarose, it will be like taking any other stimulant - at a low dose you will be able to focus more easily, at higher doses you will start to get "all hyper".
You're 15, right? You shouldn't be messing around with stimulants, or any drugs for that matter, unless you are taking drugs as prescribed by a doctor. Wait until you're an adult, and feel that you can support your own decisions. When you're financially reliant on your parents, and when you lack the ability to make legal decisions (like dropping out of school, getting a full-time job, etc) you should not alter your consciousness. Not only is it questionably legal to tell you how something will get you high, it is somewhat immoral. Your age does not allow you the benefit of perspective.

i'm not an idiot, just because i am a teenager it does not mean i will fuck up EVERYTHING i do
Lol basically some boy at my school dared me to take one of his ritalin pills during school, all of my friends see it as an experiment to find out:

a) whether it will increase my concentration levels, therefore helping me absorb more information.
b) if i will feel 'Buzzed' and what generally what would I feel.

I am very much willing but scared i will get all hyper in class and stuff and cause suspicion .

What do you think?

well ritalin is a weak drug when taken orally, if you take it you might feel like you can concentrate, but oh wait, it's a drug remember...

it depends on the strength, but one ritalin pill probably wont even buzz you. i dunno, if you get anxiety or a buzz from coffee you could get something from ritalin.
i have not tried ritalin but have done coffee and speed (oral and nasal) and orally neither of these CAN even go beyond a basic buzz/intoxication, and im pretty sure speed/dexedrine is as strong as ritalin.
Your age does not allow you the benefit of perspective.

pardon me, the whole adult thing is bs. true they are more wisdomic, but they are slower and more cog-fogged then teenagers and i honestly think the average teenager is not only sharper, but overall more mentally better than adult.
You're 15, right? You shouldn't be messing around with stimulants, or any drugs for that matter, unless you are taking drugs as prescribed by a doctor. Wait until you're an adult, and feel that you can support your own decisions. When you're financially reliant on your parents, and when you lack the ability to make legal decisions (like dropping out of school, getting a full-time job, etc) you should not alter your consciousness. Not only is it questionably legal to tell you how something will get you high, it is somewhat immoral. Your age does not allow you the benefit of perspective.

Very true. I was an opiate addict by the age of 15 and a benzo addict by 16. I'm 20 now and I have overdosed twice, died twice from the second overdose, and I don't even want to think about how much money I have spent on drugs. From your post, you sound a lot like me when I was 15, I wish I had someone to tell me not to do the shit instead of me being the guinea pig for just about every drug you can think of for my self and friends. I know you have heard this a million times, but wait till you are older man.

To the guy above me, you are true in some regards, but infants have more brain cells than adults, so your argument is invalid.
i'm sorry but when i ask a question about drugs, i should be answered with honesty and not a whole massive life lecture because i will never listen, no kid EVER will when they are constantly being faced with that bullshit, i know for a fact i hate being condescended. When people give me all that lecturing stuff it gives me a big urge to do the opposite they say.

I am able to make the right decisions, I've been offered many bad A-class drugs and have simply just turned them down. We aren't ALL half wits.
Very true. I was an opiate addict by the age of 15 and a benzo addict by 16. I'm 20 now and I have overdosed twice, died twice from the second overdose, and I don't even want to think about how much money I have spent on drugs. From your post, you sound a lot like me when I was 15, I wish I had someone to tell me not to do the shit instead of me being the guinea pig for just about every drug you can think of for my self and friends. I know you have heard this a million times, but wait till you are older man.

i'm really sorry to hear about that but I don't think i will develop the same problem.
Very true. I was an opiate addict by the age of 15 and a benzo addict by 16. I'm 20 now and I have overdosed twice, died twice from the second overdose, and I don't even want to think about how much money I have spent on drugs. From your post, you sound a lot like me when I was 15, I wish I had someone to tell me not to do the shit instead of me being the guinea pig for just about every drug you can think of for my self and friends. I know you have heard this a million times, but wait till you are older man.

To the guy above me, you are true in some regards, but infants have more brain cells than adults, so your argument is invalid.

you have a point. even though aduts are retards with shrinking, closed-minded brains yet think they are somehow so far ahead, teens are usually ready to take risks that arent worth it. i have died hallucinogenically and come close realistically, uhhh whats going on
Very true. I was an opiate addict by the age of 15 and a benzo addict by 16. I'm 20 now and I have overdosed twice, died twice from the second overdose, and I don't even want to think about how much money I have spent on drugs. From your post, you sound a lot like me when I was 15, I wish I had someone to tell me not to do the shit instead of me being the guinea pig for just about every drug you can think of for my self and friends. I know you have heard this a million times, but wait till you are older man.

To the guy above me, you are true in some regards, but infants have more brain cells than adults, so your argument is invalid.

how does the number of brain cells you have have anything to do with the validity of his shit? i mean brain cell count says very little in this context. the truth is the average person is sharpest at age 16 (sometimes one or two years more) and then goes downhill, compensate with experience peaks around age 60, and babies are retards, they are huge sponges of the most basic info while adults are tiny sponges of less basic info. so... i forgot what the point is but ummm this ummm
i'm really sorry to hear about that but I don't think i will develop the same problem.

I said the same exact thing, but maybe you won't. I was just trying to give you some advice that I wish someone would have told me. Shit starts small, I was just trying to help you, not lecture you or anyone. I know you will do what you want to do and I don't give a shit.
yeah I know i understand its just my mother had problems with drugs, when i was still a kid, so there shit I know I will never touch, things that I physically hate although I have never tried them.
maturity and age don't always go hand in hand. since she is even bothering to ask questions to begin with sounds like a mature 15 year old to me.

as the other people said Ritalin is a weak drug but if your are being extra cautious try to find out what brand or generic brand of Ritalin it is and what dosage. if its any consolation to lower your fear, generic brands usually have less active ingredient. im America generics are only ordered to have a min of 60 percent of the main ingredient of a drug in there product. here i start to digress, do a little research on the exact form of Ritalin, it could lower your fears but you will most likely be find, just be ready to handle the crashing effects. when i was 15 i started to teach myself some pharmacology of drugs i was taking or interested in learning, led me to study psychology and psychiatry.

go and explore but always know what your taking and your limits, even if its simply a dare.