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What will happen if I combine amphetamine and MDPV?

Soap MacTavish

Jul 12, 2010
Supposedly MDPV blocks the reuptake of dopamine and Amphetamine forces the release of it. Sounds like it would synergize...no?
Probably not the best idea if you are trying to get your ADD meds back to a therapuetic level. I've never taken MDVP so I cannot comment on it except to say what I've read states it can have apretty bad comedown and there is a small margin when it comes to appropriate dosing.
Supposedly MDPV blocks the reuptake of dopamine and Amphetamine forces the release of it.

Although your largely correct that's a drastic oversimplification, drugs can have very broad interactions with each other. Often not positive.
Anyway to answer your question I wouldn't advise mixing MDPV with any other stimulant, every report of doing such has been negative.
Yeah I see there are a lot of people going skitzo on PV. It kinda worries me since I'm a well-documented crazy myself, prone to going overboard. Unfortunately I'm literally down to my last dose of amps that I will take shortly and then I will have to move on to this powder until I can restock. I don't have time to come down. So to be more precise I'll not be doing a direct 100% mix, this will really be more of a crossfade, like as soon as my last dose of amp starts wearing off, I will hit PV. Does this still sound too dangerous? I have a scale and wont be messing up my first PV dose which I am planning on 5mg.
Yeah I see there are a lot of people going skitzo on PV. It kinda worries me since I'm a well-documented crazy myself, prone to going overboard. Unfortunately I'm literally down to my last dose of amps that I will take shortly and then I will have to move on to this powder until I can restock. I don't have time to come down. So to be more precise I'll not be doing a direct 100% mix, this will really be more of a crossfade, like as soon as my last dose of amp starts wearing off, I will hit PV. Does this still sound too dangerous? I have a scale and wont be messing up my first PV dose which I am planning on 5mg.

Just make sure you set aside the amount of MDPV you're going to use and put the rest somewhere not readily accessible. Because it is compulsive and will turn you into a psychotic mess if you're not careful.
^yep. I just found that out last night. I went through 110mg's last night redosing once every 10 to 15 minutes. That shit is harsh. I haven't had anything fiendish like that happen since smoking rock cocaine. PV makes Adderall seem like gingerbeer. Although I do still like Adderall better because it's a warmer friendlier buzz. Man this PV stuff is like, too strong to substitute for Addy.
^ Another accurate testimonial by a seasoned stimulant user :D

As I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) MDPV is a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, and amphetamine is a dopamine releasing agent. I remember hearing (but not why) that this combination can be dangerous and come with many unwanted effects.

I can attest to the unwanted effects bit, as a while back on several occasions I combined methamphetamine and MDPV. That was probably responsible for the worst episode of my mdpv-induced stimulant psychosis, not to mention reaching an eerie semi-conscious zombie-like state from sheer dopamine depletion as I came down. I was, though, dosing both substances in a simultaneous / overlapping pattern. Ughh.
Soap, don't tell me you're still messing around with this stuff?
Have tried the two together..., once. Dextroamphetamine 30 mg (two spansule capsules), followed by roughly 30mg of MDPV in 5mg increments every hour or so. Wired as hell, the peak and plateau wasn't all that bad but the comedown was pretty horrid. Anxiety, jittery, bowel problems, the whole nine yards; and this comedown lasted a good 6 hours. Not fun. And I am a very experienced stimulant user, as an ex-meth addict and have been taking Dextroamp daily twice a day for over two years. This was, barring the massive depression part, far worse than a meth comedown EVER was for me. I really wonder how so many continue to do this chem when there is hardly any noticeable euphoria unless you exceed doses of 40+ mgs or so. Just not the worth the harsh comedown IMO.
Would seem like a super anxious yet stimulating high, with a terrifying comedown. Didn't you have the worst comedown ever or complete brain fuck from using too much mdpv soap? Lay off that shit dude, you know what it did to you once.. these low doses are only bashing your self slowly instead of hammering at once.