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What Was Your Nightly Fix? v. Needs Moar Meth

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Well today was the last day of my Sub Vacation=), litterally right before I was gonna put a strip under my tounge I got a call of them wanting to get rid of a few more sooo today my fix was...4mg of Klnonopin about 30mins after I woke up(3:00pm,off today) followed by 75mg of Oxycodone snorted at 5pm...Fast forward to 7;45-8pm 20mg of Valium at 7:45pm and 75mg of Oxycodone IV at 8(got a damn good rush off that.) Some weed about to be smoked in a few mins, then nodsville I hopes. My morning/night fixes were basically just a night fix today since I woke up sooo late. Leegrow has the Lope been helping you stay well? Just be careful, speaking from personal exericence that shit will raise your tolerance, believe it or not. When I was using Roxis everyday I couldn't feel my roxis the next day if I had taken an 80mg dose of the lope...
Well today was the last day of my Sub Vacation=), litterally right before I was gonna put a strip under my tounge I got a call of them wanting to get rid of a few more sooo today my fix was...4mg of Klnonopin about 30mins after I woke up(3:00pm,off today) followed by 75mg of Oxycodone snorted at 5pm...Fast forward to 7;45-8pm 20mg of Valium at 7:45pm and 75mg of Oxycodone IV at 8(got a damn good rush off that.) Some weed about to be smoked in a few mins, then nodsville I hopes. My morning/night fixes were basically just a night fix today since I woke up sooo late. Leegrow has the Lope been helping you stay well? Just be careful, speaking from personal exericence that shit will raise your tolerance, believe it or not. When I was using Roxis everyday I couldn't feel my roxis the next day if I had taken an 80mg dose of the lope...

Yea they help with mild withdrawals (haven't used it for severe wds)
nothing lol they were a gift i stumbled upon and basically just helped me sleep and nothing more. pretty fucking whack honestly that they're approving all these non euphoric pain meds, can't help too much with actual pain management either if you're prescribed them
I know it's terrible what they're doing to scripts. Nightly fix was cannabissss
Lots of bong rips, and 8mgs of clonazepam.
Nice to relax after two job interviews!
It will be Lorazepam, ample Miller Lite, and Ambien CR.. Unless I pop more Dexedrine, hmm.
weed (Colorado Cough and White Widow), 3 mg clonazepam, and hopefully a couple bags of dope
lucky to all you who actually have shit tonight i guess stick with some ambien to sleep since i took some xan with 15mg of vic before. don't wanna end up sick from benz and da ops and been goin on a bit of a bender straight since xmas. usually since my initial detox in august after like almost three years straight ill never do more than one day in a row or more than once a week but i guess it got a lil outta control during them holidays lol now I'm paying for it
Does using once a week actually induce acute physical dependence, or is it psychological?
no it didn't at all thats why i stuck with that plan, it worked and my tolerance never climbed too too much which is usually my problem. id crave to do it more maybe but nothing crazy but then i had to go and fuck it up and go about a full four weeks straight erreyday and fuck my shit up again
More Phenobarbital SL this time, not sure why people say it's shit, honestly I quite enjoy it.. Anyways, did that, then plugged 10mg Nitrazepam, 1mg Lorazepam, 12.5mg Ambien. Why these fucking pills (Nitraz) are SO shlarge is beyond me, they are literally the size of goddamn starburst. Pretty ridiculous for a mere 5mg of the substance, but I cannot complain I suppose since they chew into straight chalk. Well, brojs, it's been a rollercoaster of a 48hr marathon but it's time to crash the fuck owt. Hot shower, get my goatee lined up, then I'll likely passout naked in the hallway, wish me good, and godspeed my young padawans.
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Slammed 30mg Pheno, and popped 25mg Ambien + 300mg diph, which is my nightly dose to sleep. Although if zo's are not involved, I won't take it because I will have the worst P.A.'s imaginable.. Not sure why I'm not asleep, caught a second wind which is lovely. Bowl of indica + kief and I should be donezo.
lil bit of hash and some of these wonderful antibiotics that are kind enough to alleviate me of this horrible affliction of bronchitis. two days and i feel a trillion times better.
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