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What Was YOUR Nightly Fix? v. Can't Sleep Sober

Mucinex, NyQuil, Vicks, Remeron, Halls, citron tea
Sounds like you've also got a cold. If so, my sympathies, I always try to appreciate being able to breathe through both nostrils and swallow without pain, since I know at any moment a gang of viruses could jump me and take all that away.
7:30 I've taken 300mg of Tramadol in total now tonight. I have been told that is the limit for safety re: seizure risk. But I've seen a lot of people take 350 or 400 in one night so I might take 1 more dose if I can keep my eyes open long enough to unscrew the pill bottle. Spending more and more time with both eyes closed. Nice lil cozy body high. Everything feels better when I close my eyes and let go. But I'm still fully conscious and fighting the sleepiness.
Yeah that's a good feeling I miss it, don't get it from Tramadol but then again I don't get it with oxycodone. I think every single drug is worse than I remember it. Except for acid and ecstasy
Sounds like you've also got a cold. If so, my sympathies, I always try to appreciate being able to breathe through both nostrils and swallow without pain, since I know at any moment a gang of viruses could jump me and take all that away.
youre so sweet, been better for a good week now, but tht was a hardcore few weeks, no covid, was sure i had it, and i havent a cold in a decade atleast, stay well`hug
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got sleep aids but just going to have water and air this eve, seems im building a tolerance to meds, so i best back off and save them for nights before work, i only work 3 days a week, prolly half my sleep issues, circadian rhythm all borked and still healing up from being a drug abuser i believe, crazy how ambien doesnt even knock me out
You ever try valerian root? I was interested to see if was decent as a benzo potentiator (or by itself), so I dug up a bottle of 530mg capsules recently and was intending to sample a few of them... but good Lord, do they reek!! They expired 07/2018, so not exactly fresh, making it worse. I can choke them down OK... but if they start "talking back" from my stomach, it might be too much. 🤢
Valeriana good roots are pretty effective sedative herb,good for sleep also with min.negative effects.possible interaction exist with other drugs or food

Dihydrocodeine 150mg
Gabapentin 1200mg
Quetiapine 50mg
Scopolamine [unknown, VERY small amount]
Cyclizine 100mg
Trazodone 75mg
dont think i needed it but 5mg cyclobenzaprine
shit still nocks me out when i use it. def relaxing if not running about willy nilly.
Did you all know that cats go crazy for valerian? It's stronger than catnip.

I used to open the bottle and let my cat smell it and she would start rolling around on the floor and making all kinds of weird noises. High AF.
Yea..there is some sci movie about animalss and drugs-cats laying in valeriana meadows,jaguars chewing banisteria,,,some lemurs bite and washed themselfs with some poison liquid from giant scolopendras and nodding on the trees just like junkies.....some wildboars that digging and eat iboga roots,drunken bees....but lemurs were strange catching,biting and washing with that poison from giant centipedes
Popped 2mg Alprazolam

Kinda boring tbh, all that Diazepam I did sublingually did bugger all earlier.
100mg pregab and thc-o. looking forward to dosing phenibut in the AM. just kinda need a little "charge" to bring a little pep back to my step.
50mg valium and 2mg xanax, and not slept at all, I don't want to take more I'm trying to cut down not go up, normally, well when they worked I'd take 50mg vallies and sleep legit 5 or 5 and a half hours and then wake up, like soon as they wore off, so in about an hour and a half I should be waking up! Well I'm already up!

Trying not to wake up my cockatiels who need like 10 hours sleep a night, so I have my little nightlight on, no TV, just YouTube music playing on my phone really quiet, I think insomina can cause some sort of strange behaviour, because after I just made a tea, waking my poor cat up who then wanted out, I snuck back in my room in the dark thinking I'm going to give my birds insomina at this rate and started giggling, it's not even funny I'm so tired I'm wired

So the benzos don't work, fucking fantastic, paying for pills not to sleep now!