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What was your morning fix? V. The breakfast of champions!

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pot brownie just a bit tho i dont like getting to stoned. gotta lotta shit to do today tho
Uhhh i had some eggs and toast and caught a nice buzz off of that. Whats for dinner?.. heroin with a side of tobacco and some beer to wash that shit down, a couple blunts for dessert !

Uhyessir, uhyessir.
^Win, add to that multivitamins, vitamin D, milk thistle, and coconut oil :)
^Jeez, I could not function on that.

Lucky Charms
More like why are you still alive, i hate when people post reckless shit on this site like they are cool. Unless you are doing tiny doses of those drugs why do you take deadly combinations and play with your life.
Even in small doses, I could still not function on that combo lol.
i hate when people post reckless shit on this site like they are cool. Unless you are doing tiny doses of those drugs why do you take deadly combinations and play with your life.

Agree, I hate the recklessness, some kid will think this is okay cause you did that man. That's not harm reduction.
Other than the two dissociatives that list doesn't seem all that out of the ordinary. Yeah, it's a lot of substances, but a lot of them which are already commonly combined. PCP is the only one that really stands out to me.

No amounts are given either. It's pure assumption that they would be taking large amounts or even dangerous amounts of the drugs. Because of the synergy of the combinations and the fact that many of them touch upon similar receptors, they wouldn't need a lot of anything in particular to get fucked up.

More like why are you still alive, i hate when people post reckless shit on this site like they are cool. Unless you are doing tiny doses of those drugs why do you take deadly combinations and play with your life.

Where does the "acting like they are cool" part come in when they merely posted a list and nothing more?
Oxycodone (roxis)

Give me half of that list and I'm a happy camper. :D

ot: 50mg tetrazepam, the crappiest benzo in existence. I used to think of clonazepam as a crappy benzo when I had like 6 potent benzos to choose from, my doctor spoiled me.

I really think I'm gonna hop back on diazepam, I feel I won't be able to cut these tetrazepams in half or I will feel even worse than shitty. Not sure though, not hopping on more than 2,5mg anymore if I do switch back.. Then after that I'll have to quit anyway, but with diazepam I could maybe start taking it in 2 days increments and take it from there.. Idk. This taper seems endless.
^ that sounds rough but ive got confidence in you pill! You seem super dedicated to your tapering and im sure you shall perservere!

As for my morning fix,
a few bowls
Hazelnut creamer in my coffee yum I quit smoking cigs a week ago feels good not needing one
Yeah, I "quit" for 3 months, March-May. Moved to Finland and BOOM, started again :| If Im home, I wont smoke but if Im out and about then Ill smoke. So Im glad its not an everyday thing... yet again :|
Oh no, well for me for some reason the smell makes me nauseated for some reason now. Also I tried to smoke one a few days ago and I got a rush like the first time I ever smoked it tasted terrible and I felt sick n dizzy lol
I get slight nausea and discomfort if I smoke on an empty stomach. So if I have a morning cig I eat a slice or 2 of bread with ham and cucumber first.
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