What to grocery shop for since everything is poison ?

Shit really? Where should I go? Europe? Is Hungary safe?

IIRC the gov commissioned a study a few years ago that found imports were Eastern European tier while Austria just to the West was still being sent Western European quality (better).

If you're looking purely at food quality, in my travels I have never seen quality anywhere as good as it is in Quebec. If anyone were to start a shooting war over food quality, it would be Quebec.
I don't understand this mentality. If you buy whole foods and avoid the "dirty dozen" unless they are organic + read labels on the premade products you do buy, how are you being poisoned?

If all you eat are packaged dinners like frozen pizzas or whatever, then of course you're being poisoned.

If you buy actual vegetables, cut them, and prepare meals, I don't see how it's hard to eat relatively healthy. What am I missing?
Poisoned rain, a wild guess.

Chemical's have exploded in 100 year's, we are exposed to thousand's. And we are at the end of the food chain, so toxin accumalater's. Wonder if our meat would be labeled as safe for consumption, if it would be tested like the meat of animal's we consume.
Poisoned rain, a wild guess.

Chemical's have exploded in 100 year's, we are exposed to thousand's. And we are at the end of the food chain, so toxin accumalater's. Wonder if our meat would be labeled as safe for consumption, if it would be tested like the meat of animal's we consume.

Oh you mean environmental chemicals in the general sense. Well yes .. air, food and water have been poisoned.
Oh you mean environmental chemicals in the general sense. Well yes .. air, food and water have been poisoned.
Atm that's of more importance then which diet you prefer. Where you buy your food's/ origin. How they were nourished and taken care of. Not that I care or live like that, but prefer a Biological product sometimes. Banana's.

PAC's in my garden, Glyfosate all around, forbidden agriculture pesticides are now on our animal's to keep Flee's and Tic's under control, Fipronil. Living in a PFAS red zone, and drinking all Europe's piss and shit, we collect next to Chemour's. It runs after a clean up as tapwater through old asbest pipes. Sad is water companies can't really filter it all out. Anything needs water, remember acid rain?

Well I am still alive.
Atm that's of more importance then which diet you prefer. Where you buy your food's/ origin. How they were nourished and taken care of. Not that I care or live like that, but prefer a Biological product sometimes. Banana's.

PAC's in my garden, Glyfosate all around, forbidden agriculture pesticides are now on our animal's to keep Flee's and Tic's under control, Fipronil. Living in a PFAS red zone, and drinking all Europe's piss and shit, we collect next to Chemour's. It runs after a clean up as tapwater through old asbest pipes. Sad is water companies can't really filter it all out. Anything needs water, remember acid rain?

Well I am still alive.

Home water filtration can address the water stuff. Fruits and veggies can be washed (except the dirty dozen, which should be organic where possible) with various methods that are not difficult and can remove most of the contaminants. Glyphosate is mainly found in wheat and not other grains, so avoiding wheat (going gluten free) can help, and actually a lot of people with digestive problems these days have to do that. Glyphosate is generally not used on other conventional veggies, but other pesticides are. These can be washed off at home using various methods. The main thing that makes contaminants stick are the waxes they coat on fruits. If you can remove the waxes with peeling or other methods, the contaminants usually follow. Pesticides don't tend to go inside of the veggies and are more on their surfaces.

It seems like in continental Europe, the options for good food are way more numerous. I'd love to live in Italy or Spain just for the food. Here in North America, the agro industry is totally corrupt and owned by the same conglomerates that own pharmaceutical companies. It takes some strategy to avoid their poison products, but isn't impossible.
eat shit and die

you can eat very healthy in this country - in fact, you got it pretty good compared to some places

depends where you live tho....if you live somewhere in the middle of nowhere like South Dakota or Kentucky, your options are most likely more limited - if you live in NY or California, you probably have more options
Home water filtration can address the water stuff. Fruits and veggies can be washed (except the dirty dozen, which should be organic where possible) with various methods that are not difficult and can remove most of the contaminants. Glyphosate is mainly found in wheat and not other grains, so avoiding wheat (going gluten free) can help, and actually a lot of people with digestive problems these days have to do that. Glyphosate is generally not used on other conventional veggies, but other pesticides are. These can be washed off at home using various methods. The main thing that makes contaminants stick are the waxes they coat on fruits. If you can remove the waxes with peeling or other methods, the contaminants usually follow. Pesticides don't tend to go inside of the veggies and are more on their surfaces.

It seems like in continental Europe, the options for good food are way more numerous. I'd love to live in Italy or Spain just for the food. Here in North America, the agro industry is totally corrupt and owned by the same conglomerates that own pharmaceutical companies. It takes some strategy to avoid their poison products, but isn't impossible.
So average beer, which about 40 % off our population drink, contain's GlyFosaat, as well as the wheat that is so incoperated in our daily live. Must add up especially if you live in a rural area where the farmer's use it religiously. Municipality organisation's don't use it any more, 😗, giving the good example? Whimp's, illegalize it.

PFAS are a pain in the ass as they are not removable only avoidable, hopefully.

PAC's accumalate in the ground making it unfit to grow 'ment for human consumption'. Though Hemp can Detox the ground from them.

If the wax is indeed PFAS peeling is health wise better as it wont wash of. But I prefer my Flora without disturbing its natural balance. So no NPK but Lava starch and so on for all the great, looking back great setback's in agriculture we made the last 100 year's.

Nuking a Wheat seed, to create the most productive, eassiest to harvest mutation. Not even aiming for a healthier one. We allready had several like Oat an old school un-tampered grain, great substitute for manipulated Wheat.

The story of America's mega Almond's platage's, mono culture. And the heavy use of pesticide's.

Belgium made Glyfosaat illegal, not that that makes the saint's. But there is some anti-Brussel going on there which is mentioning worth. France, Italy or Spain didn't, neither overhere. And that is just 1 of 1000-ends.
So average beer, which about 40 % off our population drink, contain's GlyFosaat, as well as the wheat that is so incoperated in our daily live. Must add up especially if you live in a rural area where the farmer's use it religiously. Municipality organisation's don't use it any more, 😗, giving the good example? Whimp's, illegalize it.

PFAS are a pain in the ass as they are not removable only avoidable, hopefully.

PAC's accumalate in the ground making it unfit to grow 'ment for human consumption'. Though Hemp can Detox the ground from them.

If the wax is indeed PFAS peeling is health wise better as it wont wash of. But I prefer my Flora without disturbing its natural balance. So no NPK but Lava starch and so on for all the great, looking back great setback's in agriculture we made the last 100 year's.

Nuking a Wheat seed, to create the most productive, eassiest to harvest mutation. Not even aiming for a healthier one. We allready had several like Oat an old school un-tampered grain, great substitute for manipulated Wheat.

The story of America's mega Almond's platage's, mono culture. And the heavy use of pesticide's.

Belgium made Glyfosaat illegal, not that that makes the saint's. But there is some anti-Brussel going on there which is mentioning worth. France, Italy or Spain didn't, neither overhere. And that is just 1 of 1000-ends.

Activated charcoal can remove PFAS from water.

I don't drink alcohol of any kind. That's not to say I'm PFAS free but I have celiac disease so I avoid wheat religiously.
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Activated charcoal can remove PFAS from water.

I don't drink alcohol of any kind. That's not to say I'm PFAS free but I have celiac disease so I avoid wheat religiously.
That's real good to know as these are available. For more reasonable prices then drinking Evian the rest of my life. Not that I do. Activated Charcoil, if I am correct also remove's PAC's from the air, maybe also water?

What would remove Asbest, a micron filter?

Not to promote Alcohol, but Tequila is from Blue Agave and Cachaça from the juice of Sugarcane. Not from Cane sugar like Rum. There is pure Oat based Malt-wine's (real Jenever) till Gluten-free beer's. Choose an Biological made one from a unpolluted area and then hope the only poison in it is Alcohol. Bit of a hassle drinking these day's :)

But avoiding gluten seem's like an good idea, I will have to do some research on Spelt, which is promoted a a 'bog' Wheat.

As for the bio-Banana's they are from Equador. Regular's undergo this treatment:

"The cultivation process involves removal of weeds, applying insecticides, covering the fruits with plastics to prevent loss due to close contact, also enclosing the bananas with plastic bags filled with insecticide, protecting plant stocks by covering them with strips of plastic coated with insecticide, removal of yellow and dead leaves, and providing support by propping up the plants with wooden stakes. The growth phases are monitored by tying coloured bands to the stalks. Thus, there are three stages of monitoring which are: harvesting fruit-laden stalks, transporting them to the packing plant, cutting the remaining stems after harvest¨.

My fairtrade Bio-Banana's seem to also come from Equador. Very trustworthy I wonder, maybe his next door neighbour's are using regular agriculture.

They better start growing them locally. Such an easy plant when treated naturally.
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The average adult in the US consumes about a credit card's worth of microplastics every week.
It's in everything-- food, water, air, everything.
Pretty much inescapable.
eat shit and die

you can eat very healthy in this country - in fact, you got it pretty good compared to some places

depends where you live tho....if you live somewhere in the middle of nowhere like South Dakota or Kentucky, your options are most likely more limited - if you live in NY or California, you probably have more options
I'm surprised it took this long for anyone to mention food deserts.
To add in, urban environments in the US are also more limited as typically there isn't much fresh food coming through unless it's going to overpriced outlets like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and urban places don't really have supermarkets where you can buy quantities of fresh food at a reasonable price. That's pretty much why convenience stores and bodegas were allowed to stay open during the pandemic here: these stores are often the sole food source for urban and impoverished people.
That's real good to know as these are available. For more reasonable prices then drinking Evian the rest of my life. Not that I do. Activated Charcoil, if I am correct also remove's PAC's from the air, maybe also water?

What would remove Asbest, a micron filter?

Not to promote Alcohol, but Tequila is from Blue Agave and Cachaça from the juice of Sugarcane. Not from Cane sugar like Rum. There is pure Oat based Malt-wine's (real Jenever) till Gluten-free beer's. Choose an Biological made one from a unpolluted area and then hope the only poison in it is Alcohol. Bit of a hassle drinking these day's :)

But avoiding gluten seem's like an good idea, I will have to do some research on Spelt, which is promoted a a 'bog' Wheat.

As for the bio-Banana's they are from Equador. Regular's undergo this treatment:

"The cultivation process involves removal of weeds, applying insecticides, covering the fruits with plastics to prevent loss due to close contact, also enclosing the bananas with plastic bags filled with insecticide, protecting plant stocks by covering them with strips of plastic coated with insecticide, removal of yellow and dead leaves, and providing support by propping up the plants with wooden stakes. The growth phases are monitored by tying coloured bands to the stalks. Thus, there are three stages of monitoring which are: harvesting fruit-laden stalks, transporting them to the packing plant, cutting the remaining stems after harvest¨.

My fairtrade Bio-Banana's seem to also come from Equador. Very trustworthy I wonder, maybe his next door neighbour's are using regular agriculture.

They better start growing them locally. Such an easy plant when treated naturally.

Standard bananas in most grocery stores have always made my gut upset, not sure why. It's worse now though. I used to live in Asia and there are like 20 types of bananas there. The small, sweet ones used to be great for a snack. Whatever they are selling here in Canada doesn't agree with me.

Asbestos shouldn't be in water. But if somehow it is, reverse osmosis would remove that.
Standard bananas in most grocery stores have always made my gut upset, not sure why. It's worse now though. I used to live in Asia and there are like 20 types of bananas there. The small, sweet ones used to be great for a snack. Whatever they are selling here in Canada doesn't agree with me.

Asbestos shouldn't be in water. But if somehow it is, reverse osmosis would remove that.
The pipes the carrying tap-water are made with Asbestos. Our Chlorinated water, which also contain's a higher then 'natural surface water' ppm of Fluoride. We don't fluorise it. But these are old pipes where reactive substances flow through.

A home osmosis/ charcoal/ micron filter and revitaling apparatus I need. Sounds simple. Now buying that in/ outlet house air filter and the correct food. That's a puzzle you must wanna solve. We better solve the problem, fast.
The pipes the carrying tap-water are made with Asbestos.

That's in homes built before the 1980s. Most pipe systems are replaced with PVC now, or if their copper pipes were installed after the 1980s they just keep them until copperized water becomes a concern.

Our Chlorinated water, which also contain's a higher then 'natural surface water' ppm of Fluoride. We don't fluorise it. But these are old pipes where reactive substances flow through.

There's also chloramine, which some cities also use, which can't be evaporated with distillation like chlorine. This is why water filtration is important if your municipality uses recycled water. Here where I live, our water comes from glaciation up on the mountain, so although it still needs to be lightly treated, it doesn't get recycled.

A home osmosis/ charcoal/ micron filter and revitaling apparatus I need. Sounds simple. Now buying that in/ outlet house air filter and the correct food. That's a puzzle you must wanna solve. We better solve the problem, fast.

I've already solved these problems, mostly, by virtue of having a severe illness that flares when I come into contact with chemical products. I'm like the canary in the mine, unfortunately.

Once major chemicals are taken care of in your lifestyle, the main thing that needs to be avoided is stress. Stress is what's killing people and shortening lifespans. The body can detox an acceptable level of daily chemical intake, but it can't filter out stress.
chicken breasts, grounded beef, steaks, turkey, rice, sweet potato, oats, eggs, fish, avocado, olive oil. broccoli.

that should do it.
Once major chemicals are taken care of in your lifestyle, the main thing that needs to be avoided is stress. Stress is what's killing people and shortening lifespans. The body can detox an acceptable level of daily chemical intake, but it can't filter out stress.
Well 20 year's of constant stress can't be that bad (it is).

Ok, it shrink's the Hippocampus and the connected Amygdala.
Can eventually cause seizure's, which definitely affected my brain, negative but definitely positive on other some front's.

Is 'the Hermit' possible to be if you do realm among other's. Just being busy with live, open for human contact? Keep contact's running.

Then still i would consider myself one. A 'Einzelganger'.
That's in homes built before the 1980s. Most pipe systems are replaced with PVC now, or if their copper pipes were installed after the 1980s they just keep them until copperized water becomes a concern.

There's also chloramine, which some cities also use, which can't be evaporated with distillation like chlorine. This is why water filtration is important if your municipality uses recycled water. Here where I live, our water comes from glaciation up on the mountain, so although it still needs to be lightly treated, it doesn't get recycled.

I've already solved these problems, mostly, by virtue of having a severe illness that flares when I come into contact with chemical products. I'm like the canary in the mine, unfortunately.

Once major chemicals are taken care of in your lifestyle, the main thing that needs to be avoided is stress. Stress is what's killing people and shortening lifespans. The body can detox an acceptable level of daily chemical intake, but it can't filter out stress.
Imagine how long a human can go without air, + 10 minute's for really hardcore types. Does that make it more important as water, several day's or food up to a month.

My air is black from the industry, boat's that run on Oil mixed with waste chemical's of the petrochemic industry, fucking neighbour's that have fireplace's. And living next to a busy road.

Its a joke right next to me is a nature reserve. Investing in air filtration would also be part of the plan. Would I do it, I won't. Water is easy, food a bit more diffcult.
Imagine how long a human can go without air, + 10 minute's for really hardcore types. Does that make it more important as water, several day's or food up to a month.

My air is black from the industry, boat's that run on Oil mixed with waste chemical's of the petrochemic industry, fucking neighbour's that have fireplace's. And living next to a busy road.

Its a joke right next to me is a nature reserve. Investing in air filtration would also be part of the plan. Would I do it, I won't. Water is easy, food a bit more diffcult.

I live in a place that has annual forest fires. We're talking the worst air quality in the entire world for weeks at a time. I bought a cheap ass air filter for my home, that has a HEPA filter inside. The air quality in my home approaches 95% just from running that shitty filter. Usually my windows are closed to keep out the smoke, but I need fresh air so I can crack one window a little bit and still maintain air quality.

This is all to say, I don't think you need something super expensive to keep your indoor air good quality.

A lot of people's indoor air quality is shit to begin with. They have carpets, old furniture, synthetic materials that off gas over time, they never dust or deep clean so there is mold and dust residue on everything. If you don't have an air filter, then the only air filter in the room is your lungs. I'm fortunate to live in a part of the world where the air quality is really good for most of the year, and I never live with my windows closed.
Well 20 year's of constant stress can't be that bad (it is).

Ok, it shrink's the Hippocampus and the connected Amygdala.
Can eventually cause seizure's, which definitely affected my brain, negative but definitely positive on other some front's.

Is 'the Hermit' possible to be if you do realm among other's. Just being busy with live, open for human contact? Keep contact's running.

Then still i would consider myself one. A 'Einzelganger'.

Nootropics for the brain can help regenerate some of the atrophied tissues. For example, I had severe PTSD in my twenties that I used ketamine to fix. I wrote a whole thread about it here on BL. PTSD is associated with atrophy of synapses in the prefrontal cortex, specifically those with NMDA receptors. These are partially associated with memory. Ketamine therapy ended my PTSD type anxiety and memory problems associated with it.

I'm not saying ketamine will fix the entire brain, but it's one example of how a drug can be used as a nootropic to heal the brain and in turn the mind.

The -racetams and hydergine seem to help with that too. I have used both. Also heavy exercise. Ever since I started heavy weightlifting, bodybuilding, and using creatine, my cognitive capacity has shot up quite noticeably.