Mental Health What To Expect In Intensive Outpatient Therapy


Aug 15, 2019
Hello Bluelight, so I am a 25 year old American male, about to begin a journey through outpatient therapy for depression and anxiety at a major behavioral center. I will be in therapy for 3 to 5 hours daily 5 days a week, for about 3-6 months. Anyways I was wondering what kind of treatment and medication I should expect. Over the past 8 years, I have been with the same shrink and medicated on pretty every type of SSRI or SNRI imaginable; Prozac being my daily med for the past 2 years. My psychologist thought it was time to try something new, so she referred me to this behavioral center.

I am aware that medication is only there to treat the symptoms of mental illness and not supposed to magically fix my issues. I am actually very active as in weightlifting/running and I don’t drink or use illicit drugs. But I still find myself not able to function, socialize or overall live my life. The behavioral center mentioned that I might be closely monitored on older antidepressants that are usually used as a last resort meds in the modern Psychiatry field as a start. My biggest problem is sleeping too much and feeling fatigued most of the time, so I take Vyvanse to help get me out of bed in the morning; otherwise I don’t take it on weekends or days off. I do have a Valium script from March, but I only take it for an extreme panic attack and can make a whole bottle last

Anyways, what can I expect in outpatient therapy for depression/anxiety? How do they screen for what treatments and/or medications will work best for me? I know that everybody’s experiences in therapy will differ, but I want to get some kind of hint of what to expect from this. Thanks BL, sorry if I’m asking something that can’t really be answered.Lmao
It depends on the program. They run the gamut from great to barbaric. I would be leary of the older antI depressants. There is a reason they aren't used much. There is a good chance they take you off vyvanse Ime most of these places are very anti a bus able drugs. The therapy depends on the quality of the group and counselors
Welcome to Bluelight Oldschoolpaisan43 :)

Never been outpatient, but cj's explanation seems reasonable.
I think that, if that was your justification for using vyvanse, there are less dangerous to try.