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What Strain of Kratom ?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
So I had some green elephant im waiting on to arrive Wednesday. It works great it gives me that sorta speedy, talkative warm oxycodone feeling and also an amazing feeling in my stomach I can’t describe but wanna find something close to, I was just wondering what strains if any give you a similar low dose oxycodone feeling. I have plenty of reds, but I get too lethargic from that and weed. I have white Borneo and some green Vietnam as well. I’m struggling not to dose like my same oxycodone schedule morning noon and afternoon and I really don’t wanna go back to that as it’s too expensive for me to manage right now. First What would guys recommend I find strain wise so that I don’t have to run out. And secondly between green Vietnam and white Borneo which one would you choose?
No answer for you sorry, but could you give me a heads-up on what kinda dose kratom you take?
5 g x2 daily in the day. I’d like to make it 3 x daily .The green elephant was 3.5 twice dairying Im afraid this headshop kratom isn’t as well but i got it if I was in a pinch
You think 5g 3x daily is too much?
My man, it is not my place to suggest what strain and at what dose.
What is my opinion?
If one finds some good green maeng da one will need less than what one would normally dose. Just an opinion that has been backed by recent troublesome posts. ;) I dose 2.5g ~3-5 times a day. About three years ago I started at .5g twice a day so yeah... there is a tolerance issue with everything.
No longer on opioids or benzos less I want some.
Fucking phenibut and kratom will take me to places others pay hundreds of $ (including myself) to reach and prolly cost me ~10 pennies? LMFAO. Just wish I woulda known sooner....
For an opiate like feeling, you should get a red. Red maeng da is mote stimulating than other reds. Go with maybe a red bali or red borneo
For an opiate like feeling, you should get a red. Red maeng da is mote stimulating than other reds. Go with maybe a red bali or red borneo
I been drinking this white borneo like fuck but my shipment of 100 grams green elephant comes in tomorrow so thankfully 15gs is not to much daily
I have some kratom stashed away in case of emergency but it's too strong for me.

I went with the red strain .