What Song Fits Your Current Mood vs music makes life beautiful

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Love with detachment - no self-sacrificing nonsense - unless you choose to be a fool.

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Just for posterity...for scientific reasons - females are primed to attach to a potential partner ( whatever that is and however they present themselves) this mimics the attachment that they have toward the infant; that they are primed to have. Therefore young women, are normal and have little control over their desire toward attaching to a potential mate - its biology.

How they choose to outsmart their biological drives is another matter but its tough, as its a neurological drive - just as difficult as a man <26 who wants to get laid at any cost (many over that age, would disagre, which would be fair as men are primed to inseminate well into old age - but those with sense, grasp that society pranks them into feeling younger than they are and its harder for those whose brain functions have not matured ( as in atypical, development; as happens with addiction dysfunction( yeah, normal is boring but there is a genuine reason why it's rational and functional for people to develop along a certain trajectory - its healthy;time is limited as is quality of life) , as we can be stunted in emotional intelligence from years of trying to control our brains).

So, you got to go against your instincts to survive ( with no reward) - its awful, but at least you got to engage your smarts - and hopefully can engage your biology when you meet someone who doesnt mess with you and is a good mate, who is loyal and strives to respect themselves/ therefore you. Otherwise, fuck it, and leave.

You know we have outsmarted ourselves so much with out forebrains and evolutionary advantage, that we complicate everything and have a tendency toward destroying what we know by relying on the collective ( which is hijacked by marketing industy) so, in essence, look at plants and mushrooms lol - they co-operate; they work, breed live and die - we got a lot to learn from the things we came from. We are arrogant beyond crazy. ;)

. ;)
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Hey Chomps, yeah it's 1/2 regular band: guitar, bass, vocals and 1/2 synths, drum sequencer, 303/ 808/909 type setup or Maybe a computer. Death in Vegas has been around for awhile, I dig em.

Geez I miss James Gandolfini
^ Nice! It seems you know how it works.

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