What Song fits your current mood Vs Ears of the World

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Angst and belligerence; as a mature, energy, like a fine wine; takes commitment and ripens well, with time and experience, ;)
The best things in life are those you love and are deserved of your commitment.


I mainly just love the song and the emotions that this band is capable of portraying through their instruments and lyrics.
I have not had a smoke of the thc for about a year now for testing reasons but i still miss it like crazy

But I got over you,
I realy got over you
I pained and cried,
and in my madness, I laughed...
I just overcame the anger, and simply passed...


I wanted to post my last posts and I hope you do not delete these because they sort of tell a story and are my heartfelt goodbye. I will be in the shrine soon. <snip> She does not want me to go on suffering in a world so cruel that I can't live in it when nobody will listen to me or stop the horrors I have been begging to stop against the non-human people I am powerless to help that none of you believe in. This is my last post without another miracle and nobody believes in miracles or the grace of the gods. I am running off to heaven and I hope some of the tortured souls will go too and be with me their. I no longer consider myself a part of the human species. Most of the people I talk to and feel like I love are not human but none of you believe me. Maybe herbavore will see her dream of an increasingly vegetarian world now that so many species including our meat is learning human language and telepathy through the love and power of the gods who want it that way but I am thinking this post will be deleted for mentioning telepathy and suicide since that is not welcome here even though it is my final goodbye unless I make a post of my suffering through fulminant liver failure though I asked Felonius Monk for a permanent ban.
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Triptamine*Dreamer/CoatHangerAbortion -

I am sorry you are having such a difficult time right now. Thank you for sharing music that is significant to how you are currently feeling. I have been following your posts for quite sometime and in someways you seem to be doing better, though I know you don't feel bad. Do you have anyone who is supportive available to you irl? You said you are feeling suicidal - perhaps make a post in the suicide thread as you may get more responses if you feel like discussing your situation. This thread is more just for sharing music so members may not respond to your feelings associated with your music selection. Feel free to pm me if you need to talk. I do hope you start feeling better soon.

I wanted to post my last posts and I hope you do not delete these because they sort of tell a story and are my heartfelt goodbye. I will be in the shrine soon. <snip> She does not want me to go on suffering in a world so cruel that I can't live in it when nobody will listen to me or stop the horrors I have been begging to stop against the non-human people I am powerless to help that none of you believe in. This is my last post without another miracle and nobody believes in miracles or the grace of the gods. I am running off to heaven and I hope some of the tortured souls will go too and be with me their. I no longer consider myself a part of the human species. Most of the people I talk to and feel like I love are not human but none of you believe me. Maybe herbavore will see her dream of an increasingly vegetarian world now that so many species including our meat is learning human language and telepathy through the love and power of the gods who want it that way but I am thinking this post will be deleted for mentioning telepathy and suicide since that is not welcome here even though it is my final goodbye unless I make a post of my suffering through fulminant liver failure though I asked Felonius Monk for a permanent ban.

Hope you're still with us mate :(
What the hell, he wanted to kill hiself because people wouldn't become vegeterians? And a girl was trying to convince him do it? If people still talk to him (or her) just advice her to see a doc, something is wrong here.
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