What should I do?


Nov 27, 2011
i have been using street drugs for over 20 years. about 4 months ago my girlfriend had a daughter and I stopped. My veins had all gone and I just needed something to give me that final push. Anyway instead of using drugs I have been using quite a lot of benzos valium, moggies etc. I have been to my doctor for a detox but cos have a long history of drug abuse they keep refusing me. what am i supposed to do i can't just stop taking them or I will be in serious trouble. Any suggestions. Thanks Danny
Have you tried doing a taper with benzos where you go to the lowest possible amount where you can function and then slowly lower the dose from there?
Have you ever tried to get what you could from your doctors and then try to see what is making you want to mask your true feelings instead of labeling them on a prescription box? Not judging just saying it does help.
^x2 with the taper.

Do you have a problem getting benzos in order to do the taper?

What has (somewhat) worked for me is laying out a type of plan i.e. - I'll take X amount of valiums for week 1 then take X amount for week 2 etc. I would give the pills to someone to hide/hold so I don't abuse them and have them follow the plan with me. Basically they dispense the drugs to me according to the plan.
Do what has been said in this thread. Slowly let yourself off until you can find yourself functioning with lower doses. No need to go cold turkey with this, it usually will just make you want to go back to using. I like what sirbishop said, give them to somebody that you trust will monitor your dosages.
exercise and willpower helped me quit my god-awful addiction to stims/benzos -- I'm even off the cigarettes now, you might as well try it
I'm sick of this bullshit from the medical community.

Is there a malpractice hotline you can call for doctors who refuse to treat patients with high risk of seizure? This seems negligent to me, that so many doctors (we hear it in here all the time) basically allow patients to risk their lives with benzo withdrawal. This is in direct violation of the hippocratic oath, as treating benzo (and alcohol) addiction does less harm than neglecting a seizure waiting to happen.

Doctors need to be held responsible.