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What religion most reflects your views: Belief-O-Matic Quiz with poll (updated)

Choose your favourite belief or religion

  • Agnosticism

    Votes: 114 17.0%
  • Atheism

    Votes: 124 18.5%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 129 19.3%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 74 11.1%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 16 2.4%
  • Islam

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 15 2.2%
  • Pagan & Earth-Based

    Votes: 52 7.8%
  • Taoism

    Votes: 47 7.0%
  • Other belief

    Votes: 89 13.3%

  • Total voters
I voted other: Mine is Deism.

Taken from Wikipedia:
Deists typically reject supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and divine revelation prominent in organized religion, along with holy books and revealed religions that assert the existence of such things. Instead, deists hold that correct religious beliefs must be founded on human reason and observed features of the natural world, and that these sources reveal the existence of one God or supreme being.
I voted Agnostic because I believe in evolution, the bible is symbolism, and no divine intervention but that does not necessarily preclude a creator. I have morals (not very many depending on your faith of choice) & live my life in hopes of a limited interference with everyone Else's.

1. Unitarian Universalism 100%
2. Liberal Quakers 95%
3. Secular Humanism 93%
4. Theravada Buddhism 89%
5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants 84%
6. Taoism 72%
7. Mahayana Buddhism 66%
8. Neo-Pagan 66%
9. Nontheist 63%
10. Bahá'í Faith 60%
11. Jainism 57%
12. New Age 56%
13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) 53%
14. Orthodox Quaker 50%
15. Reform Judaism 46%
16. New Thought 45%
17. Sikhism 43%
18. Scientology 40%
19. Hinduism 37%
20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) 36%
21. Jehovah's Witness 31%
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant 31%
23. Seventh Day Adventist 20%
24. Islam 17%
25. Orthodox Judaism 17%
26. Eastern Orthodox 8%
27. Roman Catholic 8%
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Zoroastrianism isn't bad.

I believe in world mythologies, but I don't consider that to be bona fide religion in any way.
hey what about Mormonism? just because they ban all drugs including Coffee, Tea, and Tobacco; doesn't mean they can't be included! (born and raised)
I like the idea of becoming Latter Day Saints, but I think psychedelics would help them on their way.
agnostic I think best describes my view...see rant below...

I was raised roman catholic, but as i went throught the processes and studied world religion I found one common flaw in all of them. They are mostly male dominated and corrupt at some point in their history. I use catholic as an example but in the beginning there were the "holy war" where killing was done in the name of God and/or Jesus and in the dark ages and middle ages priests (all men women god forbid we 2nd class and property back then) were the only one who were allowed to read as a common person learning to read was forbidden. It was how they kept power of so many for so long. And because they were the ones that could read and write they also made up the stories in the bible. While I do agree that there may be some truth to the stories they are twisted and manipulated to suit those who had power. And if you go to present day and you see the corruption in the church that is coming out now about priest and how they abused there power with children.

So with all that I do believe in a higher power, that beings name may infact be god but organized religion is man made and has been corrupted by those who stand as it's leaders. :) hopefully my rant is clear it is a subject/opinion that is ever evolving in my head.
These are the top five results that I got. I voted atheist, but agnostic would probably be a better description of my belief since I can't possibly be sure that there is no god.

1. Unitarian Universalism 100%
2. Secular Humanism 96%
3. Liberal Quakers 86%
4. Theravada Buddhism 80%
5. Nontheist 76%
I believe all religions have value but have been corrupted through people and pratices (for example the treatment of women in: Islam,Hinduism,Buddhism (yes), Christianity, Paganism)
beans15, I think the world needs more people with your attitude toward religion. Alan Watts wrote about the rules of religion being something of a training exercise in how to see life as meaningful. Those smart enough to eventually realize this have gained the most from the exercise, while those who are fixated on the rules as an end in and of themselves are missing the point. Although I have no beef with religion, I personally think it's great a lot of people are questioning it. Just like not everyone needs karate to discipline their motor skills, not everyone needs religion to discipline their awareness.
Pantheism about covers it ~ although my concept of it is limited to the very basics ~ if it gets more complex then count me out!
I just took the test at Beliefnet.

I'm not familiar with a lot of the religions mentioned. I find the labelling and all that trouble to be a bit like over-genre-fying music, it serves no (or little) purpose to me.

I got an 18% on Catholicism, but I was raised one (maybe unsuccessfully, some might say), and I can still see the beauty and truth in the scriptures and all that. I don't go to mass, unless I want a quiet hour to myself really early in the morning. I don't consider myself to be not Catholic, but if there are "minimum requirements" in terms of ritual and sacrament, I certainly don't make the cut.


PS I feel a bit dirty about being 84% Scientology... what the fuck is up with that?

1. Unitarian Universalism (100% )
2. New Thought (97% )
3. Liberal Quakers (93% )
4. Hinduism (92% )
5. Mahayana Buddhism (91% )
6. Neo-Pagan (89% )
7. New Age (88% )
8. Scientology (84% )
9. Reform Judaism (81% )
10. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (76% )
11. Bah�'� Faith (74% )
12. Jainism (72% )
13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (69% )
14. Sikhism (69% )
15. Theravada Buddhism (69% )
16. Taoism (61% )
17. Orthodox Judaism (57% )
18. Orthodox Quaker (55% )
19. Secular Humanism (55% )
20. Islam (50% )
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (34% )
22. Jehovah's Witness (34% )
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (31% )
24. Nontheist (31% )
25. Seventh Day Adventist (29% )
26. Eastern Orthodox (18% )
27. Roman Catholic (18% )
I'm atheist, but also going further - I'm a material determinist. That is - there's nothing supernatural going on, consciousness is an emergent property of electrochemical processes - there is no such thing as a "soul" except in terms of the aforementioned electrochemical processes... you get my drift.
Well I used the faith identifier on the first page of this thread and apparantly I am 100% Unitarian Universalist!

That is followed closely by 94% Neo-Pagan

and 87% New Age.

I feel quite good about that;)

=D =D
ayjay said:
I'm atheist, but also going further - I'm a material determinist. That is - there's nothing supernatural going on, consciousness is an emergent property of electrochemical processes - there is no such thing as a "soul" except in terms of the aforementioned electrochemical processes... you get my drift.

Good lord, how old are you? You have hands down proven that beliefs don't mean all that much. You obviously are denying an enormous amount of your own life experience to make a statement like that. There are large, unseen aspects of the material 'real' world that can't be known but for certain tools(like telescopes, electron microscopes, etc.) but they can be proven to exist with a sensitive enough instrument. Any good religion starts with a dicovery of the previously unknown; something that can be discovered by anyone who cares enough to look through potentially the most sensitive far reaching instrument of all: awareness. Lo child, light of lights, haha! But no one can make you aware, you already are. And if you pay just a fair amount of attention, you'll see that that is no mere emergent of electrochemical processes. But you have to care enough to look and see. The brain and mind are two sides of the same process that is always happening. One is not there without the other.
^Odd comments - I'm not really sure how you can justify any of these claims about the maturity of my position, the nature of "good" religion, or how "paying attention" will disprove the biological basis of consciousness.

If you care to give it a go, I'll respond.
I'm glad you responded. Maybe I was a bit dickish with the maturity comment. But ok, I'll give it a go. By good religion I meant one that has persisted over time, and has the ability to transform its follwers. I say attention is key because it's the most naked and direct aspect of existence. You are aware right now, and it is not the result of any biochemical process. The locus of attention does have some vague feeling of being behind the eyes/ in the head, but when you try and pinpoint it you can't, right. Science has located areas of the brain where different modes of cognition take place and they can be measured with instruments like EEGs and catscans. You can pinpoint where in the brain sight occurs, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling, thinking; but those are biological functions you are aware of, right? They are fuctions of consciessness, not consciousness itself. But where in the brain can you find the self, meaning, love, sense of humor, emotion? These are nowhere to be found, so do we say they aren't real; as real as the brain, the senses,the so-called 'basis' of consciousness?

But, are all of these biological functions together consciousness per se, the whole of it? No. There is no area of the brain where consciosness is located and science makes no claim to have found it. They kind of scratch their heads and say "well since we can locate areas of the brain where these functions take place, we can assume that the whole of what we call consciosness occurs in the brain as well."

They theorize this but in no way have proved it; so I don't have to disprove their position because scientists can't do it in the first place.

And what about when you sleep? Where is consciousness located then? All other functions shut down and you then you have theta and delta waves corresponding with dreaming and deep sleep. Most people would agree that they still exist in sleep, even though they are unaware of it. All aspects of waking consciousness shut down so everything we might normally ascribe as me disappears too. But you still remain, don't you? Everything that can be pointed to is NOT awareness/ attention. I am not pointing to some ghost in the machine or anything supernatural in the sense most people use the word. But it certainly is beyond the scope of what we have the ability to measure at this time. We can only really say, at this point in time, what consciossness isn't. One day science will find out how mind and body are connected. But that discovery, by current scientific standards of proof, is a long way off yet. Besides, this is a mystery the just gets deeper the more you delve into it.
So, let's not be too eager to assume we've discovered what IT is.
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i'm no hindu, but of all religions i like hinduism most i think.
i love it's drawings and it's playful way of trying to communicate truth through a story :)