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What order should/did you try drugs in?

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Also done various other over-the-counter drugs. Too many to list them all though.
Wasn't much of a drug user until after high school, but here goes....
Caffeine - 5 (hell, it could have been 3, I don't remember)
Weed - 17
Alcohol - 17
Nicotine - 17
Opium - 18
Marizene - 18 (about 10 of 'em)
Ecstasy - 19
Ephedrine - 19
DXM - 21
I think that's it....but I can't remember if I TRIED anything else. I was an avid user of weed and e for quite some time. Used to smoke cigs at pack a day for 4 and half years too.
I think my order was pretty consistent with a step up each time. I was prepared for every experience. I quit doing everything except weed now.
[ 29 November 2002: Message edited by: X Roll T Balls C ]
Alcohol -12
Khat -13
Nicotine -16 (social smoker)
Hash -14
Weed -15
Skunk (high grade) -16
Shrooms -18
Salvia -18
Just tried Salvia....it fucking rocks!
Alcohol and Skunk are my regular drugs
My first batch of mushrooms are nearly grown wohoo!
Got some Ephedera extract and Blue lotus in my cupboard waiting to be tried....
....and should be getting some kratom soon too.
all enjoyable and i will continue to use them all from time to time. favourites weed, cigs and ecstasy
Well let's see:
17-Just turned and tried alchohol
17-Six months later it was weed
17-One month before B-day it was Ex
Never tried cigs. because I have friends who can't even run a lap around the football field.
Still waiting to try: shrooms and maybe K. But I plan to be all done with everything (sans weed) by 28.
I posted earlier in this thread and have been checking back.. I am having a hard time understanding the young ages that some of you r doing drugs.. I am not putting down or any thing of that nature I am just wondering cause I never got into my use until 24 except for Cigs and Booze, but every thing else has come in the past year and a half.. I was just wondering.. maybe some of you can give some insight... To each threr own,,
Be safe, enjoy the roll..
Alcohol 8
Inhalents 9
Nicotine 13
Cannabis 13
Amphetamine 14
Cocaine 15
LSD 15
MDA 16
Amyl Nitrate 16
Butyl Nitrate 16
Ketamine 17
Temazepam 17
Heroin 17
Methamphetamine 17
PMA 17
Diazepam 17
2CB 18
Ephedrine 18
AMT 18
GHB 18
BzP 18
Mushrooms 18
2C-I 19
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Originally posted by Rolz23:
I posted earlier in this thread and have been checking back.. I am having a hard time understanding the young ages that some of you r doing drugs.. I am not putting down or any thing of that nature I am just wondering cause I never got into my use until 24 except for Cigs and Booze, but every thing else has come in the past year and a half.. I was just wondering.. maybe some of you can give some insight... To each threr own,,
Be safe, enjoy the roll..

I just saw your post and thought you had a very valid question here. Most of my heavy drug use (heroin, crack, coke, meth, etc.) didn't come until age 18 up until now (i'm 19 now, in fact my post is on the page before this if you wanna check it out)...but I thought I'd comment on your post. I think a large part of one's drug use has to do with their peers. I know I would not have tried some of those drugs had it not been for their availability through friends. But at the same time it was my own curiousity that led me towards some (heroin). I was so interested in heroin that I read up enough about it and went by myself to the ghetto (in chicago) and just tried scoring some dope, that's honestly how I got started. But once I started doing that I also hung around more people that did dope, so naturally there were a lot more other drugs available to me...so I took advantadge. Sorry for all the rambling, I guess my main point is, the age one tries drugs at has a lot to do with their own priorities/interests as well as their social group.
Thurgood.. thanks for the response.. I agree with the fact of friends being a active member or reasone people are trying different drugs.. I guess being some what of a jock (I played Hockey for many years almost made the NHL) I was exposed to many many drugs but the fear of not making it as a pro stopped me.. now I look at it as a learning exprience.. so thats my reasoning to what I do .. plus I have learned so many things about myself as well as a person.. If not for my expriences with drugs I would not have found Blue light where I find many others that share similar idea's and thoughts.. so anyways.. again thanks for the reply.. and I am not looking down upon any one just looking for info into anyone that wants to share why so young..
Peace, be safe, enjoy the roll..
My order...
Meth- 16
That's it. I haven't tried much since it's hard to find E where I live (so cal..white spoiled neighborhood)
i'm a late starter. . .
alcohol (16)- got drunk by myself one afternoon during the summer. more like tipsy. didn't drink again until i was 18
weed (1 8) - got high by myself one morning during the summer. (yes, you can get high your first time)
mdma (19)- done it a few times. it's fun, but the week after makes the whole experience not worth it (in my opinion.)
dxm (19)- i love it! but it's so bad for you. . . but what isn't?!
K (20)- way too intense (wrote a trip report). i'd do it again now that i feel more prepared. . . not for a long time, though
caffeine since high school. . . clove cigarettes at 19, made the switch to regular (god damn nicotine) a few months later. . .
one of my friends gave me some opium once, but i don't think it was enough, because it didn't really work.
More for my own amusement than because I think anyone is actually reading all of these answers with fascination...
cannabis sativa (14)
DXM (14)
cannabis indica (14)
darvocet (14)
nutmeg (yes, it works, but inconsistently) (14)
salvia divinorum (14)
pseudoephedrine (14)
shrooms (14)
and just missing the cutoff for the list, i'm probably getting LSD tomorrow night and i'm definitely getting some MDMA if either the acid falls through or i can get some more money this weekend
Tabbacco(12)began smoking regulary when 14
All herbal shit avaible(14)
exotic chemicals(17)
Mescaline,san pedro(17)
just want to try and lick a bufo toad once. :D :S :D
[ 26 February 2003: Message edited by: Leeuwarder ]
[ 26 February 2003: Message edited by: Leeuwarder ]
Let me cast my mind back...
16 - Alcohol
18 - Weed
20 - Speed
20 - MDMA
21 - Nitrous
21 - Ephedrine
21 - Meth
22 - Ketamine
Alcohol 14
Weed 14
Nicotine 14
Only just started doing MDMA and loving it :D
Always pissup when going out
Occassional smoke when stressed or want to chill out/calm down
Never really took to weed, didn't like the feeling of being out of control and very very dreamy. This may sound like a stupid question, but is that the normal effect of weed?
alcohol - 12
weed - 14
poppers - 14
Cocaine - 17
Ecstacy - 19
Shrooms - (hopefully in a few weeks ... so thats 19)
i only just started using, with the exception of caffeine and sleeping pills, in the past 3 months.
im 16.
trazodone (uck)
adderoll/diet pills and the like
i hate tobbacco (sp?) and alcohol. and trazodone bites. ive got a scrip for it so ive got hundreds of pills, literally.
i hope to try shrooms and x soon, maybe coke too. gotta get a job.
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