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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

What movie character do you want to be?

I'd be Steven Seagal in any of those movies. I could walk around talking in that annoying monotone voice, kicking the shit out of everyone with my badass hapkido skills. It doesn't get better than that.

Jeremy Piven (Droz) from PCU would be another good one. Make money selling term papers and other illegals to my fellow classmates during my 7th or 8th year of college, while I get to sit around and do nothing but hang out with people and relax at all times. Maybe take in a frisbee game involving the womenists vs Jerry's kids. :D
Ted Bueler - Ted Buelers day off

I probably spell-a-sized his name wrong, but hey! :D
^^ Ferris Bueller's day off you mean? I didn't think of that, but that's definitely better than my pics. Good one. :)
yea, good choice with Bueller.

I'll have to say Jack Traven from Speed. Coolest cop.
good choice with speed!

It would have to be either Harry Tasker from True Lies b/c no one messes with Arnold, or Bud White from L.A. Confidential, Russell Crowe was a total badass!
John Travolta in Pulp Fiction
Salvatore 'Sally' Jenko -dead man
Jay -Clearks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Screan 3, Jay and silent bob strike back.
jackstyle said:
can i just ask why anyone would want to sit in jail for such a long time for a crime they didnt do - ala andy dufresne in shawshank?

Because his strength of character remains invincible through the film - and that propels his escape and victory.

God I am such a nerd:

These are from TV, not movies but...

Jack Bauer -- 24 (hardcore badass to the extreme, kicks ass and doesn't take names)

Vic Mackey -- The Shield (same as above, gets the job done the way it needs to get done, fuck the rules)

Pacino from Devil's Advocate (Yes. Satan rocks!)
I think Arnold's character name was "Dutch" in Predator. That would be sweet to outsmart and kill a nasty alien...
If I was a chick I would prolly be Juliette Lewis' character in Natural Born Killers, it would be fun to kill someone while I am seducing them...
And if I was old, and I mean REALLY OLD, I would have to be GRANDPA from the original Texas Chainsaw Massicre! It would be fun suckng blood out of that girls finger.