Mental Health What medication can I take to help me focus at work.


Jul 22, 2017
I used meth for 5 years, I've been clean for a while. I was a very heavy user. My brain is not severely damaged. It's hard for me to concentrate on tasks some times. If I get distracted while I'm in the middle of a task.. I'll come back and completely forget where I left off.

I want to go see my family doctor and ask for a prescription for something that can HELP ME FOCUS MORE.. I have had so much damage done to my brain it's unbelievable. It's scary to notice how you are mentally and physically after years of meth use

What pills / medication would be best?
I was thinking of asking him for Ritalin? I was on that before a very long time ago..

Someone please help me here.. Give me your advice and opinion...
You don't know that meth did any damage. You just feel like it did. It's an important difference. If you had damage in those dopamine systems, you might be having Parkinson's disease-type tremors. I'm not saying you're unscathed, it's just not something that can be checked. Maybe you're just having some anxiety about past use? Maybe not, but something to think about. That would be a whole different kind of treatment.

I'm a current meth user, who used to work. And before that I was a corporate shill, and the meth there was coffee. One thing I noticed is the very very fine line between focused with energy, and spazzing out getting nothing done. I honestly think that stims are not the best way to go, at least for some people.

If you do go the methylphenidate/Ritalin route, remember bupropion/Welbutrin does the same thing. There are even "downers" like clonidine that are used for ADHD to give focus. And things like Straterra/atomoxetine. Basically Ritalin without the dopamine. THese last three drugs have the benefit of not being scheduled.

And then your doc might not go for it, but things like modafinil/Provigil help with attention, without the adrenaline side effects.

But really, I think the best is good sleep and nothing more than green tea.

I know, I can't do that either.