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What kinds of drugs would you do with certain celebs?

therastamonsays said:
ganja - marc emery

Been there, done that. Come up to Vancouver on Canada/cannabis Day, there'll be 400+ people standing outside of the art gallery smoking weed all day long. Emery goes around with a cute pot fairy handing out killer joints. Some people bring their plants to show off, I prefer to show off my bongs.
And while all of this is happening the police stay across the street watching us, and doing nothing about it.

Back onto the topic.

I would give the majority of today's celebs a nice healthy lethal dose of nightshade. I dislike most of today's celebs since most are sell outs.

But I could go for some LSD with the Dali lama, if anyone knows the meaning of life it's him, and we'd need the LSD just to comprehend the complexity of it.
MissBehavin'_416 said:
^props... :)

Cocaine, crack or crystal with Johnny Depp, Lenny Kravitz or Brittany Murphy
Heroin (altho I never tried it, I would like to do it with) Courtney Love
seems like a looooooooooooong time ago that I posted this (re: heroin)
I would like to shoot robbie williams with a syringe full of quality H, followed swiftly with a hit of narcan... I am sure it would help me understand his angels song, as I smoke my golden brown
I'd do datura, acid and a truckload of sea sickness tablets with Nikki Webster (the little twat who sang various annoying things at the opening ceremony of Sydney Olympics). Once it all kicked in I would just dump her somewhere and let her think about her actions.

Other than that I wouldnt mind getting pissed with Russel Crowe. That would have to be good for a laugh.
ALL THE DRUGS IN THE WORLD - Hunter s thompson

MDMA - angelina jolie

MDMA, acid, speed, booze- Bez and shaun ryder.......no explantion needed (though i 'd probly be under the table before theyd even started).
I would smoke bowl after bowl with DMB. Not celebs but still..

I'd smoke pot with ARNOLD too haha. uhh other than that,..,i dunno
shrooms and coke - robin williams
weed -laura bush (the first lady was a dealer but she's still a bitch who married a bastard in my eyes, i'd like to mess with her mind)
Weed-Just about anyone, famous or not.
Coke-George Bush and Marilyn Manson.
LSD-Jon Stewart
MDMA-Dr. Shulgin or any attractive female.
Meth-Tim Burton
Opiates-Courtney Love
Absinthe-Johnny Depp
Alcohol-Gwen Stefani
5-MeO-DiPT- The guy who plays Kramer on Seinfeld, I forget his name.
Hash- Osama Bin Laden
I met a record producer who did coke with J-Lo. He also told he was doing a interview with Macy Gray and she was so high she was falling asleep and kept reaching out for food that wasn't there.
I would like to do tweek with Brittany Murphy if she acted like she did in Spun. That would be funny.
Hmmmm.... I think Jon Stewart would be a great person to smoke pot with. And even though I haven't tried it yet, I think Marilyn Manson would be a good person to do coke with.
themadhungarian -Pablo Escobar- coke (you know he had the best)
^^hahah def. maybe with Nicole Richie and Robin Williams also

MDMA- Johnny Depp, Marshall Mathers, Leonardo Decaprio
Weed- Jim Carey, D12, Dave Chappel, Will Ferrel, BOB marley if he was alive:(
yeah, robin williams would be the best to do coke with, he'd be fucking crazy.

I'd love to toke up with Jon Stewart, him and the entire cast of half baked
MDMA - J-LO, to get her all nice n loved up..and....well....
Weed - All of them
Coke - Robin Williams. you guys are right, he would be fucking NUTS!
Since I'm in LBC right now, definitely some MJ with snoop, meth with sublime, PCP with tarantino, LSD with spielberg, and E with dicaprio
I would cook crack cocaine with martha stewart, and she would make real good freebase. She would add the alcohol and some cinnamon. Man...