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What is your favorite Opiate/Opioid?

Wat is your favorite opiate/oid?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 225 26.1%
  • Fentanyl (duragesic, actiq)

    Votes: 26 3.0%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 15 1.7%
  • Oxymorphone (opana)

    Votes: 80 9.3%
  • Hydromorphone (dilaudid)

    Votes: 68 7.9%
  • Morphine (kadian, avinza, mscontin)

    Votes: 44 5.1%
  • Meperidine (demerol)

    Votes: 10 1.2%
  • Oxycodone (percocet, roxicet, oxycontin)

    Votes: 200 23.2%
  • Hydrocodone (vicodin, norco, lortab)

    Votes: 56 6.5%
  • Codeine (tylenol 3)

    Votes: 20 2.3%
  • Dihydrocodeine

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Buprenorphine (suboxone, subutex)

    Votes: 9 1.0%
  • Opium

    Votes: 40 4.6%
  • Kratom

    Votes: 18 2.1%
  • Propoxyphene (Darvon, darvocet)

    Votes: 5 0.6%
  • Tramadol (ultram)

    Votes: 22 2.6%
  • O-Desmethyltramadol

    Votes: 7 0.8%
  • Other Not Listed - Post and I will make option for any forgotten ones

    Votes: 13 1.5%

  • Total voters
to the three who voted propoxyphene,

are you troll-voting?
Demerol has always been my fav

But I haven't had any since doing H.
Just gimme 2 strong 20s of china white and a key bump of fish scale.
oc's but roxy's are my fav next to 80's

because it gives me the perfect rush and high.
IV Opana with a couple bags of heroin added into the mix. Maybe some cocaine along with that if im feeling adventurous. (or if i have the money anyway... lol)

You sir, are a wild man.. You must have a helluva tolerance!

i have been using opiates for12 yrs with a few breaks here n there n nuttin gets me high anymore well not like it used 2..until i got some opana ir's n iv'd im fucked up lol i love them!!
What was the best opiate high you ever had

I just wanted to say hi to all you bluelighters. I've been a long time lurker but have always been to lazy to creat an account. lol. Anyways, i'll start this threat off with my best opiate experience.. I'd have to say it was the first time i I.V.'d blacktar with a little bit of hydromorphone. Ten seconds after i had my friend inject me i was floating in opiate heaven, i got pins n needles all over at first which was really intense but than that went away and i was left wraped in gods warmest blanket. I enjoyed a good nod for about an hour after that than a nice buzz for a couple more. The only sad part is, is after your first time you can never get that amazing feeling to be quite as good. lol. So guys, whats your favorite opte experience?
Shooting high purity white powder heroin , especially the first few times....nothing yet has come close...tar!! bummer you had to shoot tar instead of good powder but i guess whatever you got is what you do...suck to be tar,it;s available around here ,but so is good powder from Chicago and the east coast,so no one really ever buys tar except for newbies whose only connection for heroin is tar...then when they get to know other people the always switch to the powder...
I've smoked a bit of H but I had a tolerance with other opiates at the time so the winner is . . .
The first time I tried DHC. I took 300mg with about 3mg clonazepam and WOW I felt beautiful. I just lay there on my setee looking at my legs for hours.

Probably not the strongest experience ever but I adored it.
it has to be 2mgs of klonopin, and half a bag of H, i was fuuuucked up at school lol
yea, i wish i didnt live in ariZona but in my defense, its right by the mexican border so the tar we get here is prolly alot better than what you get there cause it comes straight from the mexican mafia.... I wish i could get powder believe me, but its just not here. Atleast not that i;ve seen or heard about. I'm gonna take a trip to Chi town or philly one day and get a real H experiences haha. K pins n dope rock tho man, a great relaxing high...
The first time I injected oxycodone. That rush was heavenly and I fell in love. It was my first time ever iving any drug.
iv oc is pretty bomb. its a really clean high. but its soooooo bad for your veins =[ unless you use a micron filter
My best was 2 30mg roxicodones mixed with a 20 sack of white powder(called scramble in bmore), I prepped each seperately, then put both solutions in the same rig, banged that shit, nodded for a loooooooooong time:D