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Kratom What is with this stuff


Dec 20, 2017
I dare not miss a morning dose and it's been 3 years now. I've never religiously taken a substance so regularly so I'd imagine the withdrawal is going to be unimaginably horrible. i've withdrawn from high dose opioids and even stronger analogues (because I find opioids to be too life-consuming) and I did notice a toll on my mental health from them. Indeed all of that stuff was horrible.. but there's something about kratom withdrawal that is just psychologically so brutal. I can't stop sweating and sweating and then I feel myself going insane so I redose to feel magically normal again. I've tapered down quite a bit over the months (5-12 grams a day now) but the fact that my doses have been so regular just promotes a withdrawal that I fear way more than any opiate. It's actually at the top of my list of most feared things right now within my life. Kratom withdrawal :D I withdraw on kratom even if I try to taper down suboxone (yes I have been highly educated by many BL's on how stupid suboxone is to get off kratom). I did not even think that one would be able to feel kratom on suboxone strips... but this is undocumented territory BECAUSE I do feel incredibly euphoric on kratom (even with suboxone blocking my receptors). Regardless--I do not need suboxone it was just an attempt to lower my kratom tolerance as much as possible.

I'm not sure how other folks dealt with this if they wanted an exit strategy. I suppose I could just lock myself in my room for a week or two and go mad. Can anyone explain how they felt/did it when they really quit this stuff? Thanks :) Also everyone please take care of yourself. This is a terribly hard time and don't take anything you love for granted <3
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That’s the only thing I think is worse than oxy withdrawal; the damn hot flashes and sweating . With oxy I always got chills but you can put on more clothes or hot shower . The hot flashes are brutal with Kratom and I seem to get real angry and mean when I try not to dose .
I just threw it all away and pretty much went cold turkey after a quick taper down to a lower dose for a week or so.

Weed helps a lot.

This looks--like a fast-forwarded event lolol.

I know you felt something awful ;) What was your withdrawal like/history of use though? Just wondering!
That’s the only thing I think is worse than oxy withdrawal; the damn hot flashes and sweating . With oxy I always got chills but you can put on more clothes or hot shower . The hot flashes are brutal with Kratom and I seem to get real angry and mean when I try not to dose .
Shit! You got that right!
I used Kratom for 12 days to bridge my prescription gap.
Now I am back on prescription but suffering major hot flashes.
How long is this going to last do you guys figure?

This is bad!

I cannot go through this again.
I am having someone else give me my pain medication again.
I can’t seem to make it last the entire month.
Some of this may be from my pain level being out of control too.
What hurts?

@Painful One

Good to see you.
Well, back pain, headaches, joint pain is my chronic pain condition and that is flared up.
Left leg pain is thing that really drove me to pain medication.
I had a tooth that has a cap on it and the cap came off and broke off my tooth with it and that is hurting.
My dentist can’t fix it until Thursday.

But I am having severe hot/ cold flashes and I am wondering if this is due to Kratom withdrawal?
I used quite a bit of Kratom for about 13 days.
I overused my pain medication this last month and used Kratom to help the withdrawal and pain.
I just got back on my normal pain medication and stopped using Kratom.

How long do these hot flashes last?
The pain medication does work bro.
I overused my prescription last month and bridged the gap with Kratom.
I got my prescription filled and have handed it over to a family member to administer to me as I have been having trouble making it last the entire month.
It is hard to not take a little more when the chronic pain spikes.
It is way worse to run out early.

I am just wondering about Kratom and others speaking of these hot/ cold flashes in relation to Kratom withdrawal.
I am wondering how long they will last?
They are brutal.

I guess I will be the guinea pig here and report back when they end for others who have this question to get an idea of how long they will have to suffer these.
I use Kratom to bridge the gap so to speak with my pain meds. I dont think I have ever stayed on Kratom long enough to feel any withdrawal symptoms. I have only experienced those hot/cold flashes when I stop taking pain meds. I can say this it does help with pain and it stops any withdrawals for me. You can only take so much Kratom at one time as it makes you sick if you take to much. Just my worthless 2 cents... lol
Yeah, it could just be that I am in opiate withdrawal period.

I am just getting my MS Contin back in my system and thought it would end these horrible hot flashes but I am still suffering them.
Things could be a whole lot worse than hot flashes.
Things are beginning to stabilize out some now.
So yeah I went through a period where I was going hard on hydromorphone and I mean the hardest way you can do it. Well I had enough and stopped the hydros but I had ms contin 30's to take. I'm sure it helped but I still got those hot and cold flashes for a week and it probably would have been way worse withdrawals without the ms. I hope you feel better.. it was the hot flashes that drove me the most crazy because I would sweat and my clothes would get wet !!! Lol be well.
Right before quarantine went into effect I decided enough was enough and tosed my entire stash in the grass. I was on 30 grams of kratom a day for 2 years, the ensuing week was hell.

RLS that was probably the worst pseudo pain i've ever felt, it's what I imagine akathisia feels like and it made sleep literally impossible. When I ended up "passing out" from exhaustion I was just in a semi conscious fever dream type state. The sweating and cold flashes didn't make it any better.

Sleep issues were a major concern for me but the PAWS were the worst part. Although my heavy brain fog had subsided considerably I fell into a depressive state.

It's a hard road to travel but it's worth it. Unfortunately i'm back on kratom at ~15grams a day but i'm tapering down.

Good luck to you on your journey