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What is this place I go to during my methadone naps?

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Nov 23, 2014
Most days I lay down in the dark with a fan on anytime from about noon to 6, and I guess I "nap" for 30 minutes or a bit more. The thing is I don't actually sleep, I just enter this blissful state where I notice I've relaxed 100% and although I'm still concious, I float in this healing zone, and when I finally decide to get up, I am totally refreshed. It gives my day a restart, and I guess other than the dramatic pain relief, these quasi-naps are the best thing about methadone. Anyone else experienced this? :)
If I fall completely asleep and sleep for - say an hour - the effects from my methadone is almost impossible to feel anymore. Does anyone else experience this? The same happens with oxycodone, tramadol et cetera.
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yeah, when i used to drink poppy tea, i would get really euphoric highs from small doses early in the morning if i took a dose then went back to sleep for an hour or so.
i would actually get high, off a dose that normally wouldn't have done much.
yeah, when i used to drink poppy tea, i would get really euphoric highs from small doses early in the morning if i took a dose then went back to sleep for an hour or so.
i would actually get high, off a dose that normally wouldn't have done much.

I made a bad formulation. Sorry. If I sleep for just an hour or something, when I wake up the effects from my methadone is more or less non-existing. I cannot feel it anymore and thus start to crave another dose. So I have stopped taking naps during the day as I will have do redose after the sleep
Sorry guys, but there's nothing in this thread that I would consider to be related to our goal of producing discourse dedicated to Harm Reduction. It shouldn't come as a surprise that you are able to relax and feel refreshed after using Opioids, so I don't think we need to hire Sherlock to solve this one.
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