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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
Thanks mate I will look into it. Having boxes of 30 on hand would be far more useful than paying out the arse for 8 at a time.

Oh and hopefully not sourcing. It's an uncontrolled OTC drug with no rec value but is a lifesaver for w/d.
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Absolutely. If I find that info I had years ago I will email it to you. There were others like lope too but can’t remmeber what it was.
Never tried Kratom heard it mentioned a lot over the years. When I was studying pharmacology, my endogenous/exogenous pain mechanisms, and drugs researched info sheet given, showed Loperamide equal to hydromorphone on all non central nervous system receptor agonist affinity. I kid you not.

Wilson, R.......... (not sure if sourcing for harm reduction) pharmacy if you have em does boxes of 30 or independent pharmacies usually have Actavis or others at 30 count you can buy on request ?

I can attest to its effectivness, i went cold turkey off fentanyl / heroin and the kratom helped me get to where i am today which is 59days clean. Its amazing stuff.
I was mainly referring to Lope for peripheral withdrawal, but I get ya Curt. Kratom may as well be classed as an opioid it seems!!
You know what mate you're right, lope eases up far more withdrawal symptoms than only diarrhoea. Helps a lot of the physical symptoms too. Then kratom helps the mental side.

Just a shame most pharmacies don't stock generic lope so you gotta pay a premium for a small box of Imodium.
Loperamide does help with mental side if you take it enough.
It has been kept under the radar where that is concerned, for obvious reasons. However as you’ll know, sites like this have known for years the true nature of how it works.

I like to think it is harm reduction in and of itself, as someone may stay away from desperate purchases of any street opioid when in withdrawal.
It has been kept under the radar where that is concerned, for obvious reasons. However as you’ll know, sites like this have known for years the true nature of how it works.

I like to think it is harm reduction in and of itself, as someone may stay away from desperate purchases of any street opioid when in withdrawal.
I don't like the Dark Side section of this forum becaue they all say you have to get tortured by opioid WD's don't take anything, thats the usual answer.
To be fair it was here I first learned of Loperamide in more detail, so I shall have to politely disagree ??. I get ya though ?
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Loperamide does help with mental side if you take it enough.

In my experience not so, but keep in mind I have pre-existing depression and anxiety already. So I need a proper psychoactive drug that will handle both the withdrawals and the underlying mental illness when I'm on the rattle.

Thankfully weak stuff like kratom, codeine, DHC is enough to do this even when I was kicking oxy.

Also high doses of lope are meant to be bad for your heart and a few other things. Rather not take that risk when kratom, codeine, and DHC are easily accessible to me for tapering or maintenance.
Yeah it can be risky, Long qt and murmurs among others I think. I definitely used to feel a prolonged mood lift after 3-4 hours. I just try and make sure people I know struggling have this option. That initial lessening of restless legs and cold sweats can pull a brother back to the land of the living!!
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The restless legs.

I ran out of my DHC before the weekend a while ago and had to wait until Monday to have my new prescription delivered. I only had some shitty effervescent co-codamol indoors, so no CWE possible.

Didn't even have loperamide, but I had a tablet of Pregabalin and promethazine. I also had some Lorazepam but didn't wanna take that. I was taking the co-codamol but 16mg of codeine at a time didn't do anything as my daily intake of DHC is way too high for that. By the second day I was having that awful RLS thing and having trouble falling asleep. I was so relieved when my prescription arrived.
Are you prescribed DHC on repeat?

Sometimes for me, that first juicy line of Oxy when drowning in withdrawal symptoms of restless “body” sweating and shivering with impending doom setting in, is a high in itself. The relief, the relaxation and the feeling everything is right in the world again.
Are you prescribed DHC on repeat?

Sometimes for me, that first juicy line of Oxy when drowning in withdrawal symptoms of restless “body” sweating and shivering with impending doom setting in, is a high in itself. The relief, the relaxation and the feeling everything is right in the world again.

I know the feeling mate. When I had an oxy habit, obviously it killed my sex drive, so I'd often stop for a bit when I spent a weekend with my girlfriend. Since it was only a few days it was minor withdrawals plus I kept some codeine and DHC on me anyway. But when I went back to the oxy, the relief from the withdrawals was a high in itself.

I also think it's just because not using oxy for that period of time lowered my tolerance a bi too. I notice this with opiates. My tolerance goes down quick... but then of course goes up quick too. But the first high after taking any kind of break is always stronger.
The RLS is the worst thing to me. As a kid, me (and my brother, and my mom) would get RLS... but there was no medical term for it, we called it "crazy legs". Our family doctor rolled his eyes at us when my mom tried to talk to him about it. It was so bad, when I was really young I walked around with my toes curled in my shoes, clenching my legs as hard as I could, a lot of the time. Got in trouble for putting my legs in the aisles at school. Couldn't sleep sometimes. Fast forward to opiates.... ahh, no more RLS. Then fast forward to withdrawals... oh GOD THE WORST RLS. Full-body restlessness, not just legs, it crept into the arms. People who haven't experienced RLS (like my sister) think it's weird, like, just don't move, it's simple. It's not simple, it's fucking hell. The worst feeling, like you're going to crawl out of your skin. My history with it is probably why RLS is the worst symptom for me. When I used to be on opiates, I'd make it to like day 5 and then always cave because 5 days of no sleep plus terrible anxiety and depression is a bitch. I can remember laying in bed thrashing all night and finally starting to punch my legs over and over and hard as I possibly could, for like 60 seconds straight, so they'd feel numb and heavy for a couple of minutes at most.... huge bruising the next day, but so worth it.

Weirdly, since I quit opiates 6 years ago, I never get RLS anymore. My brother and mom still do and have never done opiates.
I have to say its definetly benzos, as I've seen my close friend have a 5 minute or longer seizure while coming off them. It was horrifying. When he came out of it he couldnt remember his name, the drug he was coming off or the date. For a good hour.
Though it took a decade the sample size on this is pretty decent on this (n=638 ).

Makes me want to collect data on other stuff.
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Welcome to Bluelight Clark!!
Fentanyl is a real strong opiate, but not euphoric. It's good for pain relief, the patches I mean.
I totally agree, zero euphoria. Yet everyone is obsessed with it,,? Makes no sense
I totally agree, zero euphoria. Yet everyone is obsessed with it,,? Makes no sense

It has a reputation for it's strength I suppose. There's better things to attempt to get high off of without the risk of OD'ing.

I've heard benzo wd makes kicking from opies look like a walk in the park, which is disturbing to think about. I recall coming off pain meds long term depression, insomnia, inability to eat fatty foods, a severe lack of energy or motivation to do anything, and random headaches/aches throughout my body. The depression was really noticable and caused me to become an alcoholic for two months :(

I can't imagine coming off of heroin or methadone/poppy seed tea.
The only physical withdrawal I’ve ever experienced was from opiates.
That’s a bitch.
The gut cramps, diarrhoea, hot and cold flushed and the BUCKETS of sweat.

I still use occasionally when I can con my doc into a script but I always take a decent break in between now cos I never want to do that again