What is the point of steroid use?


Sep 15, 2010
I lift like three to four times a week use creatine, vitamins, and whey protein. Weight 158 pounds 8% body fat and max bench maybe 205. I do repetitions or heavy weights b/c my joints already suck. So I have forever thought about doing a cycle but never pulled the trigger. Why? Because it seems pointless as all I have ever heard is the minute you stop using it all disappears and you are left with all the classic negative side effects. Is any of this true or do I have the wrong picture? I know the instant gratification would be sweet but I am at a point where I can see the forest for the trees..
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You do lose a little of the gains, but a lot can be kept if you do things right. The exception to this are people who used steroids to go way past their genetic limit.
Of course by gains I mean dry muscle and strength, you do lose all the water weight gained on cycle.

What side effects are you talking about exactly? A lot can be prevented or don't even happen to most people. Most people with permanent problems due to steroid use fucked something up and screwed them selves.
Messed up joints from over doing it, sexual side effects, acne, and overall chemical imbalance would be the main concerns. Also is it addictive? as I have an addictive personality. Can you actually do one cycle and stop if you have decent self control?
I'm really not the one to talk about joint problems, since mine are pretty solid and never gave me any problems lifting heavy (my favorite rep range is 1-3, lol).
You shouldn't have any sexual side effects on cycle if you're running at least a trt level dose of test and not using huge doses of aromatase inhibitors and knocking down your e2 too low. An exception to this is, for some people, deca which can sometimes cause 'deca dick'. So if you want to try deca, I'd suggest replacing it with NPP, same hormone (nandrolone), but npp has a lower half live, so if any problems do occur you can stop it and it'll be gone quite quickly. Immediately after the cycle you may have less libido and a harder time achieving erections, but this should pass in a few weeks. Personally this doesn't happen to me. The chemical imbalances should correct themselves, pct helps speed it up, but there is a tiny percentage of people who can have lasting effects (very rare). Acne... well I do get some on my chest while on and they go away after the cycle. Some people do get more, but they should disappear once your natural hormonal system starts working.

Is it addictive.... well let me put it like this. It's not addictive in the way drugs are as in you'd just crave more. However few people do just one cycle, because once you've trained on cycle training of cycle becomes kinda boring (you can't lift as much nor as long, pumps aren't as strong, ...).
Imo doing a single cycle is pointless. The real benefits of steroids come with long term use. If you gain any appreciable amount of muscle on a cycle, you're gonna lose most if not all of your gains. What are your goals ? Competing ? Then you should never come off.
getting a nice body? Then steroids are a waste of money as a cycle will only give you temporary gains.
Addictive? I would say so, however I have naturally low test to begin with so I feel quite a solid change in my mental state.

Imo doing a single cycle is pointless. The real benefits of steroids come with long term use. If you gain any appreciable amount of muscle on a cycle, you're gonna lose most if not all of your gains. What are your goals ? Competing ? Then you should never come off.
getting a nice body? Then steroids are a waste of money as a cycle will only give you temporary gains.

If you are within your genetic limit and you loose all of your gains, then you were either passed your genetic limit in the first place and dropped back down to it or you are actually within your genetic limit and just don't have a clue how to train eat/partying a lot.
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Steroids are like this in terms of addiction;

Using steroids is like driving a car from point A to point B. Yeah, you used to walk from point A to point B, but now that you got a car you would rather drive. You could walk if you wanted to. You could park the car anytime and just walk. But why walk when you can get in a car?

What really matter if steroids are going to be addictive to you is your mind set. If you have an Adonis Complex or body image issues then once you get on gear, odds are you won't want to stop. I say this as someone with an Adonis Complex.

They don't cause withdrawal symptoms like narcotics or drugs but they could cause lowered self esteem and lowered self confidence after discontinuing them.
Even if you're within your genetic limit, when you stop you'll lose muscle mass, even with good diet/training
> Addictive? I would say so, however I have naturally low test to begin with so I feel quite a solid change in my mental state.
That's a bit different, you have a legit medical problem that requires treatment. For someone with normal levels (and not that bullshit standard where having the levels of an 80 year old man is considered normal) they shouldn't be addictive in the traditional sense. I think Guido put it best....

>Even if you're within your genetic limit, when you stop you'll lose muscle mass, even with good diet/training
Not all of it if you don't fuck something up (not train/eat during pct for example). You'll obviously lose the additional glycogen and water that goes with it and requires additional hormones to support (that's why dbol/drol make you lose lots of weight after stopping - they increase glycogen & water quite a bit and when you stop there's just nothing to support it), but you can keep lots of dry muscle mass. The exception would be if you're one of the unlucky guys that take forever for their hormones to normalize after a cycle, but that's quite rare.