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What is 'normal' MDMA use for you? (be honest)

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Nov 14, 2012
Post your age, the amount of years you've been using MDM, how frequently you use it now, what kind of MDMA, how MDMA effects you now, how much you use in a night and where you use MDMA.

Age: 21
Amount of years I've been using MDMA: 4 years
Frequency of use: every 2 weeks - 4 weeks with longer breaks sometimes
Type of MDMA: primarily crystallised powder, the occasional pill
MDMA effects: Alertness, more sociability, empathy, not much straight euphoria anymore and oddly enough not much bruxism
Amount: 80mg starter, anywhere between one or three redoses
Use: Bars, gigs, house parties

This thread is in no way created to endorse any behaviours that are not in lieu with the harm reductions guidelines on this website, which are pretty much spot on in terms of best effects and maintaining general health. I just wanted to get an idea of what regular drug users consider normal MDMA use in their circle. There is so much talk of sticking to the rules on Bluelight, but I see very little of this in the real world when it comes to regular drug users, unfortunately enough. From what I see, young people, uninvolved in the drug scene, tend to use MDMA about once a month when they run into a friend who has stuff or just get lucky, usually involving some kind of club scenario, live music event or house party. For the heavy drug users who are in the scene, at least once a week.

So where do I fit in? Somewhere in the middle. For me, MDMA use is something that goes hand in hand with going out, just like alcohol is for other people. Do I use MDMA as much as I drink? Of course not. But when the question of going out is raised in my circle, MDMA or a similar party drug is pretty much a no brainer. I know the rules and I try to stick them as much as I can, but, well...life just happens. I try to take a month to three months off here and there, but I'd say normal MDMA use amongst the people I know is once a week to once every fortnight. I know people say this ruins tolerance, which is does to a certain degree, but most people I see using MDMA aren't seeking the ultimate high of their life. Been, there, done that, most people just want a mild buzz to keep them going. For me, I usually use MDMA at least once a month, with other, similar drugs on alternate weekends.
Sorry but I know where threads like this tend to go - people feel the need to flex their e-peens and start bragging about outlandish usage and acting like its normal when they're probably outright lying about it in the first place. That's not something I'm going to have happen, it never ends well.

I know that you meant well but I've seen these type of threads before in my time on Bluelight and they spiral out of control quickly.
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