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What is BODY LOAD and what causes it????

lil angel15

Bluelight Crew
Jul 16, 2005
This may sound like a silly question, but what is body load caused by????? (Drugs Obviously) Why does our body react this way? What exactly is Body Load?

I have done numerous searches and have been unable to come up with any real answers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
Not a dumb question at all. Actually, to me, it indicates that you have been poking around and doing some research which is what this site actively promotes.

Now to your question, I am not a scientist, however body load refers to how much drug the human body is going to absorb and retain, and can also define how much time will transpire before the body can expel that amount of drug.

However, as with many other peices of terminology that make up the modern day lexicon, the meaning can be lost and what certain authors maybe referring to is actually is fatigue.

Hopefully BT or p_d will read your post and give you the definative response.
I always thought the term 'body load' referred to the physical effects a drug has on the body, particularly a weighed down or sluggish feeling... mind you I've never clarified this, it's just what I assumed it to be.

so the way I saw it, if someone was experiencing strong mental effects, but could physically function in a similar manner to normal, the particular drug would be considered to have little body load. is this right?
eggman88888 said:
Now to your question, I am not a scientist, however body load refers to how much drug the human body is going to absorb and retain, and can also define how much time will transpire before the body can expel that amount of drug.
What you are describing there is known as 'half-life'.

roger the shrubber said:
I always thought the term 'body load' referred to the physical effects a drug has on the body, particularly a weighed down or sluggish feeling... mind you I've never clarified this, it's just what I assumed it to be.
This is what I refer to it as. For example, I personally find that 2C-x chemicals produce quite a lot of body load which is an unwanted side effect, unlike LSD which is very light on my body.
^^Too true, 2c-i seemed to ignite my body, lots of twitches, feelings of cramping, involuntay movements, jaw clenching, nystagmus, sweating, involunatry swallowing- most stimulants/ phens I think induce a 'strong' or 'heavy' body load.

Marijunana is very much a body load type of drug- half the high is in how your body feels.

I consider LSD 'clean' when it has little body load which is most of the time. This is what has lead me to beleve LSD is non-toxic (besides all I've read)- it barely sets of any physical responses in the body, whereas most drugs inadvertantly do.

Body load can feel good or bad- on 2c-i the felings were based on euphoria and being ultra-energised which felt great :). But I find with speed, where I'll exhibit similar symptons, this is more based on over-stimulation and nervous/ fight or flight/ adrenalin responses which directly affect the physical body and make me feel awful.

I guess the cause of 'body load' would be side effects or direct effects of a drug- most amphets weill cause a large body load due to the relase of stress hormones. DMT and salvia cause very physical responses, but it is hard to draw the line between pyschedelic hoo ha and genuine physical senstaion.

Its hard to actually think of a drug that causes no body load . . .
/LSD in high doses has a lot of bodyload for me, while mushrooms have the most "toxic" effects that any drug has ever given me basically (yes more than 5-MEO-DPT).

Body load can be anything from nausea to uncomfortable or too-comfortable feelings, rushes, anything physical that happens to you on a trip really. MDMA causes body load that is actually a wanted effect of the drug. I happen to believe it's the starting stages of your body going into paralysis, because think about it. Dreaming is so so so very closely related to tripping! (in my opinion), and when you dream your body is paralized not to have spasm, seizures and what-not that dreams can make you physically do.
To the original poster: Why did you name this thread "What is BODY LOAD???" when your actual question is "What CAUSES body load?"?

Someone who actually knows the answer might see the title of your thread and not bother to even read it because he/she regards it as a question very much suited for Drug Basics.

What's more, it's annoying when people can't get a sense of a thread's substance just by looking at the title!

Can you please consider changing it?
willow11 said:
. But I find with speed, where I'll exhibit similar symptons, this is more based on over-stimulation and nervous/ fight or flight/ adrenalin responses which directly affect the physical body and make me feel awful.

I guess the cause of 'body load' would be side effects or direct effects of a drug- most amphets weill cause a large body load due to the relase of stress hormones.

Thats what I specifically associate with body load...that feeling like you HAVE to do something RIGHT now, yet who have no idea what and no urge to get up. Tightnesss/cramping in the upper chest makes it quite hard to breathe...its sort lof like a strong hit of adrenalin but not quite. I will frequently get this on lsd if i am cooped up in acramped area and it will grow and grow till it is untolerable.
Black Octagon said:
To the original poster: Why did you name this thread "What is BODY LOAD???" when your actual question is "What CAUSES body load?"?

Someone who actually knows the answer might see the title of your thread and not bother to even read it because he/she regards it as a question very much suited for Drug Basics.

What's more, it's annoying when people can't get a sense of a thread's substance just by looking at the title!

Can you please consider changing it?

She actually asked both questions - what is it, and what causes it.

I'll alter the title accordingly.
Cyberdyne said:
Thats what I specifically associate with body load...that feeling like you HAVE to do something RIGHT now, yet who have no idea what and no urge to get up. Tightnesss/cramping in the upper chest makes it quite hard to breathe...its sort lof like a strong hit of adrenalin but not quite. I will frequently get this on lsd if i am cooped up in acramped area and it will grow and grow till it is untolerable.

Thats more anxiety I think. Strangely I never get anxious on LSD, but on speed I feel like i'm obsessive compulsive.

I think anxiety definietely causes nausea, hypervetilting, muscular tension, jaw clenching, and anxiety is usually caused by too much adrenaline etc. so that could what causes body load.
Not being able to sit still at all and twisting and turning in bed knowing theres an underlying uncomfortable feeling I clasify as bad body load too. Energy that can be put elsewhere, even tho you just want to sit/lay down.
Thanks Klue. :)

I think the last paragraph came the closest to answering my question but it appears even wikipedia isn't sure. =D

Wikipedia said:
The causes of the subjective experience of body load are unknown. However, one proposed mechanism is the stimulation of serotonergic receptors, particularly those involved in tactile sensation and, equally importantly in many cases where nausea is experienced, those located along the lining of the digestive tract. Serotonin is heavily involved in appetite control, and overstimulation of serotonergic receptors has been shown to cause nausea in, for example, overdoses of SSRIs or MDMA. Since most psychedelics which can cause bodyload are partial serotonin agonists which work by mimicking the structure of serotonin to varying degrees, this connection is likely.
Oh the memories..... ;)

You going to edit that thread title now lil or what =D
Maybe I should so I can get an answer to the damn question that evades me to this day. ;)

It's one for the ages I guess.... =D
It's been answered as far as we know. Do we know how 90% of our brain or body works? no. Has there been government-granted studies on body load? and will there ever be? most likely no.

You can think of it as a poison. 5-Meo-DMT has body load, is recreational and also a poison in toads, along with a close chemical 5-OH-DMT. The latter is not considered recreational and can kill small animals. It causes very discomforting body load, can cause temporary paralysis, and some other nasty side effects such as heart palputations and blood pressure issues.
i dont know about you but i find the wallet-load to be far more off putting than body-load these days.

especially in these days of dodgy rc vendors :(
i always used the term 'body load' for the physical effects a drug has to the body
eg. twitches, cramps, aches, tremors, jaw clenching etc.
and also like how much it takes out of you: like energy,
like i would say substances like DO* would have more of a body load than LSD and so does 2c-t-7
Id agree with the wiki article...peripheral serotegeric activity and likely dopa which may explain higher doses higher body loads as especially cid has dopa crossover at high doses...