What have i done? The sound of madness just waiting to be heard

An Elaborat Dream

Feb 5, 2012
hi, look im like having mental trama its a dilema that runs like a loop everyday, i keep getting told to watch for the signs... but look whats messed up is that there are signs it scares me half to death idk if im over annylizing things a bit much or wtf did i stumble onto something horrable, the weather this year in surings hi was 81F, laast year it was nearly 30F, at night 0 or bellow. wtf? is this an add conincidence, the red dragon? bibles referance when i was reading it dxm tripin, i seen woody(freind) ridding on his new moe-ped the other day, it was red, and he said how do you like my red dragon!!!! wtf man???

2) i have been using alot of hallucinogens and disocociatives, that is also minor use of diliriants...
from what i know... or should i say remember. 2 weeks prior i took a large dose of Psuedophedrin HCL 240mg.during that timeframe i was also used nutmeg 3-4 times.., that is also with the use of coriciden(16) that day ealier and then the next day i also used coriciden(16) and a bottle of dxm, 256mg., last 2 weeks i documented alot of stuff while writing the end to my book, then drinking over st. patts day and jeos birthday. 2 days in a row, next day i took 20, 15mg robo pills... went to see project x. thc used reguliarly during weeks, but not abuse. 2nd week, took dose of lsa(600 morning glory seeds), drank carmel whisky, 4 shots. hydrocoap i used the day after as well as clamazopam, 2 days later i did my 3rd coriciden trip, the next day. i seen Mr. Red(aka dude in my book who is my freind) idiot he was subjested dramamine, idiot i was, i said yes, i took 30, with a pain killer and muscle relaxer and 9 robo pills with dioxy succranate in it to, he had the same amount exept more dramamine... 42 i think.... Everything i forgot but then i rememberd i wsas at joes and red was acting weird he grabed the shotgun from the attic and we had to take it away from him, i blacked out again, but then we were at the patio and red was pulling weeds out of the garden and muttering to himself,.... i guess i blacked out again, then i remembered i was home and my and dad were at the table and i was sitting with them, i went to my room quickly, and the nxt morn. got a txt red went into a gas station on his hands and knees barking like a dog and he went to the hospital and now jail...

now i have stuck to pot these 4 days, but drank the first day because of the shitty dramamine fx afterwords.. the point of all this is i am convinced the damn world is going to end... on the bottle cap of my fanta today said... 6voprrw wl6rm6b..... 666? seriously? another sign, arron zack jake me and mike all found our favorate numbers 3 days ago... arron on his newports it said 8!, me, my receite number, 0223...==23... zack, a licence plate...9-420==420, and what is 9 in relation to the 9nth gate??, jake.. facebook freinds number==617---17!, we all got freiked out and mike said your starting to scare me, mikes cigar brand lucky 7sss, ===7man is favorate number was 7..!

Can you guys help me out here man i think im going insane i am honestly thinking about going to the institution!!!!!~!
can you give me a summed up version of why you are having anxiety attacks? also, can you combine your question down to one sentence? it would help me help you :)
I dont know why?? what im saying is i think ive lost reality or something i keep hearing voices to watch for the signs, i hear my name whispered all the time, i am paranoid and i think others are out to get me, i never was this way b4 ever!!! it just happened this last week. I see people doing weird things that i think are signs i notice weird stuff that i think are signs... thats what i mean man
Hey, I'm really sorry you're having such a difficult time at the moment! How long has this been going on (the signs and coincidences and feeling that your mind is running in loops)? Have you ever experienced anything like this in the past?

Have you spoken to anyone about this? I strongly advise that you do - it is a lot to be dealing with on your own and it is obviously distressing you a lot; speaking to a close friend or family member would be an excellent move I think, but I also think it is very important to speak to a doctor as well. I would see a doctor as soon as possible as it sounds like this is really taking it's toll on you - it sounds like you are having a really scary experience and I think you need some help and support right now.

I also think staying away from drugs is a really good idea - many drugs can exacerbate states of mind like the one you are describing, they could make things a lot worse and it's very hard to work out what is a side effect and what is not unless you completely abstain for a while. I really recommend not touching psychedelics, dissociatives, deliriants or stims but also cannabis too - it's really important that while you are feeling like this.

You've only been off most things for a few days, right? At this stage there's no way of telling if you are experiencing side effects from your drug use or if something else is going on, but it is very important that you seek some help ASAP to support you at this difficult time, particularly from a doctor but also from your family/friends if you can.

It would also be an idea to have an "emergency plan" for if things get too much - someone you can call, or a plan for getting yourself some help should you need it (going to the ER for example). If you become scared for your own wellbeing it is essential that you get some assistance as soon as you can <3

I am going to send this over to The Dark Side forum as they deal with this kind of issue, and there are a lot of lovely and wise people there who can provide excellent advice and support. I hope that is okay with you. Take care <3

wow man...I think you are doing way awy to many drugs and the feelings and thoughts you are having is due to this...The numbers thing is just freaking you out for no reason...They dont seem to incredably weird to me, unless i dont get what you mean....
I think mate, you need to have some drug free days...And soon...Your mind is going around in circles and its getting confused and as a result you are incredible confused also...
I hope you get there and i really do think a few drug free days are what you need to get you thoughts back in focus...
Im sorry i cant help you more...
All the best. M.K;)
too many drugs. You are finding meaning in things that are just coincidental. Remind yourself that you are over analyzing things and that this is a temporary thing. Hopefully you will get some moments of lucidity where you can alleviate the confusion. I had the same thing happen to me, it will fade but you really must avoid using more drugs, for the time being at least.

Maybe it would help to read about temporary psychosis, don't freak yourself out about it, i found it great to have insight to what was going on with me and that i had common symptoms. I also try to use reason to disprove anything that is unlikely. Try to stop looking for the 'signs', i used to do the same i was trying to connect everything in my head. You will most certainly get better once your head clears up. In case you ever use DXM again, DO NOT use coricidin, it is dangerous.

it's quite common to get messages through text, radio, tv, the mail and things like that, try not to take them seriously and i know that's difficult as everything seems so real but it will help.
you sound young, stop using drugs, speak to a doctor. start again when you're over 21 and stable.
Today... may have been the worst day of my life, girlfreind dumped me, my head has been going around in loops about the signsbut today i will sleep it off iam going to rest for a while, if medical attention is needed i will do so for now i am refraining from most drug use and i am going to live out in a camper for these next few weeks to get my mind cleared when i get internet access again i will reply with an update as for now i am ganna get my life's pridoridies in order....
Thanks for all the support
You aren't going insane, just reading too much into things.
Don't go to an institution, if you are aware that these signs might not be real, which in my opinion are just coincedence, and you have the presence of mind to think that you need to go to an institution, then you are definitely not going nuts.

The people that need the help from such institutions I would imagine haven't have ended up there because they have asked to be, probably because they have displayed a particular behaviour that has caused someone to think that they need to be under care and supervision for their own welfare. I'm not an expert on mental health obviously so I don't mean to offend anyone that may not agree with my opinion.

Too many dissociatives and psychedelics have made it hard to distinguish what's real and what's not. I know where you're coming from, mind altering substances have a knack of making you question and change belief of reality, I have done, especially after a dissociative trip that has made you feel that you have just had an enlightening experience and you have just seen the world as if you had stepped out and was looking at it from the outside and saw things in a different perspective. Just don't take it too seriously.

Give yourself some time and don't use anymore mind bending substances and I'm sure this will pass soon enough.
I am back, friday horable night, lol my mind is in a much better state tho, that being said, got arrested for paraphanilia and apparently i am under investigation for a fire, thats just ducky, but truth about that is being in jail can help alot, thinking to much or to little is a problem, there is an in-between that makes life worth living, much definantly i agree with your post about not using any mind bending substances, therefor now it has already come and passed, thanks for all the support sometimes i guess when you want to experiment and change reality you get lost along the way