what happend last night ???


Dec 4, 1999
Well I had much fun last night - but NO thanx to the E - At least the people I was with (all blulighters) saved the day.
I took - 1 Green nike before coming in the club - NOTHING (and i checked it threw EZtest).
Took one Blue superman in the club - still nothing !!! (and I know that guy well - he wouldn't give me fakes)
Took one more White arrow in the club - NOTHING !!!
not even a small Buz - but hey I want to say that the crowd is more important then anything

Can it be cause of NYE - and the 3 pills + liquid acid i took - is my body rejecting E ?
Well I hope not cause the acid really fucked me up

Plur .
If you're tight with the guy who you got em from and know he wouldn't gyp you, than it probably caused by some sort of chemical reaction resulting in one or more chemicals cancelling out the effects of another/others. Then again, you may have a case of circuit overload...