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What god(s) do you worship by your actions?


Bluelight Crew
Mar 18, 2018
So I see a lot of people believe in god or gods and are quite exspressive in their feelings/thoughts on the matter. All seem convinced, justified and devout to these beliefs; which is as it should be in religion, I suppose.
I am of the opinion that a believer of a god will follow the tenets thereof and act out these basic beliefs in their every day lives.
Most would agree that worshipping god would have them be kind, show mercy and help others who are down by whatever means at hand... to love, in other words.
For those belivers here at bl; what god would your actions equate to? Not talking about what we say, preach or believe when we are on about or faiths but our deeds, actions and thoughts when faced with others who may be in dire straights?
Are you patient, kind and giving?
Do you try to wiggle something out of the one in need to advance your own agenda?
Do your actions scream selfishness or selflessness?
What kind of fruit do you exhibit in real life? The fruit in nature reveals the true identity of the plant, tree or species: A cat has kittens not rhinos and a lemon tree lemons not kiwis.
Try to not judge,try to help someone'cause that's way you helpin yourself wanting or not.Have a hope,patience,empathy.Don't stop tryin'
Be aware,but also forgive.Be balanced.Trying to follow some simple steps-you can find this in any religion may be....cause all we are humans
So I see a lot of people believe in god or gods and are quite exspressive in their feelings/thoughts on the matter. All seem convinced, justified and devout to these beliefs; which is as it should be in religion, I suppose.
I am of the opinion that a believer of a god will follow the tenets thereof and act out these basic beliefs in their every day lives.
Most would agree that worshipping god would have them be kind, show mercy and help others who are down by whatever means at hand... to love, in other words.
For those belivers here at bl; what god would your actions equate to? Not talking about what we say, preach or believe when we are on about or faiths but our deeds, actions and thoughts when faced with others who may be in dire straights?
Are you patient, kind and giving?
Do you try to wiggle something out of the one in need to advance your own agenda?
Do your actions scream selfishness or selflessness?
What kind of fruit do you exhibit in real life? The fruit in nature reveals the true identity of the plant, tree or species: A cat has kittens not rhinos and a lemon tree lemons not kiwis.
The only God we can ever know is the representation we create in our mind of our highest ideal.

To adore a God is to adore ones self and or ones own ability to choose a God.

That is our selfish gene at work and it is our main survival strategy.

Think on that just a bit and why the first thing we learn of Yahweh is that he is jealous, which is analogous to selfish.

Bacchus, Dionysus, Hedone, and Jesus Christ*

*The guy that talked about love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. Don't much care for his Old Testament dad.
The N.T. Jesus that most recognize, the Armageddon bringer, I do not see as any better than his genocidal father.

I do like the Gnostic Christian Jesus that they did not write out of the bible though.

The N.T. Jesus that most recognize, the Armageddon bringer, I do not see as any better than his genocidal father.

I do like the Gnostic Christian Jesus that they did not write out of the bible though.

I'm not a Christian, Gnostic or otherwise, and I see a LOT of inconsistencies and contradictions throughout the Bible.

I was just playing along with the OP's game. Lighten up.
I forever search for faith, like no sugarcoat tales but I believe in a purely evil hellbent "consciousness" which literally overtakes the mind of man and is convicted to destroy.

I think Spinoza posited from similar lines close, that if there is evil, there must be good. Maybe him? Much more elaborate though, I'm wrecked atm.

I can't understand how a truly all powerful, loving creator, would NEED. to design nature where it seems there has to be so much fucking pain, and then to just clear right outta sight, let the fighting mantis do it's thing.

But who....knows?

Honest Q? Because by my logic, certainly none of us current Mortal breed here.

So I remain open. I have to consider there to be a divine on some level.

If I created everything, I'd seek to do so without centuries/x 100 of wars pain and sorrow.

But! My dog is something from Heaven. I swear she is a Saint.

I call her...Saint Val.

She is pure spirit, pure love, innocence, damn hilarious, best fun and a phenomenon of a living being too.

Whoever put her together, enables her to be so extraordinary.

That's who I would pray to, I just don't have the guy's number yet!

But Sauron.....ahem, Ra can get fucked the parasite.
I'm not a Christian, Gnostic or otherwise, and I see a LOT of inconsistencies and contradictions throughout the Bible.

I was just playing along with the OP's game. Lighten up.
I heard it presented, that the JC the Pope worships and whose legacy is founded upon, was Julius Caesar.

I have really kept open towards the Bible despite a lifelong inherent mistrust.

I'm no Pagan, Satanist, Buddha etc nor just amoral.

But I have problems- I try use my own brain, imagination.

I consider history as we know to be one ridiculously convoluted falsification.

The Bible fails to support many things I accept, to point of me feeling very disappointed with it.

Clever masters are at play, we are easy easy fool.

However, I still yearn to see sometime there is a highest divine, utopia, and to heal from life's pains.
...I still yearn to see sometime there is a highest divine, utopia, and to heal from life's pains.
I feel ya.

I've studied several religions and philosophies-- they all have their strengths and weaknesses, though some are downright wacko.

I was once (many years ago) a "born-again Christian," and I was seriously devout. That lasted about 6 months. I was unable to suppress logic and rational thinking any longer than that.
The evil, it never or barely seems to get into the dogs at all, even slightly.

Depending on the breed ofc.

Lol, we are bred, with an evil tooth.

I'm serious there!
It has little to do with breed and mostly reflects how the dog is raised.

Although I admit that toy poodles and chihuahuas are often nasty little bastards.
I specifically sent my sons to Catholic school K-8 so that their early education would include religious education. I thought they would be more well rounded if they had religious education in Catholic school rather than no religious education in public school. That's not a dig on public school at all, I don't see how something like religion can be taught in public school. Maybe that makes me a Christian but I don't think that's neccesarily the case. I think I've told my sons multiple times they can do whatever they want, think whatever they want, believe whatever they want, once they are confirmed and reach 18, until then their mother and I expect them to follow what we have laid out for them, my wife BTW was born and is still is a practicing Catholic. Thankfully we have not had any problems with our kids at all, I'm told by their teachers in public school (they are in high school now) that they are both very good kids, polite and respectful to their teachers without fail, well liked by their classmates, and they're also "A" students in the honors program. I think that's a much better result for them then I had at their age. By the time I was their age I already developed the mental illness and drug and alcohol problems that have plagued me ever since. I scored very high on standardized tests despite having report cards with lots of Ds anf Fs, a red flag that something was 'off' if there ever was one. I think I've also told my sons multiple times that I'm pretty sure they didn't inherit the genes that have caused me so much problems, and even if they did, they are not being raised they way my parents raised me, which was free range with little to no adult supervision and no invervention during adolecence if things go south. We haven't had to do any kind of interventions yet, my kids seem to handling thier teenage years pretty well, and are rolling with the punches so to speak. Who knows, maybe they would have turned out the same no matter what I did, maybe I was overcompensating for my own weaknesses, insecurities, and upbringing. Most of who we become as adults supposedly comes from our genes rather than how we were raised anyway.

As far as what God I believe in, I tend to read a lot of secondary material like theology, philosophy and history in order to make sense of it all, but there are a lot of fundamental things I don't understand, the Holy Trinity being one of them. But I have a few angles yet to work, the relationship/importance of the Father and Son being one I can think of off at the top of my head, the Kingdon of Heaven being another I can readily think of.
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Most of who we become as adults supposedly comes from our genes rather than how we were raised anyway.
I'd say it's about 50/50 for most people.
We definitely have genetic predispositions. But environmental factors have strong influences as well.

For instance, my biological father was a compulsive gambler, adulterer, and a violent alcoholic who would beat up my mom. My step-dad (who married my mom when I was 6) was also an alcoholic but was relatively responsible, faithful, and never violent.

I drank alcoholically shortly after my first real drink at the age of 12 and continued to do so for several decades. It was devastating.

But I never had any interest in gambling, I never cheated on a partner, and I never have and never would hit a woman-- no matter how drunk I was. I abhor violence.

So yeah, I feel genetically alcoholic but never felt a tendency toward any of that other stuff.

PS-- Sorry to go off-topic but I have strong opinions about this and had to throw that out there.
We only know what we are taught, experience or can imagine I imagine. I am starting to find any religious based symbolism offensive as many seem to represent some serious criminal offenses that were state sanctioned. Although symbols are just drawings or whatever they in themselves hold no power other than what the presenter puts into them. I can both save and kill (and maybe kill to save) with the power of a cross. I get the law is intent based... but there is the letter that can be argued to death and twisted at will to fit needs or wants.
I also seem to always be in the cycle of taking and giving in some way or other. Redistribution?
Is there a good? Bad? Are these titles just words or symbols we fill with whatever we need to in order to reach our end(s)? If I proclaim to worship the creator and rob, kill, cheat, lie etc to attain goals am I really worshiping the destroyer by my actions? And reversed proclaiming to worship the devil and feeding the poor, showing mercy, comforting the broken... am I (by my acts) worshiping god?
Just random thoughts on stuff. On a very narrow sliver of global religious beliefs or faiths: This all on mostly yahweh based or derived systems.
IDK, man... it all just seems too rigged to me. Defining law or discounting it. What a freakin choice.
Reading. Thanks
Gnostic Christian Jesus
"Jesus is identified by some Gnostics as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnōsis to the earth, while others adamantly denied that the supreme being came in the flesh, claiming Jesus to be merely a human who attained enlightenment through gnosis and taught his disciples to do the same." - Gnosticism

If the above is true of gnostic, which jesus would you be behind? Not familiar with this enough to presume.