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What drugs are on your 'to do' list? Explain why! v. Can u be addicted the 1st time?

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GHB, mdma and crystal. I've done them all before, but would love to give them a second go.

I'll skip heroin though. Reading through this forum makes the entire process look way too complicated.

I forgot to add why:
I remember ghb being incredibly chill and euphoric with zero side effects or come down. With the proper dose of course.

Mdma was fun when I tried it but I was way too cautious and want to see what a bunch will do. Plus I have the money now to eat a bunch

I didn't like crystal when I did it before. But I used it at an inconvenient time and had a bad experience. I suspect I'd like it a lot more now esp. after gaining experience with coke. Plus I love vaporizing drugs but crack has terrible side effects. So crystal might help fill that void.
weed because its the best and chillest drug

5-apb because i want to feel good and fuck myself up lol

also more etizolam because this feels good too

is that good enough?
Don't forget to explain "why", people. It's in the thread title now, so you're obligated to do so when posting in this thread! ;)

well then:

4-MAR, because its the only stimulant that i havent taken yet that seems appealing
Ketobemidone, because it sounds intensely euphoric
Metocin, because I love tryptamines and it seems like it has something to offer that I don't get from shrooms
3-MeO-PCP, because I fucking love dissociatives and it's supposed to be a pretty good substitute for ketamine or PCP, which I have to bend over fucking backwards to get.

I haven't done any hallucinogens in a long while so I definitely am putting LSD back on my list. I've already tried it, so it isn't the first time, but I think I could use a good trip... get a little prescriptive.
well then:

4-MAR, because its the only stimulant that i havent taken yet that seems appealing
Ketobemidone, because it sounds intensely euphoric
Metocin, because I love tryptamines and it seems like it has something to offer that I don't get from shrooms
3-MeO-PCP, because I fucking love dissociatives and it's supposed to be a pretty good substitute for ketamine or PCP, which I have to bend over fucking backwards to get.


Those last 2 are pretty damn sweet. :D
DMT, so that I can finally see what the hype is about for myself. After a few uses if I enjoy it I'm planning to try it in combination with salvia. I imagine it would be like some kinda good v evil power struggle in my mind.

LSD and mescaline. Mainly because they (along with shrooms which I've tried already) are classic psychedelics that I'd just love to experience. The LSD also so I can see if I can achieve proper visuals. I seem to be sensitive to stimulants but have a natural tolerance to psychedelics - I've been with many friends who've had the same doses of psychs as me and the visuals I got were nowhere near what others described.

Meth, because I don't believe in "not even once".
I haven't done any hallucinogens in a long while so I definitely am putting LSD back on my list. I've already tried it, so it isn't the first time, but I think I could use a good trip... get a little prescriptive.

I agree it's necessary occasionally for some self-therapy and introspective. I used to trip weekly but that was more a period of intense therapy, now even low doses take me far out because I've opened the door so far. Every 3 months or so I start really feeling the need.

There's honestly very few things left on my "to-try" list, I've explored most of the novel substances I'd like. I want to try some of them again and again though.

Still to come:
Mescaline: I love psychedelics and it's the only one of the common ones I haven't tried
Mushrooms: I've had mushrooms many times but I'd like to try more strains, especially cubensis mexicana
Ayahausa: I know it wouldn't be fun but I feel like I need the experience
Demerol: Pretty much had all opiates up to and including good H, but I've never had pith, so just for novelty
I haven't done any hallucinogens in a long while so I definitely am putting LSD back on my list. I've already tried it, so it isn't the first time, but I think I could use a good trip... get a little prescriptive.

I feel. Every now and then I need a good trip to sorta "reset" and give me a perspecive of where I am and what I need to do. Although I trip a little more often than I need, per se.
Natural hallucinogens are a must.
I'd love to try some DMT or Psilocybin or something
I feel. Every now and then I need a good trip to sorta "reset" and give me a perspecive of where I am and what I need to do. Although I trip a little more often than I need, per se.

Yeah that's what I'm looking for. I can definitely use it at this point in my life.. an epiphany of some sort. Things have been so bad and stressful in my life for so long though, just so dark, that I didn't even consider tripping because I knew I'd probably have a horrible trip based on how my life was at the time.. I wouldn't let myself enjoy it.

But now that things are a lot better, I think I could handle it now, and I'd like to use it to reflect on my past and come to some acceptance. Also, my future seems very uncertain now and I'd like some guidance and like I said, perspective, from which I think a good trip could provide me.

It's just the right time.
Don't forget to explain "why", people. It's in the thread title now, so you're obligated to do so when posting in this thread! ;)

in that case

2c-c & d

GHB because I've heard it's one of the best downers and I love them downers.
ketamine because I've heard it's one of the best dissociatives and I also love dissociation.
2C-C and D because I loved B, E and T-7. I've only heard good things about these two as well.
DPT because I've heard it's insane and I can't imagine something more insane than a high dose of LSD or DMT.
dipipenone + adderal, the frist is more likely to happen. Cant get adderall anywhere but da DEEP web (;)"I walk the lonely road..").
^ GHB = heaven. GBL is even better. The G drugs mos def have their own thing goin, but if I was forced to describe the high I'd compare it to: pure MDMA + Oxycodone + Valium. Extremely lovey-dovey like quality E, yet super relaxed like a strong opiate/benzo combo. People say it's like being drunk but I don't really think so. My only regret is that the high doesn't last longer. But if you come across it I've found that pouring your dose into a glass of citrus juice and drinking it down on an empty stomach produces the best results. Also, G mixes incredible with Crystal Meth or Cannabis.

Still Methaqualone sits at the top of my to-try list. Heard waaaay too many good things about it from the old heads at my old MMT clinic.

I'd also like to try Mescaline, OxyMorphone, and all the new RC benzos they keep coming out with. Otherwise I think I've tried everything I'm interested in. Besides certain cocktails.
Mescaline- I've tried LSD, Mushrooms, and DMT. Mescaline would complete the big-4 of hallucinogens that I know of.

Meth- I've done adderall, vyvanse, ritalin, coke (and crack). I've enjoyed all these drugs. I also am not super into stimulants. I'm curious to see just how different Meth is from these experiences.

GHB- I love downers and this is one I never got my hands on, but always wanted to try.
Top on my list is probably nitrous. I've done it long ago but it's been years and I really wana try it again.

MDMA-only rolled once before, and like most people, I had no idea of the contents of the pills I swallowed. I'd like to try true mdma.

2C-B-I have no idea how this drug still gets around, it's more elusive than acid, and that's saying something. Most everyone I meet has never heard of it.

Mescaline-just want to experience every classic psych; haven't done DMT either, but I'm less interested in that (I love long psych experiences generally).

MXE-once again, I have no idea where people get it from, anyone I meet has never heard of it; I really wana try my hand at dissociatives, but no one I know does them (I wana try Ket but MXE looks more appealing to me).

Opium- I have a ball of supposed opium, just don't know how I'll ingest it. I really wana make a tincture with it.

4-HO-MET/4-Aco-DMT- really interested in these because I love mushrooms, and other tryptamines really interest me. Again, I have no clue where people get drugs like these hah.
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