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What Drug Is Your City Known For? v2.0 - All We Got Is Jenkem

this place is a hell of a lot less glorifying than when i initially started moderating it back in '09.

bmxxx - why don't you do the forum staff (and us fellow readers) a favour and report any and all of these posts that are "over the top" so they can review them, see if it's legit. whinging incessantly about it, derailing a thread isn't the way to go about these things, get in touch with the moderators through PM.

my city is rife with weed, speed, shitty e's and decent L. there's a prescription opioid scene but it's nowhere i want to be again. thank you mr doctor for fixing that problem for me.
i don't for two reasons. first, i've found the senior staff...unresponsive/uncaring, to say the least, in such regards. anytime i've approached w/ serious, thought-out, edited, etc, inquiries on such manners, i'm blwon off. 100.0% of the time. i do get responses, but it's always a "pass it on" type of thing, and nothing is done. 2nd reason is, frankly, i don't have a clue what goes on in DC (or most of the subforums). i just go through it maybe 1x/week when i go through OD, SD, etc, and try to help (and sometimes, just toss a contribution- though i try to keep un-useful contributions to bl in the lounge :] ).
trust me, i click report whenever something obvious should be taken care of. but wrt bigger issues, as we're speaking of, i've approached this sincerely and not-passionately; i've told the staff why our "clandestine chemistry megathread", where it's ZERO more than lab pics (9/10 of whcih are walmart/home depot, etc, homemade meth lab pics, w/ detailed drawings and pics to help the viewer understand the mechanisms), is to blua's "no-synth" what this subforum is to harm reduction (ie, the opposite). there was not a shit given.
i don't have an issue witht this type of talk (nor do i have issue with explicity chemistry talk, nor do i have issues with open narcotic markets like silk road; in fact, i endorse both ideas more than most ppl do, whether irl or on bluelight). tptb don't care, or they're working towards something wherein this type of shit isn't a problem (ie, just trying to maintain as the #1 online drug spot, wherein HR helps as cover, and synth/source talk is tolerated, so long as it's not explicit. I think that position to be absurd- bluelight is NOT a good choice for a synth spot / rhodium-replacement, nor is it good for any type of marketplace discussion (like some kind of off-site silk road). reaching (stated)goals like HR, and (unstated)goals like legalization, are harmed by having the "industry front/association" of bluelight acting as a cheap, sleazy synth / circle-jerk board)
i alluded to 'not much longer' earlier in this thread. by that, i meant that things are changing at a very exponential pace. right now it's just medical marijuana that's truly "mainstream". but stuff like recreational mj, or gear in sports, is right behind it. things are changing fast and, honestly, i think that if tptb at bluelight could really see things, they'd do an honest assessment of where things will be in 10yrs (and, more importantly to them, where bluelight will be at such a point).
most(errr...'all') of the issues i have revolve around bluelight's controllers not acting as (IMO) they should be IF they're truly about concepts such as free-markets and harm reduction. I see both as not only important, but inevitable. i honestly think this board could be run in a manner that's more in-line with that (and do not see any reasons it should be something different)
Boston seems to be pretty notorious for overpriced pharmaceutical opiates. I was surrounded by the pill scene from about 08-11 and during that time I watched prices rise dramatically specifically when the OPs were released causing 30mg oxycodones to increase in popularity, demand and price. Heroin use also seems to be on the rise although quality can be very inconsistent depending on the connection (no open air).

This was my post (different account) and just want to update that now, about a half-year later, oxycodone seems to becoming more and more scarce which I'm sure is the occurrence in a lot of places around the country. Just felt like pointing that out because It's weird to think how easy it was to get just a couple years back and how changes all the way down the coast play a huge impact in the scene up here. The rise of heroin use is also continuing and is being noted a lot more in local media and national media alike.
oxy usage in MA is not dopwn in any significant way (tho i'm not doubting it is to you/your circles)
fwiw, our(i'm from MA) area now lets regular/enforcement cops have access to script databases, ie who filled what. FWIW.
oxy usage in MA is not dopwn in any significant way (tho i'm not doubting it is to you/your circles)
fwiw, our(i'm from MA) area now lets regular/enforcement cops have access to script databases, ie who filled what. FWIW.
well there goes my plan of getting my MD with 3 other friends and writing scripts for eachother (sarcasm)
apparently "n-bombs" are on the rise in my area according to ditm. wish people were pushing test enanthate and tren and all the other goodies like dope around here.
This was my post (different account) and just want to update that now, about a half-year later, oxycodone seems to becoming more and more scarce which I'm sure is the occurrence in a lot of places around the country. Just felt like pointing that out because It's weird to think how easy it was to get just a couple years back and how changes all the way down the coast play a huge impact in the scene up here. The rise of heroin use is also continuing and is being noted a lot more in local media and national media alike.

Hey whats good buddy?

Remember I lived up there for a year and I'll tell you I agree 110%. I would also say oxy usage is down up there but OTHER OPIATES usage is up.

@BMX Wanna know what I do about websites I dont agree with? I *gasp* dont visit them! I mean comeon what did you realistically expect on a forum full of drug users? lol
Posting weed is really pointless as good weed can be found everywhere. This doesn't mean you will *find* good weed everywhere because some of the best small scale growers may simply not sell their weed but it's still there.

I live in a pretty small town and what's always to fun to hear is "man, I got this great weed from city X (that has Y times more population than hometown), you won't find anything like this here, can't compare with city X!"

What this town in middle of europe actually IS (in)famous for is defitely meth though as it's incredibly common here.
my guess is your post is supposed to imply you're on 'doi' or whatever the fuck rc you just linked?
/stay classy, drug culture.

Read the wiki and you'll see what my hometown is infamous for and yes the big hint is the fact that it's the DOI link, been around for so long here.
Well I live in Las Vegas NV Sin City we have everything here we dont diss anyone lol but we have COKE Meth Pills Well you know what happens here is suposed to stay here but you go home Spun lol
I am from the US, born in Texas (south), raised in Pennsylvania (East) and now live in Colorado (West).
What I found was Opiates are big in the East and speed like CryStal MEth IcE, is big out West (Of course anything is attainable everywhere). Considering the source, the majority of meth is made in Mexico and so naturally the further away from the source is just riskier and more expensive... I want to find a hippie city so theirs more psychedelics, festi's, and chill people... cause the hard drugs be tearin' hearts and breakin homes....Im bout bounce on these "towns/cities" and post up in some vast forest (-by a stream - work the land farming and building a cabin from natures resources-) If the drugs don't stop jumpin' out of the woodwork around here.... So as soon as my forest town gets big enough I will write back what drug were know for ;)

Oh yeah irrelevant.. Here (Colorado) most get blasted off them trees then float through the grocery store, like a space cadet eatin shit in the snack isle like, "I can take this wrapper up and pay for this" get up front - self checkout maybe?
booze wisco.. yeah we will drink ya under the table... but just landed here for a bit. CO is my state.. bud, Blow, and Meth is CO fame drugs.
I'm in one of the US's many mini-meth capitols. Except all the meth around here is cut to shit. So I ironically get it off the deep web.
He Ro In. That's the big, big one.
Lots of coke/crack. Most anything besides shards. Including, interestingly enough, quite a bit of PCP.