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What drug is the most egotistical?

done juan

May 6, 2011
im guessing coke based on what i know about it. does anything else give more confidence and ego boost than this?
egotistical, ego boost and confidence have three very different meanings.

But for what its worth....
egotistical = Alcohol
ego boost = Oral Crystal Meth
confidence = Oral Crystal Meth
I'm going to move this from Basic Drug Discussion to Drug Culture. Hopefully that is a better place for it?

I assume you mean what drug increases self-confidence and reduces social anxiety etc, as opposed to what drug is "egotistical". A drug can't be egotistical, egotistical means being self-centered or having an inflated idea of one's own importance. And you wouldn't really want a drug to make you egotistical either. However, I don't know if this question is really appropriate for BDD, as it is not a basic drug info or harm reduction question, it's more a matter of opinion. Everyone is going to have different effects from different drugs and a different opinion of which most increases one's self-confidence. For example, some people find cannabis to make them more relaxed, comfortable with themselves and talkative, whereas some people find it to do the opposite and make them insecure and paranoid. There are also some potential problems like a drug might make you feel more self-confident but not necessarily in a good way, like it may totally decrease your inhibitions to the point of making you regret how you behaved while on it. Or a drug might be "good" for making you feel self-confident but have other unwanted side-effects, or only do so in the right dose, etc. So it seems like a question that will encourage endless speculation and not something that there is a simple answer to.
Alcohol and Stimulants. Honestly not much room for discussion here but Ill allow it to be open for discussion for the time being.
alcohol just helps me to lose inhibitions, which in a way helps with confidence but not majorly. interesting thatshreddedlettuce has gone for meth in terms of ego boost and confidence, would have thought it is too sketchy for that in a social setting
I'd say it's between alcohol or coke. People in that state will be damned if you try to convince then that their shit does infact stink.
Clearly The most egotistical drug Is NO2

Nitrous Oxide is clearly the most egotistical drug & you won't hafta wreck your car to find out
mephedrone binges, I would get selective hearing and like hijack conversations that remotely referenced something related so I could talk about what I wanted to while I was blown.
i'd say coke. i just rant about whatever stupid thought happens to pass through my head, about anything. and then there is the mindless confidence.
gross all around.
I'd have to say coke as well. Stimulants in general are very ego-boosting. Alcohol makes me too cloudy to be as ego-boosting, although it does lower inhibitions quite much.
mephedrone binges, I would get selective hearing and like hijack conversations that remotely referenced something related so I could talk about what I wanted to while I was blown.

HAHAHAH exactly....for me either ORIGINAL Mephedrone or hi quality meth
Oxy + benzos

The benzos bring me out of my shell, and the oxy makes me talk about anything, with anyone, and goddamnit I'm always right and no one else's opinion is correct!


Lately when I drink, all I want to do is fight people and I'm not pleasent anymore. Don't know what changed that, I used to be a happy drunk lol.
From the people I've dealt with and seeing massive personality changes in them while drunk, I would say alcohol also.