What does Schedule One exactly mean?


Dec 20, 1999
I was sitting around thinking why drugs such as LSD, Marijuana, and MDMA are illegal. The DEA has placed LSD and MDMA as Schedule One narcotics meaning that...
a) the drug or other substances has a potential for abuse.
b) The drug or other substances has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substances under medical supervision.
While reading this definition, I asked myself, "Alcohol, Nicotine, and Caffeine all fall under this definition, even though they are used by almost everyone". This then got me asking does legality = morality? Would people view narcotics as "less of an evil" if they were legal. People say that drugs are evil but by saying that they are equating Legality = Morality.
My second thought is rather than have the DEA acting in a "seek and destroy" manner why doesn't the government have them act like the ATF. Even though alcohol, tobacco, and firearms are legal doesn't mean that they are used appropiately. The ATF is there to regulate the usage and make sure they are used in a safe and appropiate manner. The government can make a lot of money if drugs were legalized and everyone from all walks of life would be satisfied...
"I don't I just got to thinking and this is what I came up with"
I think you are very right. Does seem a little discriminatory. And it does seem people have equated legal with moral - wierd considering what the 'legal' folks did to witches in years gonne by and we have supposedly become so much more enlightened.
I think the scariest thing is that our freedom of speech has been eroded. I know I am too afraid to tell anyone my views..say you take chems and they look at you loke you just said you eat babies!
Also I woud luv to get REAL MDMA and I only think I will if it becomes legal. Dealers give you crap half the time!
'live a life you luv and luv the life you live'