What does everybodys lift to rest schedule look like?


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
I generally have three different muscle grouping days. Legs and biceps, chest and triceps, back and shoulders.

I have been usually getting all these done in three or four days. and then I take a day off. If I get them done in three I usually combine the legs with one day and the biceps with another day. So this gives me four or five days recovery in between lifts and one total rest day.

I was just looking for thoughts about this and was curious what other peoples schedules look like. Plus im going to be adding in a core day and this would put me up to five or six days in between lifts and I was wondering if thats to many?

Thanks in advance for any info or wisdom.
I generally have three different muscle grouping days. Legs and biceps, chest and triceps, back and shoulders.

I have been usually getting all these done in three or four days. and then I take a day off. If I get them done in three I usually combine the legs with one day and the biceps with another day. So this gives me four or five days recovery in between lifts and one total rest day.

I was just looking for thoughts about this and was curious what other peoples schedules look like. Plus im going to be adding in a core day and this would put me up to five or six days in between lifts and I was wondering if thats to many?

Thanks in advance for any info or wisdom.

Some people would say growth occurs outside the gym.. 3-4 days training before a rest day might not be best for optimum recovery and growth..
2days on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day off >repeat... Is generally recommended..!!
Its preferred to have a rest day after heavy legs and a heavy back day...
Even if on AAS 4 days on without rest is not best recommended...
2 on 1 off 2 on off off repeat

I mainly do the PHUL workout...
I kill it mondsy-friday. Though my schedule doesn't permit a lot of time in the gym in a session so I upped my frequency and do twice/week training. Strength is going up still, but starting to stall out. So I might trim my workouts for Monday Tuesday, Thursday Friday and rest on Wednesday and weekends.
Thanks for the replies.

Im going to look over and redo my schedule. Try and get it to fit nicely into a monday, tuesday, thursday, friday/sat set up. To get this to fit into a reasonable time frame I'm going to reduce the amount of sets im doing on some lifts. Going to try and lift smarter.
I would recommend reducing your days rather than sets.
You should need no more than 4 a week.

Monday back and triceps
Wednesday chest and trixwps
Shoulders and traps.

Every second day gives you a recovery day in between, and we grow during recovery not in the gym

3 sets of 4 exercises for each muscle group should suffice
If it's working, don't change it. Add 'core' work onto your existing days if need be.

A lot depends on your volume per session ,you could be training 2hrs pers session,be young ,on AAS so you might get away with 4,5,6 days in a row even high volume.
Your recovery abilities might be crap even with the right sleep, food and drugs so you might need a simple MWF 3 day PPL which will always work.

I prefer to train ole skool volume 5-6 days but my job now is too demanding so 2 on ,1 off , on ,1 off.

My 2 on are sat and sun morning and my longest days as I have the time leaving the smaller bodyparts for the week.

I take pretty short rest intervals now to get a little CV and abs in.