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What does Ashwaganda feel like?


Mar 3, 2014
I was just wondering what kind of mental effects Ashwaganda gives a person?

Does it produce a high or is it just a healthy herb?

Does it have some kind of an energizing stimulant effect or is it more of a relaxant or both?

Is there anything anyone can compare the effects to?

I've heard it is good for anxiety and depression, is this true?

And can it safely be taken on Lexapro (an SSRI) and Klonopin?

Did absolutely nothing for me. Kept going a little higher each dose, didn’t feel a thing.
It's one of those where it's hard to tell if its working or not. You can't expect a high - I've dosed pretty high and there was no high. Sometimes I'd feel a mild comforting body buzz, but it was never repeatable and likely placebo.

If you take adhwaghanda daily, IME, you might notice an improvement in depressive symptoms by a small degree. I used to measure my depression out of five, and instead of being a 4 or a 5 (bad) I might be a 3 or sometimes a 2 (better/good). Sometimes I'd stop taking it, believing it to have no effect, and the depression would return slightly.

So yeah, I do think it works if taken daily, but don't expect miracles. Rhodiola also works, and aniracetam/cdp choline can work for anxiety. A stack of the three almost entirely cured my anxiety, with long-term benefits; this seemed to be mainly from the aniracetam.

It's best to log your depression daily so you can monitor any effects/improvements/benefits. Really though, you need to change your lifestyle - these chemicals are only supplementary.
Hey Mycophile. I know you're not new and I'm not remotely trying to talk down to you, but I think you're probably familiar, just like I am, with how threads like this tend to not work out. When you're describing to somebody, something as subtle as the effects produced by a given substance, you really can't even begin to do it justice by describing it in plain text over the internet. We try our best to tackle the more esoteric questions as best we can, but we really need to consider the feasibility of some of these threads.

We can say it "made me feel good/relaxed/tired/sleepy/less anxious etc.", but there's no telling whether you will experience these effects or even if said effects are enjoyable or unenjoyable to you. As a community that does its best to vaguely identify with medical principles and the scientific method, there are too many variables that really prevent us from arriving at an answer that's useful to either you or anybody else.

Truthfully, your best bet is going to be consulting standard sources like Wikipedia. These resources will describe to you the general effects as experienced by a large segment of the population. This is no different than what we might attempt to give you. I see T. Calderone has provided you with some good starting off points in terms of reference material. I think those links are the best place to start.