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What do you think is the smoothest substance to snort?


May 23, 2013
I'm gonna have to say lyrica. I snort it alot when i have it because its more potent that way the most neutral substance I've ever snorted and it takes a lot of time off the come up even though its still like 30 or 40 min to comeup.

honorable mentions:

1. good cocaine is pretty smooth

2. thats about it....everything else has a bit of bite to it....dilaudid and oxy are pretty smooth but have alight bite to them
Original formula OxyContin no doubt. The aftertaste always reminded me of grilled onions from In N Out Burger.
Lol i thought i was the only one. Most people on here probably never had in n out though since its only in the southwest.
My opinion is probably the ir oxycodone. Snorted a couple oxy 15s the other day (the green ones) almost no feeling to me. But I've also snorted alot of methamphetamine so i know what a real burn feels like
Coke. Dexedrine Spansules and Adderall XR aren't bad if crushed really well. Tramadol isn't really that painful but the drip is awful.
They actually had a certain type of bath salt back in the day, one that mimicked cocaine instead of meth. It was seriously like 100% pure cocaine. $50 for a gram and you would do tiny lines that you basically could not feel going in. It's been a long time but I feel like you could get 15 lines out of something I would consider the size of a 20 sack lol. Even better was the fact that the ride lasted about an hour and the come down was almost non existence. I'd be 8 ball high and an hour later I'd be falling asleep without any paranoia or rapid heart beat. It was called tranquility! If anyone else has ever tried it. I just snorted 5 8mg dilaudid about 30 minutes ago after not having snorted anything in at least 4 years and while the high so far sucks they did go up easy, similar to the old school tiny roxy's.

K I'm done talking to myself on this dead thread 😂👍🤷‍♂️
I'd say that I actually prefer somewhat of a kick when I snort something. Atleast give a little tingle, something to signal that the drugs have hit the spot and are starting to get to work. I feel disappointed when I snort something and it goes in with zero burn, smooth as butter.

Now that's not to say I want the horse kick to the face that some chems provide. Like 2c-x for example, way too damn painful. It should not feel like snorting crushed glass mixed with hot coals damnit.
I loved snorting MXE. Other than that I’ve snorted shitty coke, O-DSMT, bupre, and tobacco. They’re all tolerable but meh.
Although the dosage I need for bupre makes it really not much to snort so it’s not bad. Don’t even really notice it other than trying not to blow it out
I love the feeling of snorting K, especially the cooked stuff, crystals sting a bit more, and are a bit more brutal on the nose. MXE was lovely too, so moreish, but that wasn't always a good thing with the long come up time.
Good washed cocaine is nice on the nose or well feels nice at the time, can actually be quite damaging.
IR oxy (oxynorms) are nice.

2c-x have to be the worst, whoever said horse kick/crushed glass & hot coals hit the nail right on the head lol, mdma crystal and crushed E pills are up there too. I've never snorted meth but I bet it's similar.

But yeah for me cooked K is the favorite
Man I wish I had some now. Was supposed to get some tonight but it's been delayed until tomorrow now :(
I hate snorting anything these days. Even if it seems to go up easy at the time, I always end up with blocked sinuses and a fuckin headache the next day.
I'd say that I actually prefer somewhat of a kick when I snort something. Atleast give a little tingle, something to signal that the drugs have hit the spot and are starting to get to work. I feel disappointed when I snort something and it goes in with zero burn, smooth as butter.

Now that's not to say I want the horse kick to the face that some chems provide. Like 2c-x for example, way too damn painful. It should not feel like snorting crushed glass mixed with hot coals damnit.
Whenever you feel that kick that you say, little pieces of your nose are coming off I prefer high quality Cocaine that feels like butter, less damage to the nose.
I hate snorting anything these days. Even if it seems to go up easy at the time, I always end up with blocked sinuses and a fuckin headache the next day.
Same man, I'm actually done with that route for good,it was never my cup of tea anyway.
MXE hands fucking down no contest. Such a smooth, zen crystal that one.

I also quite liked 3-meo-PCP up the 'ol schnoz, just a small hint of a sting and them you're on that beautiful boat.
Oxy. Not bad at all . But I always noticed a few days later having some gross snot and bad taste going on.