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What do you do when this happens? (Gay encounter)


Aug 14, 2012
Hello fellow Bluelighters

Some background: I'm gay, 43, been in a steady relationship for 9 years. I love my partner very much, but the years have taken their toll on both of us and these days the sex is pretty uninspired. Frankly, from my side it's more of a duty that I perform because if I don't do it, I'm made to feel guilty because his self esteem is really tied up with getting me off. We also have an understanding whereby we're both OK with the other going to other places and people for sex, provided two rules aren't broken. The first is that anything we do is safe (ie, using condoms when needed) and the second is that we don't develop feelings for someone else. I have never broken either of these rules up until now.

This has worked OK for some years...I've never been the monogamous type and my partner knew that when we first met. I know he struggles with it sometimes and it is me that looks for sex outside of our relationship more than him, but he does also go to bars, cruising areas and saunas as well. Fundamentally, he has an insecurity about me falling for someone else but in 9 years it's never happened. I do genuinely love and care for him but I'm a (still relatively young) guy, I'm warm blooded and I have a sex drive.

So a few weeks ago I went to a sauna and met a really attractive guy. We went into a cabin and spent 3 hours in there which honestly felt like 10 minutes. This man ticks all my boxes....To me, he's very good looking, a great kisser (which is a big deal) and our bodies felt like they had known each other for years. During that 3 hours we talked a bit and established that we were both in long term relationships where the sex had either become mundane or stopped altogether. We swapped phone numbers and I left that place with a smile on my face and a glow in my chest.

A couple of weeks passed and a few text messages were exchanged between us. Then we met for a coffee in town, me not knowing what to expect when I saw him. But as I got to the cafe where we were meeting, he got up and embraced me with this big bear hug (he is a big, broad, hairy bear of a man which is what floats my boat) without a care in the world who was watching. There was genuine warmth in that embrace and for an hour we sat in this cafe, holding hands across the table, both clearly delighted to be together again and feeling like teenagers (he's a little older than me, 52). We talked about what we'd been doing and when it came time to leave I walked him to his car and as we parted, we embraced and kissed again right in the middle of the street without giving 2 shits what anybody else thought (we got some looks from some passers by but generally the city I live in is pretty gay friendly).

So last week, my partner was away on business and this guy came over to my place for some love in the afternoon. He arrived at about 2.30 and for 5 hours, I had the best sex I have ever had in my life. He also said that it was the same for him and I think he was telling the truth...After he climaxed, it took him about 5 minutes to calm down and there was this look on his face of bewilderment at what had just happened. I swear I'm not saying this in any kind of bragging way, it's more to try and convey the intensity of the experience. The first time we had sex was amazing, but in private, in bed with some music playing it went to another level. At one point he said "This is not sex" and although I knew what he was getting at, I asked what he meant and he said it was love. For those that don't know, the world of casual gay sex is generally a fairly shallow affair....It's mostly about fantasy, projection of said fantasies onto your sexual partner (which the anonymity kind of helps with) and when it's finished you pull up your trousers and move on.

Over the years I've got used to it and if you're in a Long Term Relationship this is quite convenient as nobody gets hurt but us men get our jollies. But that afternoon, it was like I rediscovered the true meaning of what sex was. It was rapturous, honest, eye to eye reaching deep into your soul kind of pure love making. I've experienced it before to varying degrees but my god, I've never been so far down that road as on this occasion. I think all my endorphins fired off every reward center in my brain and it was truly drug-like.

I have never told anybody I've met in these circumstances that I love them since I met my partner but I couldn't help myself. I knew there was something special about him when I first saw him but when he said that to me, it gave me permission to say it back and it felt wonderful. The unbridled joy of telling someone you love them for the first time and for them to say it back just felt so good. I know it's not "real" love....That takes much longer to form but this is a really intense "first flush" and now I am in a strange place. I can't stop thinking about him, we exchange messages daily online and can't wait to see each other again, although chances to do so are few and far between. We have mortgages, pets, lives that have meshed together over the years with our partners and neither of us want to hurt our significant other. But right now I go to sleep and wake up thinking about him and about the next time we can meet. Occasionally I dare to fantasize about spending the night together, and in rarer moments my imagination puts us in a situation where we live together. But it can't be and we both know that. The smart thing to do is end it now, rip off the band aid and keep it as a pleasant memory....But that would mean I'll never see him again and I can't face that right now. I feel raw, exposed but more alive than I have in a long, long time.

My current thinking is to ride it out and enjoy it while it lasts. Past experience tells me that when things are intense, they burn themselves out fairly quickly and maybe we can enjoy the flight together without crash landing or hurting anybody....Hopefully remain friends and always know that we shared something special and wonderful. But there will always be that nagging train of thought about what could have been....What would it be like to actually have someone in your life where the intimacy surpassed anything you could ever imagine.

I don't want sympathy, but I don't want to be judged either. I suppose really I just wanted to get this off my chest because there's nobody else I can tell about this. If you've read any of this, I really appreciate you taking the time to do so and if you read it all, thank you so much.
its hard to speculate, maybe this new thing could last and be the one youre really supposed to be with, or maybe like you said it is just a lust driven fling, hard to know.

i would stick with the long term relationship for a while, and if it really is dying out, and not jsut going through a temporary lull, then its time to get honest.

good luck
You love and care for your BF so is there no way you can spice up your sex life together (seems to be the only thing that your unhappy with) or is there more going on that you have not mentioned? If your completely happy then its not normally that easy to develop loving feelings for another guy that easily.

If your bf is happy you seeing other guys then keep seeing the other guy for great meaningful sex (better than having sex with a random hook up). Can you not use this renewed passion with your BF - get yourself out of the rut that you guys seem to be in? (Do you and your BF play with other guys together or both separately?)

Are things really that bad at home that you can see yourself splitting up with your BF of nine years for a guy that you hardly know but have had a couple of hot sessions with?
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Thanks both for your replies.

The truth is that in this relationship, sexually speaking I've been coasting. I was single until I was 34 and sometimes I think I had too much of a good time and too much casual sex during those days. My sex drive now is very fickle and to be honest, the fact that my partner and I have any sex at all after 9 years is something of a minor miracle for me as usually I'm only interested in seeing someone once or twice. I don't mean to come over as a dick, it's just that for years I lived footloose and fancy free and never liked being too committed. My partner is the first person I ever felt comfortable making that commitment to but after 9 years there's just no excitement there anymore.

So the obvious question is why are we still together? The answer to that is we love each other, we're very good friends, we're compatible and perhaps this is the telling thing....We're very, very comfortable in our lives. I also think that personally, if I were to set the standard of a relationship purely on the sex, I'd be single for the rest of my life. My partner knows this about me, that I like casual encounters and up until now it's not been a problem because I've got my excitement cruising, but kept my partner happy-ish at home. I struggle with it though and sometimes the atmosphere at home gets tense if he's horny and I'm not in the mood. There have been times where basically I've felt obliged to have sex which I really don't like and actually resent. But I do it out of guilt, a sense of duty and to get rid of the bad atmosphere.

These 3 encounters with this new guy have really affected me though. This is not like any other experience I've had....I really want this guy from the depth of my guts. But I'm not naive and I know that right now there's a couple of things at play which are clouding the issue. The first is that I can't have him (which may be making me want him more), and even if I could, it would wreck the lives of my partner and his. The second is my fickle sex drive: Who's to say that in a month or so, the attraction will wane and there will be four people with wrecked lives. But just to be clear, I've been round the block a few times, had quite a lot of sexual partners but this is something else. It's that transcendental crazy spiritual thing and it's really fucking intense. It's got me wondering if he's "The One".

I have questions running around my mind such as: Did I settle? Did I compromise in order to not be on my own anymore? Will I always regret not seeing where this goes? Will I ever feel that degree of intimacy again? This wasn't just sex....The sex was a doorway to some other place. I apologize if this sounds pretentious, believe me I'm not a pretentious person at all but right now my world is rocking.

Thanks again for reading through this, I really appreciate it....It's cathartic for me and helps me get my feelings out in the open (sort of). I don't want or expect any sympathy but again, please don't judge...It feels like there's some really elemental forces at work here.
what you cannot have is always more satisfying and fun, thats why people love having affairs and going cruising. its a rush.

what you have with this other guy is amazing sex, nothing more. is that enough for a life togther? probably not.

ride it out until you get bored but make sure you avoid hurting your current partner.

great relationships are based upon friendships. sex is just sex is amazing sex is just sex
Thanks Pofacedhoe

I'm thinking that riding it out is the only viable option unless I want to be miserable. Of course, taking care not to hurt my partner is a given and I will be very careful. Deep down though, I think life is too short to not see where this goes....It would be a relief if it does turn out to be something of a mirage and I get my balance back again.
I really understand what your talking about and that's why I sort of suggested keeping your new buddy on as a FWB instead of a hook up. See that after a few more encounters these 'I need him' change to 'the sex is great' - wonder who else is in the sauna today -wow he's hot etc.

When you think after playing for so long you found your current BF and knew that he was your soul mate / the first guy you wanted to settle with says a lot about the feelings you had (and still have) for the guy. The only aspect of your situation at home that is frustrating is the sex, you met this guy where the sex is great but your still in your LTR mind set and its VERY easy to think that your new guy could give you everything you have now + Fantastic sex.

You know that you like to play, would this new guy be as understanding with you as your current BF? What happens if he says no if were together there is no more playing / cruising etc. Your sort of back to square one and have thrown away a 9 year relationship with somebody who you clearly love.

Do you not think that the tension at home due to the sex issue may be making you seek more that just sex and this guy just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

I'm sure a lot of couple have the same thing when it comes to sex - one is horny the other one isn't, you have sex just for the sake of it.

When you met your bf - what was it about him that made you think, this is more than sex, this guy is 'The One'. Sexually you have not changed (your bf knew you played, your still playing) so is this new guy really that different?

What I would do - stay with BF, see where the relationship leads with the new guy, then I would follow my heart (not my dick).

I hope you don't mind me saying this (and don't take it the wrong way), your happy to go cruising when your horny, your BF doesn't really like it so when he is horny he turns to you. You may not be in the mood but would you rather him go cruising for empty/risky sex (or possibly meet his 'number one') than snuggled up next to you? Is the sex with your BF when your both in the right mood great?

Your in a great relationship with a guy you love and who is 'ok' with you going cruising, the only price you have to 'pay' is that you have to have sex with him sometimes when your not in the mood. Small price to pay if you ask me!
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Hi Bearlove, thanks for responding again and for the great advice....I'm not at all offended in any way and in fact I'm grateful for the chance to talk through it.

I'm in 99% agreement with everything you just said. I'm really lucky to have an understanding partner who lets me go and play, although I was always honest with him from the word go, saying I couldn't do a monogamous relationship. If he hadn't been able to live with that, we wouldn't have got together. It's worked fine for 9 years.....Not once during that time have I met someone who I'd consider ending this relationship for....The casual sex and cruising has largely been about thrill seeking or stroking my stupid male ego, I'll be the first to admit that.

Up until now that is. You asked about my sex life at home when I am in the mood and the honest answer is that it's OK, but a bit shallow. My partner has a fairly narrow repertoire....He loves giving oral and is very passive, and as long as he can get me off that way he's happy. There are times when I just think it's all about my cock for him, and usually sex lasts for about 20 minutes. He doesn't really do affection without it having sexual overtones which is OK most of the time, but there are also times when everyone just needs a good old cuddle up. I often feel that I'm better at supporting him when he's going through a rough time with something than he is with me in that respect. Often if I'm having a bit of a downer, he keeps out of the way so as to avoid "upsetting me more" when really what I want is to be grabbed hold of and reassured....That's what I do with him when the situation is reversed. I think he likes the idea of me being the strong one which is OK usually but nobody can be that all the time.

The contrast with the new guy is stark in this respect. I'm versatile in bed, and although he takes the more passive role, he's very passionate and proactive about things. Also, roles don't really seem to matter in this situation. Basically I'd go along with whatever he wanted to do if it meant keeping that connection open between us, who does what feels just like a means to an end really. Then there's the fact that after a climax, we just carry on because the journey is so enjoyable who cares about the destination if you get my meaning.

Since I saw him last week, I've not been tempted to go looking for a quick encounter somewhere else and in fact I feel a bit repulsed by the idea. Right now it feels like casual sex is just some poor imitation of what sex can or should be, which I guess is true but life's usually a bit more complicated than that when you're in possession of a male sex drive. I haven't just wanted one guy like this since I was much younger and I thought I'd gotten too old and cynical to ever feel like it again.

Anyway, I'll stop with the schmultz and end on a realistic note. Despite being deeply, scarily, wonderfully confused about things at the moment, I haven't taken leave completely of my senses. I know this could wear off, and your point about making assumptions that I could have the great sex and some kind of instant ready made Long Term relationship comparable to what I have now is absolutely on the money. There's so much I don't know about this guy really....It's one of the quirks of the gay world that so often we get to know someone so well physically before we really know too much of their character.

Thanks again for taking the time to follow the thread and offering advice, I really appreciate it. BTW, given your forum name are you an admirer of hirsute guys, a hirsute guy yourself or is it just a coincidence?
Sorry to post like were talking in a bar but - you previously said your not that much into anal (without the prep) etc - have you and your guy not just somehow got your wires crossed in the middle/gone a bit offtrack of what you want / what you 'need' - what gets you off? When you have been with a guy for a few years (9 in your case) you can both get a bit lazy/too comfortable in your routine (you like your guy to have enema / you like to take enema yourself). You know when your cuddled up on the sofa and think - I really fancy a good old fucking - telling your partner to go wash his ass out can take the fun out of it / him asking you to do so could be awkward or simply remove the spontaneity of sex (for some people). When your meeting a guy for a one off then you prep just in case (and hope they do also).

You have a new connection with a guy that ticks a lot of your boxes - your BF ticked these boxes for you at some point, can you not 'basically' go along with him sucking you off the few times (when your not that into it) that gives him pleasure for the other stuff that you share? Why not start to be a bit more assertive at home? Prep ready for your BF to get home, get him to fuck you. Txt him in the afternoon telling him - when I get In I'm going to fuck your brains out - be ready ! Meet up in a cruising area - mess about with a few guys then fuck each other stupid ?

If I may ask you another personal question - with which guy do you feel your having 'casual' sex with ?

My username / 'Bear' Flag in rainbow colors is not a coincidence ;)

(If you fancy a chat via PM please feel free to contact me :))
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