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What did you do to get off your butt today? vs. "Butt's off the floor!"

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Abs and Assets class
15 bicep curls 7.5 lbs x3
15 hammer curls 7.5 lbs x3
15 standing shoulder presses 5 lbs x3
8 forward and lateral raises 5 lbs x3
12 tricep rows and kickbacks 5 lbs x3
15 lower back extensions with 10 lbs x3
7 repetitions high intensity interval training.

3 sets (each side) of whatever that lat exercise with dumbbells is where you lean one knee on the bench and pull the dumbbell up parallel to your body. 12 reps on first and third, 11 on second. Slightly too light for me I suppose, still have to move it up another 2.5 lbs to tweak it (I'm still new to weight lifting, I've done nice things with bicep curls and dumbbell presses, but the less glamorous exercises need to be done for the sake of balance, I am finding out). I fucking hate these things, but lats don't seem to present many options, at least with dumbbells.

2 sets of 16 dumbbell shrugs, at wayyyy to light a weight. I need my brother to send me those plates before I move up.

Meant to do my shoulders as well as my back but I'm too damn lazy. Also, those deadlifts I did for the first time 3 days ago are still killing me. I'll try to work in shoulders tomorrow along with my general arm workout (where they used to be before I added my back workout in and learned the hard way that I should work out my rotator cuff).
20 min bike
Planks 1 min each
12 lunges with 7.5 lbs x4
15 squats (without exercise ball- I want to do real squats eventually) x4
20 glute bridges x3
12 lower back extensions with 10 lbs x2

I think my form is off on my lunges though. I lose my balance trying to watch myself in the mirror and do them at the same time.


they're my go-to for all form issues
Lolol apparently no hotlinking allowed.

See how his knee goes beyond his ankle? I always thought that your shin should be perpendicular to the ground and not extend farther than your ankle. But a lot of the other gifs show the same thing, that means I'm not doing things wrong then.

it just depends how far forward you plant your front foot, and how deep you take your knee - both of which just depend on your strength / flexibility

what do you mean no hotlinking? there should be a gif and a link is it not working?
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it just depends how far forward you plant your front foot, and how deep you take your knee - both of which just depend on your strength / flexibility

Sweet, I was concerned that I had been doing them incorrectly and wasn't getting the full benefit. Or increasing my probability of injury.

what do you mean no hotlinking? there should be a gif and a link is it not working?

It was initially a gif of this guy saying pwned, same when I tried.

7 reps high intensity interval training

30 pushups

50 bicycle crunches

Assume 8-12 reps for the following:

3 sets of dumbbell presses

3 sets of two-arm triceps extensions

3 sets of hammer curls
bicycle crunches?

and 1/2mi ocean swim, maybe a 2mi bike ride(did a new bike setup yesterday and did a terrible job tuning it, no real rides yet :( )
bicycle crunches?

and 1/2mi ocean swim, maybe a 2mi bike ride(did a new bike setup yesterday and did a terrible job tuning it, no real rides yet :( )


Most effective ab exercise possible. Really good for upper abs and obliques, in particular. Would recommend. Although I think there are people in this thread that do them and just call them bicycles?
1 hour of vinyasa yoga.
It was alright, my first time doing yoga again after four-ish years.
I missed it but I'm super rusty.
Um... I think I went walking a couple days ago, not sure how far.

Pushups and pull ups, bicycles, squats, shoulder push ups two days ago.

Three sprints yesterday.

Catching up on bills today (hardest workout of all!).
5 mile trail run cut short by another tumble. Cut up my hand meat, left leg and arm, and back.
I got 3 miles in. Muthafucker!
25.5mi bike (6.5mi playing around with new parts and adjusting, then 19mi once tuned. new setup is stupid fast, loving it)
Abs and Assets. The sub looked like a Russian Barbie but holy crap it was intense, I would definitely take a class with her again.
10 bicep curls with 7.5 lbs x4
10 hammer curls with 7.5 lbs x4
8 lateral and forward raises with 5 lbs x4
10 standing shoulder presses with 5 lbs x4
10 tricep rows and kickbacks with 7.5 lbs x2
Its going pretty well so far, Skype is a lifesaver <3
But now that he's going out to the rig Skype may be a little tricky.
And yes, so much more time for the gym. I like it, and I have to be able to lift heavy things without him here.
^ The trucker's life! Have him get wireless access when he gets enough money to afford it.

Two mile brisk walk, holding probably 40 pounds in groceries.
Three mile calm walk, enjoying the surroundings.
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