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What did you do to get off your butt today? vs. "Butt's off the floor!"

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the same thing i do everyday. i have a 24 hour wal mart and grocery store 2 blocks from my apartment and instead of stocking up on food/snacks instead whenever i want a snack i simply go for a walk to buy them and do this aprox 2-7 times daily. i havent owned a car since 05 so i dont have a real choice and personally i dont find walking 3-5 miles total per day all that exhausting
ran along the river this morning for 30 minutes then walked to the city and back, my calfs are going to be in pain town tmrw
Woke up did my 5 tibetan rites, before cracking on with my bruce lee abs/lats exercises...then a spar with my stepfather, so now my nose is pretty sensitive, and I can't close my mouth on the left side properly - he got a real good shot to my jaw early on...followed by a short ISO session...now just doing another short ISO session after 30 mins astanga asana followed by 25 calf raises, 50 shrugs and 25 squats.

I will finish the day just after dinner with the rest of my back/chest workout. Doing half the full set of Isometrics today, it's fucking hot, and I'm knackered.
Three-ish hours of walking because we're held up on making another appointment to drop off our load to Walmart distribution.
Went for a 2 mile run. 90 sit ups with reps from the 10 pound weights after every 15 sit ups.
Started three weeks ago and I all ready can see new muscles!!! went from the 5 to 10 pound weights today.
roughly 20 minute warm up and then 5 repeats of somewhere around 800-900m? @ 5k race pace. bout 1 minute rest, maybe less... did it with the high school team. not hard, but exhilarating.
Biked ~9 miles round trip. In-between (I was biking to the track) I ran for 15 minutes and stretched for 30.
Yesterday, Full Body Workout. 40mins (including pauses), burnt approx. 700kcal. That was fun :)
Spin Class this morning and a long walk in the countryside this afternoon on what may well be one of the last days of Summer!!
yesterday- 30 or 45m shredding on the bmx
today- 30m jog; about to go dance (4hr shift)
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