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Dissociatives What are your findings on dissociative afterglow?

I'd like to report that O-TCE aka. Tiletamine (without the zolazepam) is very much like O-PCE, including the 3 weeks of antidepressant effect after use.
I'd like to report that O-TCE aka. Tiletamine (without the zolazepam) is very much like O-PCE, including the 3 weeks of antidepressant effect after use.
I didn’t find intranasal Tiletamine to produce such a long lasting antidepressant effect. A day or two, perhaps (but admittedly it wasn’t independently tested).
At one point dxms after glow would last the better part of a week. With increased use I’d end up having rebound anxiety(?) and be agitated the following days, from the same batch which used to produce positive after effects
I didn’t find intranasal Tiletamine to produce such a long lasting antidepressant effect. A day or two, perhaps (but admittedly it wasn’t independently tested).
At one point dxms after glow would last the better part of a week. With increased use I’d end up having rebound anxiety(?) and be agitated the following days, from the same batch which used to produce positive after effects
yeah i've had the same kind of experiences with dxm
Having had afterglows from a number of things it makes me wonder how much is chemical or psychological. Different drugs can and do stay in the system for days. But when something like DMT causes an aftergow we know it is out of the brain in 10 minutes yet can cause a few days of lightness.

I do have to use a benzo at the end of a psychedelic trip these days to sleep. But I can still feel the afterglow the next day from say LSD or mushrooms. That is at least only using etizolam or alprazolam so maybe the short action helps. I did use valium once and woke up still groggy.

But yeah, does an afterglow happen because a chemical is still on our system or we "cleaned out the cobwebs" and feel that lightness for having experienced something. I am willing to bet there are different reasons for afterglows based on the substance. But it is an interesting topic. Too bad our whole life can't be an afterglow. ;)
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I didn’t find intranasal Tiletamine to produce such a long lasting antidepressant effect. A day or two, perhaps (but admittedly it wasn’t independently tested).
At one point dxms after glow would last the better part of a week. With increased use I’d end up having rebound anxiety(?) and be agitated the following days, from the same batch which used to produce positive after effects

I plugged. Intranasal is not ideal.
I plugged. Intranasal is not ideal.
I found IN to be rather compulsive (read, I’m rather compulsive with dissos and the IN roa) and I burned through 500mg in a few extended sessions. I will def try IR with my next round of trials
Kind of but not really, at least not in traditional sense with NMDA antagonism. Salvia has completely different pharmacological profile and, imo, is as much of a dissociative as something like DMT is.
If NMDA defines a dissociative, then Iboga would be a dissociative (among many other things). And in which case, the iboga afterglow might top anything else... hehe, but an unfair comparison.
How much leaves do you weight for your tea ? How long do you let it infuse? Or maybe is it extract that you use ?
I don't weigh it. Try a small handful of leaves, not extract (or try some 1x). I put it in a small pot, heat up the water until the water turns dark-ish, and the leaves start foaming at the top. Then strain it, and add a peppermint tea bag. Hold it in your mouth.
I don't weigh it. Try a small handful of leaves, not extract (or try some 1x). I put it in a small pot, heat up the water until the water turns dark-ish, and the leaves start foaming at the top. Then strain it, and add a peppermint tea bag. Hold it in your mouth.
thank you a lot for that !
you have never had a dissociative more anesthetic than intrarectal Tiletamine, you just collapse into a singularity <3
Wait are we talking hangovers or afterglows? lol The way so many have different ideas as to what gives them the best aftergow I believe one mans afterglow may be another mans hangover.
Are your experiences with Tiletamine recent ? I've always liked the way the molecule looks, plus the name is cool haha
what comparison would you make between K and that ? between oxo-pce and that ?
If i could i'd get some but it seems pretty rare nowadays
Wait are we talking hangovers or afterglows? lol The way so many have different ideas as to what gives them the best aftergow I believe one mans afterglow may be another mans hangover.

lol! i personally never experienced NMDA rebound so the afterglows were a positive experience for me.