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What Are You Reading V.3 At The Fourth Grade Level

On the trail of Genghis Khan - Tim Cope

Travel book by an Aussie guy who decides to ride from Mongolia to Hungary, across Kazahkstan and Russia. He was 24 when he started and had ridden a horse three times in his life. He thought it might take just over a year. It took nearly four. At the beginning he gets given a gift of a dog. The dog runs all the way with him. 10000km (6000+ miles). He's trying to recreate a nomadic lifestyle now largely killed off by politics from Stalin onwards.

A lot of it is interesting history though it could do with a bit more of his personal journey adventures. You also have practically no empathy with him until right near the end as he makes wrong after wrong decision. Still, 400 pages and anyone looking for a solid read and to learn about parts of the world you probably know sweet FA about, well worth it.

I read that - quite good and readable (bear in mind i'm quite jaded when it comes to time travel-type books). Another time-travel books i read recently: 'In times like these' - this was ok, but pretty standard time travel fare - not as good as Harry August. (to follow the theme) Not read recently, but Time Ships by Stephen Baxter is an excellent sequel to H G Wells' time machine - like lots of stephen baxter, it's mind blowing in scale (maybe not so mindblowing in characterisation), but totally opens out from the original (it was apparently approved by the wells estate) - you don't need to read the original first (well i didn't). One of my favourite time travel books is 'A bridge of Years' by Robert Charles Wilson; not for any original time travel mechanics, but just beacuse of his excellent writing and characters (his other books are good too, esperially Darwinia and Spin).

Just finishing Blood Music by Greg Bear (i'm going through slightly old school sci fi that i missed or that i read when i used the library) - a quite good story about some scientist who makes his cells individually intelligent (so his body contains trillions of consciousnesses), which then quickly take over america. Quite good yarn (though i'm pretty sure cells are already conscious and collectively make up the ground of our consciousness).

Next i've got Theodore Sturgeon's 'More than Human' - i've read a few sturgeon short stories and they always stood out for the 'literary' quality (whatever that means) they brought to sci fi, but never a book - apparently he's a sci fi writer's sci fi writer - a heavy influence on M John Harrison. I'll have to see if this outweighs it being so old (1950s) - though not all sci fi dates terribly (i still like reading like john wyndham's stuff).

After that there's a couple of Phillip K Dicks i never got round to ('Flow My Tears, the policeman said' and 'The penmultimate truth') - even when they date i still like reading dick (ooer)

(yes, i have a sci fi addiction - not long back i did start bernard cornwell's Winter King (historical fiction about king arthur, but a bit more historical than Mists of Avalon (though that's excellent too), and i will return to it in a fallow sci fi period)

Oooh i forgot, there's a new Ken Macleod book out (the corporation wars) which will probably bump up my queue.
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I just finished The Love Dove Generation by Billy "Daniel" Bunter. I preordered this ages ago and therefore got a signed copy, but have only just got around to reading it (mostly because it's not a Kindle and because of that feels kinda inconvenient these days, maybe that's a bit sad but I read 10x as much now I have an instant portal to reading material on tap). When it came I thought it was a bit sloppy that the autograph was upside down in the back of the book, but having now read it, that kinda suits his writing style.

Still, it's a relatively interesting perspective on the early 90s raver scene from Bunter himself as well as a few other DJs and promoters etc who also contributed to the book. Whether or not you're a fan of the guy, his music and career pathway in general, you have to give him credit for what he managed to create for himself from practically nothing I reckon.
I read that - quite good and readable (bear in mind i'm quite jaded when it comes to time travel-type books).

I'm enjoying it, really interesting and I'll probably have it finished this week.
I just read Mr Smiley again. Took 6 hours. Not as good as Mr Nice but a good read. Hard to say if its based on fact unlike Mr Nice but it's certainly interesting. Clearly the MDMA trade is inhabited by some very evil people. RIP Howard Marks
I've just finished reading the latest post in this thread.

I don't know what's next - all part of the excitement of exploring 'the undiscovered country' on my journey through this world....

Mr Smiley is on the list but I'm saving it until I next get abroad (whenever the fuck that is) as due to my prolonged and chaotic domestic situation there are far too many half finished books in the house I need to go back to - and I really don't want to have any interruption once I have the privilege to read this wonderful mans final thoughts and feelings about the experiences he has had in his life.

EDIT: I don't think it would be very good for my rehab reading list once the time arrives so it's probably better saved until all of that is out of the way and I'm sitting in 90 degree sunshine somewhere.
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I just finished The Love Dove Generation by Billy "Daniel" Bunter. I preordered this ages ago and therefore got a signed copy, but have only just got around to reading it (mostly because it's not a Kindle and because of that feels kinda inconvenient these days, maybe that's a bit sad but I read 10x as much now I have an instant portal to reading material on tap). When it came I thought it was a bit sloppy that the autograph was upside down in the back of the book, but having now read it, that kinda suits his writing style.

Still, it's a relatively interesting perspective on the early 90s raver scene from Bunter himself as well as a few other DJs and promoters etc who also contributed to the book. Whether or not you're a fan of the guy, his music and career pathway in general, you have to give him credit for what he managed to create for himself from practically nothing I reckon.

Have been considering whether to buy this book. Sounds's like it's worth a go from your review. Isn't the bloke from Activ-8 also releasing a book?
I just finished The Love Dove Generation by Billy "Daniel" Bunter. I preordered this ages ago and therefore got a signed copy, but have only just got around to reading it (mostly because it's not a Kindle and because of that feels kinda inconvenient these days, maybe that's a bit sad but I read 10x as much now I have an instant portal to reading material on tap). When it came I thought it was a bit sloppy that the autograph was upside down in the back of the book, but having now read it, that kinda suits his writing style.

Still, it's a relatively interesting perspective on the early 90s raver scene from Bunter himself as well as a few other DJs and promoters etc who also contributed to the book. Whether or not you're a fan of the guy, his music and career pathway in general, you have to give him credit for what he managed to create for himself from practically nothing I reckon.

I forgot you made this post Josh - as both a fanatical obsessive on the subject AND a personal fan of Mr Bunter after seeing him countless times throughout the 90's as his style of music evolved from his original hardcore and subsequent happycore periods - through to the fantasticly progressive hard dance and trance that he was caning at the likes of Helter Skelter and that, even before Gatecrasher and Godskitchen took ownership of that sort of thing bringing the sound out of the H/C + D&B rave scene and into the mainstream superclub settings-

there is absolutely no excuse why I don't already own this book. I'm off over to amazon.
The Genus Claviceps, by Vladimir Kren and Ladislav Cvak.

Thinking I might buy a copy of Faye Kane's book, if any publishers actually are still willing to carry such material.
If any members just want to hurl abuse at each other there are plenty of other places to do it on the internet rather than hijack and derail a topical thread.

What are you reading?

Version 3 I might add.....
No worries stee, I'll hurl abuse at him by PM next time I notice him being a fucking cryptorchid son of a wh....I mean, posting:p
Or create a thread specifically so he doesn't forget his egregious degree of wankerdom. post him a tender, loving message of scrotummuncherdom, that way other threads don't get derailed.

Currently still reading TGC, as well as 'bad pharma' by ben goldacre, and looking something up in the BNF.

Thats the books made of real paper I'm reading, online reading some stuff about clavicipitalean endophytes in grasses.
No worries stee, I'll hurl abuse at him by PM next time I notice him being a fucking cryptorchid son of a wh....I mean, posting:p
Or create a thread specifically so he doesn't forget his egregious degree of wankerdom. post him a tender, loving message of scrotummuncherdom.

As a suggestion - why don't you just not do that? Most of us in EADD do not care about how low you can go with an insult and tbh 'I raped your mom/sister/brother/disabled grandmother - gave them aids - murdered them etc' just gets very tedious to read. I'm a bit wasted so if you think your posting to 4chan then - try 'The Lounge'
As a suggestion - why don't you just not do that? Most of us in EADD do not care about how low you can go with an insult and tbh 'I raped your mom/sister/brother/disabled grandmother - gave them aids - murdered them etc' just gets very tedious to read. I'm a bit wasted so if you think your posting to 4chan then - try 'The Lounge'
What Bear said.
Apologies. I'd just come to the end of my rope with that prick. Guy's been abusing me here, issuing threats by PM implying violence. I was wasted, and not that that makes it an excuse, it certainly did make it more likely for me to snap at fuckwit back there and lose my rag with him. Gobbing off is one thing, if he does it, he better be able to take what he dishes out. Since some of the shite I've had to take from that shitbag clemfandango has been via PM, the threats in particular, the rest of you have been unable to see them. Reported the last one today, and IMO chances are the temporary ban will become a permanent one.

At any rate I most sincerely hope so, because I have had ENOUGH of his shit-stirring. What have I ever done to him? to the best of my knowledge, I had never even interacted with this singularly nasty user, and if I did, I certainly, certainly did nothing whatsoever to earn the vitriol that has been coming my way. I don't come here to be mocked and abused. But neither do I do so to others, who have not first initiated the unpleasantness. I, like anyone else, do not appreciate being spoken to in the manner of clemfandango's shite, and like anybody else there is only so much I am going to take before telling him to get fucked, and no, perhaps I shouldn't have said some of the things I did say on the open forum, but I defy anyone here to say honestly, that he truly did not deserve being called out. I gave only what I was given.

As for the lounge, I don't go there, it seems to be inhabited by complete bellends. Only this week I got a PM from one of the MODS, asking me to come in and vote for a user to ban.
Had to tell him, basically, that I am not going to take part in such treatment of anyone here, and tell him to go get fucked, and never again befoul my PM inbox.
..... has been via PM, the threats in particular, the rest of you have been unable to see them. Reported the last one today....

If you have any further PM's with this sort of content Limpet I implore you to report them as well. We cannot take action without actually reading these sorts of threats, which I explained when I asked you to report the last one.

Right - my apologies for making the thread go O/T - books books books please.......!

haven't read this one yet but its in the post and i can't wait (the last time i was this excited for a parcel to arrive it was full of etizolam)