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Social What are you currently reading?


Still tediously, yet gratifyingly working my way through Orientalism. But since that work is so epistemologically taxing I'm picking up yet another oral history of punk rock music, a subject for which I am a total sucker.
Reading is a waste of the time I could use for sleeping.
Before deciding this I emptied several small libraries of their fiction,sci fi & fantasy books.
I just found a huge cache of amazing books. I have so much on my plate atm :








I'm all booked up for quite some time I think. I'll be starting with Morrie as I make my way through various international airports this month.
recent reads:
escape from camp 14
a scanner darkly
a clockwork orange (again)
zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (again again)

there have been others, but i can't recall atm.
currently reading:
the shining
and on audiobook (during walks/gym) i am almost finished with the brothers karamazov

i'm eating fiction atm.
Rereading Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for an essay I'm writing on it. Will probably do Ulysses afterwards.
finished audiobook the brothers karamasov, and now also just finished the quicky but goodie flatland.

what next. ... .hmmm

slowly getting through shining, it shares my commuting time with mandarin lessons and playing with ios music software.
Reality and Empathy - Alex Comfort (about 1/4 of way through)
The Power of Now Eckhart Tollie (about 3/4 way through)
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics - Ning Lu and William Likos (More as a reference for my current field of study)

My favorite book for spring

for those who have read it:
This book is at its best when the Nurse dealing with her waning authority calls upon her higher power to cure Red which makes a vegetable of him.
A song of ice & fire, watched the TV series and just had to find out what would happen next! On the 4th book now I think. Its to damn engaging though, every night for the past week i've had the mental conversation "should really go to bed now, its really late. Oh just ONE more chapter"
Well right now I am reading a combination of lecture notes, BL, FB and working with the following formulas:


Oh aussie, you make me so happy I'm studying english <3

I'm re-reading Milton's Paradise Lost, as well as Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge and Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia.